The Island of Toerusting.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hello to the people of Wattpad😄
Hope you guys had an awesome Halloween👻
Anyways thanks to everyone for over 7k reads😙.
You guys are amazing😢
Enjoy chapter 19.😎

Law's POV

I sat in my office organising and updating everyone's medical files. It was something that was long overdue and adding another file gave me an excuse to get it done. It was calming and the Sub was quiet for once, since everyone was still sporting a mild hangover.

I finished putting the files into their respective places and left my office to the training room where I found Penguin and Shachi sparring.

When they had noticed me they both stopped what they were doing and saluted me. 'Good morning, Captain'.

I nodded my head in response and they both went back to sparring. I walked over to the punching bags and before I started I stripped myself of my shirt, hat and shoes before slipping on a pair on fingerless gloves. Leaving on the sweat pants I had slipped on earlier before I started with my filing.

After an hour and a half of just punching and kicking at the bag I had stopped for a water break when I noticed Takashi walking in.

'Morning Captain' he greeted before heading over to the weights section of the training room.

I nodded my greetings to him before standing and heading back to the punching bags, continuing with what I was doing for another hour with twice the effort.

Once I had deemed my workout enough I headed back to my room where I took a shower and changed into my trademark hoody and jeans. When I had finished I headed to the control room to see if everything was still running smoothly and that we where close by the island.

I walked into the control room find Bepo drawing (or trying to draw) a map of the island while Jean was looking through the kaleidoscope, checking the surrounding area for any signs of trouble.

'Status report' I said as I sat down in my chair.

Bepo looked up from his map work. 'Not much to report, Captain.' A depressed wave fell over him. 'I'm sorry'.

Jean sweatdropped and muttered something about Bepo being weak, like the rest of the crew always did.

I cleared my throat. 'Anyways, make sure  the water surface is clear of anything that could possibly lead the Navy on that we are here then resurface. The crew needs some fresh air from last night's event'.

'Aye Captain'.

After doing as I instructed they resurfaced the Sub. I left the control after saying they had to keep a look out for any threats. I headed above deck and when I had it found the door already open with several of my crew members already hanging over the railing. I walked out into the sunlight and gazed upon the Island of Toerusting.

It looked to be a summer island with alot of vegetation growing around the actual town. I could hear distant cheering, which meant there was some kind of festival going on. Which also meant...

'Captain, can we go see what's happening on the island?' Whined several of my men.

...They were gonna ask me that.

(___)'s POV

After docking my Sub in a cave behind a waterfall at the back of the lagoon, me and the boys walked in silence to my friend's inn.

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