They Had Us.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hey there 😊
Hope ya'll are having an amazing June and all.😆
Song: Nightcore - Dark horse x ET [Switching vocals] Mashup.😎
This song is so awesome to listen to when you're reading because it's so chilled. But that's just what I think so you don't have to listen to me and use your own discretion.🙂
Anyways enjoy.😛
Chapter 32.😄

Law's POV

Another explosion was set off and guessing that the submarine's resident troublemakers had brought their own ammunition I just simply shrugged it off as I leaned back in the chair I occupied. I was exhausted.

The Grand Hall had become something of a massacre. What once was a lavishly decorated room was now a display of total carnage. Blood and bodies littered the ground in a very artistic way if I must say.

Well, it just total carnage until the youngest of (___)'s friends, Etsuko I believe, decided on rearranging the dead bodies by dragging them then from one place to the other until she was satisfied with how her "masterpiece" looked.

'Aren't you supposed to be in the New World already?'

I turned my gaze towards the voice and my gaze landed on the woman we had seen by the bar earlier, Minori.

'I got side tracked' I simple said as I turned my gaze back to the brown haired girl.

'Oh really? And what could possibly have side tracked the infamous "Surgeon of Death"?' She said as she crossed her arms over her chest and cocked her hips to the side.

I turned my gaze back to her and I noted that she no longer wore her the feathery head gear. Instead her wild curly black hair framed her slender face, making her cheek bones more prominent and her  hazel eyes seem bigger.

'I have a set out a goal for myself that I wish to achieve before I can move on with my quest for One Piece Minori-ya' I said before turning back to Etsuko.

She raised a brow at my statement but said nothing more as she turned her gaze to her junior.

'(___) is not going to be happy about her playing with dead bodies' she sighed before she unclipped her spear from her back and sat crossed leg on the floor next to my chair.

'Aren't you going to stop her?'

'Ha! And risk getting knifes and daggers thrown at me for a week? No thank you'.

Out of the corner of my left eye I could see Shoma and Leo making their way towards where we were.

'Evening Captain' Shoma greeted before his gaze turned to the woman to my right. 'Evening Miss'.

Minori just gaze him a lazy wave and a small smile as her gaze was fixated on what her friend was doing.

'Anything to report?' I asked as I started seeing what the younger girl was making.

'Aye Captian. All the nobles are rounded up and are currently being kept in the foyer. Word from outside says that Marines are nowhere to be seen on the shores or anywhere around the island. The parts are already on their way to the Sub and everyone outside is moving further away from the mansion in order to get a wider perimeter of the area'.

I hummed in thought as I processed his words. 'Anything else?'

He thought for a second before he turned to Leo who nodded. 'Ryuu woke up and is running around look for (___)-san'.

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