Determination and Anger.

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Hey guys!
Hope y'all are doing well and stuff.
I just wanna thank everyone for reading, boring and commenting allowing my story to reach almost 54k! That's more than I could be ever asked for and it's all because of you guys!
Anyways I hope you guys will stay with me until the end.
Chapter 47.

(___) POV

I groaned as I rolled onto my side. Immediately regretting it as I felt a sharp pain shoot through my side, making my toes curl. Fighting through the pain I slowly sat up to take in my surroundings. I was inside a makeshift infirmary.

The equipment was decent and the medication that lined the walls was adequate in treating minor sicknesses or injuries. The spotless white and metal table tops were clean of any clutter or mess, leaving the infirmary to look professional and crisp.

I was alone, Etsuko nowhere to be seen and I was in an unfamiliar place. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, regretting every move I made but I had to find out where I was and just who I was dealing with. Slowly rising from the bed I clutched at my side as the bandage around my head made the throdding pain that more evident.

Voices from outside had me on full alert as I stumbled to the door. I turned the knob as I laid my hand on it, surprise and shock running through me as I found it to be unlocked. Taking precaution very seriously I slipped into the long hallway that the infirmary door led out to before gently closing it behind me.

I used the wall for support as I made my way towards the steps that seemed to lead to the upper deck. Clutching onto the rail that lined the hallway, I gritted my teeth as I took one step after the other. I narrowed my eyes as the bright afternoon Sun shun into my eyes, finally making it onto the main deck.

Taking the opportunity to scan the residences of the ship who lounged and walked all over the deck. Most of them where unfamiliar until my eyes landed on a very familiar blue and white stripped helmet and a head full of flaming red hair.

I groaned inwardly as I spotted a very uncomfortable looking Etsuko, wrapped in as much bandages as I was, sitting next to someone I prayed I would never meet.

'(___)-oneechan!' Etsuko exclaimed as her eyes landed on me before she suddenly appeared in front of me and wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing me down to her level as I hissed from the pain but returned the hug nonetheless.

'I'm glad you're well too sweetheart but be a bit more gentle' I said as I patted her head.

She reluctantly let go and nodded her head. 'Come meet the Captain of the ship'.

I let her lead me over to the smug looking redhead and I had to bite my tongue before I made any comment on his non-existent eyebrows.

'(___)-oneechan this Eustass "Captain" Kid and that's his first mate, Killer' she said, pointing towards the respective men when she said their name.

'I'm aware of who they are, Etsuko' I said, crossing my arms over my chest as I rested most of my weight on my healed side.

'And I do suppose you know what we're capable of?' Killer asked as he stepped forward, his legs apart and his arms crossed over his broad chest.

'I'm no fool. By the amount on your wanted posters any idiot would know exactly what your capabilities of. And if you're trying to intimidate me with the whole tough guy look then it's gonna take a lot more than that Sugar~' I smirked as Killer took a step back as his Captain laughed.

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