Let them come.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hey there beautiful people!
I hope everyone is doing well this marvelous December because I know I am since my birthday is right around the corner.
Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys this festive season.
Chapter 44.

(___)'s POV

Once we were back aboard the Sub everyone praised me for what I had done before they all surrounded Ryuu, who had bragged the fishman in by his ankle before nonchalantly leaving him in the middle of the floor before he announced that he was going to change.

The new fishman's chest rose and fell as he laid there, the fins on the side of his head occasionally twitching as someone walked passed him or talked loudly. His bronze colored skin or scales reflected the light that shun from the lights above the loading bay where his wife beater and three quarter shorts weren't covering his skin/scales. The fin atop his head looked to be shaped in the form of a mohawk, that now sagged to the side with him being out of the water. It wasn't until he actually woke up that I had discovered that his eyes were a deep shade of purple mixed with a much softer green.

I watched from afar as they tied him to a chair before checking his pockets to see if he held any concealed weapons that would help him escape, once he woke up of course. I dragged my eyes from the small group that surrounded the fishman to the large clock that was mounted onto the loading bay's wall.

It was well passed 8 in the morning and my body was now starting to feel the effects of not having had enough sleep. Everyone was on duty due to the damage the Sub had taken and they all were working as fast as they could just to get it up and running again in case of the event that the fishmen returned for their captured comrade.

I stretched my arms high above my head as a yawn escaped my mouth, deciding it would be best for me to get some caffeine into my system before I fell asleep standing. I made my way out of the loading bay and to the girl's shared room to change out of my pajamas and into my uniform. Once that was done I made my way to the gallery where I found Captain sitting in his usually seat with just what I needed. 

'Good morning~' I said sweetly as I planted myself in his lap before taking his mug into my own hands and taking a sip. 'Ugh! Bittersweet as usual Trafalgar'.

He rolled his eyes before sharing his displeasure about me stealing his coffee.

'I can't help it if I need caffeine and I'm too lazy to go get my own. Plus, it's not like you dislike me sitting in your lap' I said laying my head on his shoulder after I placed his mug down onto the table.

'I don't disagree with you there' he said, his usual smirk etching onto his face as he wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on my temple. 'This morning has been absolutely horrid and I did not appreciate you ordering me around earlier'. 

'I'll pay for our date if that makes up for it and we could have it anywhere you want'.

He sighed before he reached for his coffee and brought it to his lips, his eyes closing as he let the liquid flow down his throat.

I watched him as he lowered the mug before he seemed to relax further into his chair, his hold on me growing a bit slack. I smiled as I tilted my head back and pressed my lips to his jaw.

This caused him to open his eyes and look down at me as the rare sight of a genuine smile appeared on his face.

He pressed his lips to my own in a sweet kiss. The sound of him putting his mug back down on the table didn't even process through my head before he rested one hand on my hip and the other behind my head, deepening the kiss as I placed my hand on his cheek.

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