Resident Females.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hey there beautiful people!
Hope ya'll are having an amazing July and what not and if you're having a hard time then I hope your problems get resolved quickly.
Song: Nightcore - Killer.
Anyways you guys can enjoy this crap.
Chapter 35, like what?

Law's POV

After having a late breakfast with Bepo, I had decided on checking up on how our resident females were coping with their new positions on the Sub. They had seemed very confident in their abilities so it was only natural that I checked if they were being earnest or not.

Firstly I had to checked on Chie, since I hadn't been to the control room that morning.

Walking down the hallway to the control room I realized just how tired I actually was when I had finally had a chance to think. 

That morning I woke up with a start at the sound of Bepo worriedly banging on my door in a panic when he had not received an answer after ten minutes. I had fallen out of bed just to make sure the worried polar bear didn't kick down my door.

I had over slept due to another late night researching and searching in my office, and of course I had gotten back to my room in the early hours of the morning.

'Captain, do you want me to get you another cup of coffee?' Bepo asked as we approached the control room door.

I looked at him and I realized that I had slowed in my step to lean against the corridor wall. 'That would be much appreciated Bepo-ya' I said, pushing myself away from the wall and finally making my way inside the control room. 

'Morning Captain' everyone saluted in unison as the noticed me walk in.

I tried to suppress my yawn as I took my seat. 'Morning'.

'Late night?' Chie asked as she walked up to me with a few maps in her hands.

'Yeah, you can say that. How's the adjustment going?' I asked, adjusting myself as I had begun to slide down my seat.

'It's not really that big of a change. (___) had said it was just a change in routine and the fact that I'd be working with new faces' she said, placing the maps down on the table in front of us. 'She was right, of course, and despite the odd occasional failed attempts at flirting with me everyone is really sweet'.

'I thought you said it was working' I heard Ren say in disbelief before I turned around to see him on all fours as a cloud of depression formed over him.

'I said it could be working' Yori said as he tried to comfort his depressed crew mate by patting his back.

Chie chuckled before she turned back to maps before her. 'I'll be honest and say it's been a while since I've actually had to navigate the New World but I can assure you I'm up to the task of getting my "Sea Legs" back'.

'That would be most helpful Chie-ya, since most of my men have never really seen the New World's weather patterns. It's good to have you with us' I said as I slumped back into my seat.

'It's a pleasure to be here, Captain-san' she said as she smiled.

We sat in silence as everyone did what they needed to do. After Bepo arrived with my coffee in hand I had finally started giving orders to everyone.

'What's our heading looking like?' I asked no one in particular before I had taking a sip from my cup.

'Our heading is clear and we are still on our original course, Captain' Leo said from where he stood at the wheel.

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