I'm A Pirate Woman.

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Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to things not making sense or spelling errors.
Anyways enjoy.
The video is so short yet so sexy.
Chapter 8.

(Y/n)'s POV

As I looked at the three men standing cross from me with their noses bleeding and faces red I considered turning my threat towards Trafalgar on them. I crossed my arms over my chest and swung my hips to the right as I glared at them.

'Honestly, anyone heard of knocking?' I spat.

My statement seemed to bring them out of whatever trance my body put them in and they immediately dropped into a bow.

'We're sorry for barging in!' They apologised in unison.

As they bowed I took the opportunity to put my jumper on and cover myself. Just to cover my chest, since they seemed to be so fascinated by it.

'Shachi-ya, as you can see (___)-ya is awake and I was about to give her physical assessment. Now, do you mind explaining to me why you three are barging into my office?' Trafalgar's stormy eyes narrowed.

His three subordinates suddenly looked very uncomfortable as they straightened up.

Just then I scanned the two crewmates that barged in with Shachi.

The one on his right was tall and lean, yet the built outline of his body showed as his uniform was fitted without looking uncomfortable, he sported a plain black ball cap with the letter 'S' in white on it with a unruly mess of blonde hair sticking out and with eyes of almost emerald green. The guy to Shachi's left was more or less the same height as him. He had a small frame and his uniform seemed to drown him a bit, with his green and blue beanie covering his hair and golden-ish eyes he looked around about 16.

'It okay, Trafalgar' I said as I gave them a small smile. 'No one got hurt or anything' them seemed to physically relax by my statement.

'I am well aware of that (___)-ya. That still doesn't mean that they can barg into my office at anytime' his crewmates tensed up again as they sensed their Captain's anger.

'Well then, before they leave you can atleast introduce them to me, Captain' I suggested as I walked towards them.

I, myself felt Trafalgar's anger decrease by a fraction. I calmed myself as well since I was still upset about them seeing me half naked.

'Step forward as I introduce you' Trafalgar ordered calmly.

'Thank goodness. Atleast I'm not gonna have an upset doctor check me over. If something happens to me "accidentally" then no one at home would know what happened to me' I thought as my smile dipped slightly.

'Aye Captain!' They replied in unison.

'You already know Shachi-ya, his one of the head mechanics aboard the Sub. On his right is Leo-ya, he is one of our three navigators and on the left is Caleb-ya he is a shipwright. He repairs the exterior of the Sub if needed'.

'Its nice to meet you guys' I smiled once more and they blushed.

'Alright, everyone out' Trafalgar ordered.

After the three left, Trafalgar closed and locked the door. Which I was grateful for since people couldn't come barging in again.

'You sure do have a short temper, Captain' I removed my jumper once again as well as my skirt. I now stood in my plain black bra with (f/c) panties.

'Mind you (___)-ya that this is my crew and if I see they need to be punished for something that they have done then I will see it through' he said bluntly.

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