Act Like A Guy.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hello there!
This will be the last chapter for the year 2017 and from now until late Jan 2018 the story will be under editing so I will not be updating until 1 Fed 2018.
I do apoligise but I just feel that some improvements could be made and plenty of mistakes need to be correct.
Anyways I do hope everyone enjoys this last chapter for 2017 and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Years.
Chapter 45.


(___)'s POV

I sat at my work station, my mind deeply focused on the final minor touches I added to one of my smaller side project.

The 42 cal I held in my hand sported my signature pattern design, the swirls curling on both sides of the barrel while the custom magazine had my initials embedded at the bottom. An artists always signs their work.

The bullets were of course custom made but I had decided that normal bullets were enough for this one. The design and workings were simple so why not go for a simple bullet?

I pushed away from the table and stretched my arms high above my head, hearing several vertebrae pop back into place brought a sense of satisfaction over me as I relaxed again. My eyes traveled over to the large clock that ticked away on the wall.

'Past 12 already?' I asked aloud, wiggling some feeling back into my legs as my feet had started feeling a bit lame a few hours before.

When everyone had received the news that there would be another attack the next day everyone had kicked themselves into overdrive. Everyone had a role to play when it came to repairing the sub and sticking with the maintenance routine everyone had come to know.

Myself was included into that routine considering I was a lot stronger than I looked as well as my engineering skills and abilities. I had accepted the job very enthusiastically when Penguin had approached me and I was also very willing to learn more about the intricate workings and mechanics that made the Sub actually go. Yes, I may have built a Mini Sub on my own but that was very different compared the large yellow submarine we all called our Home.

Blowing out a breath I pushed my chair all the back before planting my feet on the floor, shaking a bit more feeling into my legs before I stood up completely. Once I was sure I wouldn't face plant onto my work station I began to clear up any tools that laid around before locking up and securing everything where they belonged.

'How do you still have the energy to clean?'

I turned around and my eyes fell upon the restrained fishman who had been watching me work since that morning. At first it was a bit uncomfortable but I soon grew accustom to his eyes following me around as I worked, his stares weren't creepy but they felt more like a curious child interested in how something worked.

'It's routine for me to clean up after myself. I'm not a child' I said, using my hip to close one of the draws before returning to my work station and setting right anything that seemed out of place.

'I never said you were. It's just you've been up since the early hours of the morning, yet you still have the energy to last the entire day and most of the night with little to nothing in your system. How'd you do it?' he asked as his eyes still followed me around.

'It's no secret' I confessed, shrugging as I slipped my goggles off of my forehead and placed them in my work station's drawer before closing and locking it. 'I'm just used to having little sleep'.

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