I love a guy who can handle his weapon.

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Hey guys.
I hope everyone is doing well and I hope 2018 is treating you well.
Anyways this chapter has been edited because when I reread it my mind just thought "What was I thinking?".
Chapter 6.

Law's POV

I walked along the stone road with my usual stoic expression. Anyone who caught sight of me scurried away as I carried on.

'I guess the Navy sent out word that I was here' I thought as yet another passerby ran when they saw me.

It was well pass 11am when I walked into the Market Street once again. It was clear of any marketeers or vendor. The girl with books from yesterday gone.

'Too bad. I wanted to get some of those books' I thought as I passed the area where her stall was.

The street was left bare and deserted of any life.

'(___)-ya should be fine with Penguin-ya and Shachi-ya on the way to the ship and her weapons are in good hands with Bepo and Jean aswell. Everything is going to plan'  I thought as my signature smirk crawled its way onto my face.

I spoke to soon.

'Well, if it isn't the infamous Surgeon of Death'.

My ears perked up as I recognised the smug voice of Eustass Kid. 'What do you want Eustass-ya?' I asked stopping in my trek to my Sub.

'Im hurt Trafalgar' he said as he held his hand over his heart. 'I'm just curious as to what you are doing here. Since the Marines are scrambling because of you'.

'Why is it everyone is emphasising the word 'you' when they talk to me?' I thought as I turned towards the Kid Pirates.

(___)'s POV

As I ran into the storage district with Penguin and Shachi behind me, so many memories came to mind.

Each household on the island owned between 2 and 10 storage lockers. The storage systems were created for people to put their loved ones belongings in when the passed on if they wanted to keep them.

Me and the kids used to play all kinds of games here before the Chief of Safety and Security, Tay, caught us.

The guy was an ass that look like his personality, an overweight slob with beady eyes and a double chin. He was not only a stick in the mud but also a fraud and honestly I really didnt know how he got voted into office.

Anyway, we finally arrived at my storage locker and quickly opened it.

'(___)-chan, not that I'm hurrying you or anything but what are we doing here?' Shachi asked as we stepped into the locker.

'Well, we are going to the docks' I said bending down to open the steel hatch on the ground and flipping the lid open. 'The fun way' 'I said sending them a wink.

They blushed.

I laughed at their reaction. 'Come on guys, its not that bad' I continued lowering myself in the manhole. 'And if one of you is scared I'll let you hold my hand' I laughed as I heard them bicker to who was going first down as my feet touched the floor.

Penguin seemed to have won the argument because he basically jumped down the manhole instead of using the ladder followed soon by a sulking Shachi.

'Okay since you're both here we can get going' I walked over to the light switch.

'(___)-chan, how are we going to get to the harbour from here?' Shachi asked as he looked around.

'With this of course' I announced before turning on the light to reveal my sub docked inside of the island's catacombs.

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