Old Friends.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hello people of the world. 😄
Hope you are all doing well and stuff.😊
Thanks to all the people who have voted, commented, shared or evens just read my story. 😃
I really appreciate it.😆
Anyways have an amazing Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night or whatever the hell. 😣
Chapter 29😄.

(___)'s POV

I dragged Law all the way up the stairs and into to his room where Bepo was still snoring away. When I opened the door his sleep snot bubble popped and he sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

'Is it morning already?' the bear asked, half asleep.

I giggled as I placed the bags down at the foot of the bed where an oak trunk was located. 'Nope but you must've had an amazing nap if you think it is'. I threw out the contents of one of my several shopping bags onto the bed. 'But I'm afraid you're gonna have to get up now Bepo-chan'.

Bepo blinked at the costume that laid on the bed before he started beaming. 'We get to dress up?!'

I gave him a closed eyed grin. 'Yep and while we get ready I believe Captain would like to partake in a shower?'

He raised a brow at me as I just smiled. 'Do I smell (___)-ya?'

'Nope' I shook my head as I unpacked his clothes. 'You actually smell pretty decent for a guy who had to deal with my crazy stalker, was walking around in a crowd full of strangers who don't necessarily smell as good, had rolled around in the forest, had to carry me all the from said forest to the Inn and had to still deal with a drunk crew and the Inn owner...' I trailed off as I ticked off each thing he did today on my fingers.

He sighed. 'Fine, I get your point. I'll go shower while you and Bepo get ready and then you can help me with whatever you have planned for me to wear.'

He laid his sword down on the bed next to Bepo, grabbed a towel and walked into the ensuite bathroom.

Once the door was closed I unpacked my own outfit and placed it neatly on the bed. After everything was unpacked and laid out, I placed my hands on my hips and I turned to Bepo with determination radiating off of me.

'Alright Bepo-chan, today we are gonna look amazing and we will not let others out shine us!' I raised my fist in the air. 'We will shine brighter than any of those stuck-up-snot-nosed nobles with what we have and we will be victorious in our mission!'

We both had stars shining in our eyes as I finished off my weird motivational speech.

'That was so cool! Will we really be able to do all that?' His was just as amped up as I was.

My smile radiated with smugness and I laughed. 'Of course we will. It's my planning and decision-making that will make sure of our mission's success'.

Time skip brought to you by Law looking fine as ever while in the shower and you getting Bepo ready.

'Last one...and we are done!' I stepped back to admire my work. 'The clips will stay in all night, they may feel a bit loose as you move but other than that they'll hold'.

Bepo was beaming in the mirror while I started on my own outfit:

Bepo was beaming in the mirror while I started on my own outfit:

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