Oh shit.

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{Hey guys.
This chapter has been edited due to incorrect grammar and spelling as well as somethings not making as much sense as they should.}
Hey there 😊
Hope you guys are enjoying your December so far.😄
Merry Christmas 🎁🎄and a Happy New Years.🎉 🎆
Anyways happy reading.😜
Chapter 22. (Whaaat?!😲)

(___)'s POV

As I stared up at the item, I couldn't help but marvel at it's beauty. And to think it was over a million years old.

Isuma came and stood next to me. '(___)-chan, can you please explain how that has anything to with building your weapon? And you also mind explaining what that is?'

Isuma was the only calm one of the three men I had brought with me. Ryuu and Yori were freaking out and firing questions off at Shinji and myself while he just stood there and stared at them.

I turned to him with a smile playing on my lips. 'That, my friend is one most ancient weapons of all time. It was built and hand crafted by the first giants and was passed down through generations of royal blood. To have such a weapon in you're hands meant that you were the most powerful and respected amongst you're giant brethren. It's metal is something similar to sea prism stone and just by touching it you'll feel the power of those who wielded it before you'. I turned back to the giant axe that was in front of me. 'That, Isuma is the Holy Grail of all ancient giant weapons, Vernietiging, The Kings Axe of Destruction'.

 'That, Isuma is the Holy Grail of all ancient giant weapons, Vernietiging, The Kings Axe of Destruction'

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'I see you've seen through my deception'. Echoed Shinji's voice.

'Of course. There is huge difference between what you've given me and what I wanted'. I didn't need to look at him to know he was sweating like a pig.

'I'm aware (___) but the time you gave me and the time it would take to retrieve the item you wanted was not going to work. So, I got you a close second' his voice kept breaking like an old record that's seen its days.

'What I wanted was the Maidens Axe of Envy, Geloof'. I zipped open my bag and pulled out several pictures and after going through them I finally found the right one. 'This is the one I wanted'.

 'This is the one I wanted'

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