Kill him!

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hey there😊
Welcome to 2017 and I hope you told 2016 it was an ass.
Anyways the new year has started and I hope everyone had an awesome New Years.🎉
Chapter 23.😄

Law's POV

After (___) had ambushed me, apologized a million and one times for doing it and explained to me why she had done it, I was finally able to get to my feet again.

'You sure you're okay, Captain?' Her eyes were filled with guilt and I honestly couldn't be mad forever.

So I just sighed. 'I'm fine, but please if you are unsure of who is following you make sure who they are before you ambush them'.

'Aye Captain' She began picking leaves out of her hair and when she was almost done she looked up at me. 'Is there anymore?'

I scanned her head and there were two leaves still stuck on her hair. The two gave off the impression that she had ears.

I smirked crept on my lips.

'No, there's nothing'.

'You sure?' She raised a brow.

'I'm positive'.

'I don't trust that smirk'.


'Captain, I would appreciate it if you told me if there was something in my hair'. She gave me a look.

I gave another sigh. I raised my hand and plucked the two leaves out of her hair before throwing them aside.

She smiled. 'Thanks'.

I nodded before looking around for a moment. 'What were you doing here anyways?'

'I was heading back to my Sub to collect a few thing for tonight'.

I raised a brow. 'Whats happening tonight?'

'Well its a long story and you're gonna wanna sit down for this.'

After she explained what had happened when they had arrived in town and at the Inn I contemplated on what to do next. I sat on a fallen tree as (___) leaned against a tree in front of me waiting for my response.

'I don't know whether this person is worth going after or not and it does seem a bit excessive to get back a material that could just be replaced with another and when it brakes could just be fixed or replaced. Then again if their anything like those men from earlier then the crew could get some action that they haven't had in a while (I know what you guys are thinking😑). That actually reminds me...' I reached for the sack that was tied to my sword and called (___) over to me.

'Whats in there?' she had asked when she stopped in front of me.

I said nothing as I reach into the bag, grabbed Akiro by his hair and pulled him out for her to see, he seemed to have passed out.

Her eyes widen as she took a few steps back. 'C-aptain.. why do you have Akiro's head?'

'I believe this man was the one who tried kidnapping when you arrived here' I stated.

She nodded.

'He tried attacking me and when he did he threatened me, the crew and you and as your Captain I could not allow someone to make such threats and live'. I shook the head. 'Oi, wake up'. 

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