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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Sup guys!
I hope everyone who had celebrated had an awesome Halloween! We don't celebrate in my country but it seems nice from what I've read in books.
Anyways I hope everyone enjoys this chapter.
Chapter 42.

Law's POV

I listened intentively as several crew members shot question after question at (___) as I patched up her back. Sucking my teeth each time I shifted wrong as my nether regions still hurt from when she had kicked me earlier.

After the crew had flipped out on us for not telling them we had unofficially started dating we had returned to the Sub where we had both gone out separate ways to shower before we both headed to the infirmary to get patched up. I had arrived first and had gotten checked over by Ryuu before (___) had arrived with several other crew members following behind her.

After I had dismissed Ryuu I had taken it upon myself to take care of (___), since I felt guilty for hurting her despite the fact that she had landed a very unforgiving low blow.

'I'll probably get her back for that later'.

I knotted up the last stitch on her back before wiping it down with a cotton pad soaked with rubbing alcohol. Noticing her body tense as she sucked in a breath. Mumbling a quick apology before I picked up my instruments and placed them at the cleaning station for Ryuu to clean later. I pulled off my gloves as I walked back over to her, depositing them into the trash next to the bed as I stopped next to it.

'How could you guys not tell us that you were dating?' Penguin asked for what felt like the millionth time.

'Like I said already Penguin. We had to keep it a secret in order to fool everyone so that all this nonsense fighting and bickering amongst us could stop. And look what happened, Takashi calmed down and everyone else had finally accepted us' (___) said, adjusting her bra and pulling her top back on.

'But that still doesn't make up for the fact that you didn't tell us' interjected Etsuko as she puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms over her chest.

'Come on now don't get all cross with me just because I kept something from you. It wasn't important at the time and like I said, again, it was because we had to stop everyone's quarrels' (___) turned around to look at me as a small smile graced her lips.

Her smile may have been so full of energy but her eyes and facial features betrayed her. She was exhausted and all the questioning she was taking was a much bigger toll on her than our match.

So I decided to step in.

'Alright, that's enough. You all need to move on from this and forget about it. What we do in our lives is a need to know basis and you guys did not need to know. Now leave, you're all pushing (___) past the boundaries of exhaustion and its unhealthy. Do I make myself clear?'

They all looked away as a glint of guilt flashed in their eyes. Each of them apologized before saying their good nights and left, the last person closing the infirmary door behind them.

I sighed heavily as I sat down on the edge of (___)'s cot, absentmindedly rubbing my groin where it still ached.

'I'm really sorry about kicking there' I heard (___) mumble.

I turned towards her as she fiddled with a loose strand of fabric from her shorts, a light shade of pink dusting her cheeks.

'I didn't mean for it to hurt so much but it was the only thing I could do at the moment and we had to stick to the plan, right?'

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