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It has been a little over six months since Harry met the boys and so far they have turned out to be some really great friends to Harry. It was one night at one of the boys many sleepovers, when Harry finally told his story to them. They happened to be sitting around on the floor in Liam's bedroom and they could tell that Harry wanted to say something to them. Louis looks over at him and asks him what is wrong. Harry tells him that he has had a lot on his mind lately and he has been really wanting to tell them about something. Liam tells him to go ahead and tell them anything that he wants to and they will listen to everything that he has to say.

Harry starts to tell them about his past. He starts out by telling them that he doesn't want what he has to say to ruin the friendship he has with them. They all agree that whatever he has to say will not ruin their friendship. He tells them when he started his junior high years, he started getting bullied, because he has always been so small. In the middle of the year, he came out as gay and he lost all of his friends that he had. He goes on to tell them that it continued through out the years until he moved here. Harry tells them that there would be days he would come home from school with bruises all over his body. Louis starts to tear up as he listens to Harry's story. Harry tells them that he never told anyone about the bullying that he suffered. He goes on to tell them that what he has been wearing to school is not his true self and he would just like to be that person again.

The boys listen to his complete story and they are all dumbfounded as what he tells them. Niall asks him what does he mean about being his true self. Harry tells them that he has always enjoyed dressing in more feminine clothes and he doesn't feel very comfortable dressing in boys clothes. Louis looks at Harry and tells him no matter what he wears he will always be friends with him, Liam and Niall agree with Louis. They look at Harry with complete admiration for tell them everything that he told them. Louis looks at Harry and tells him that this school is nothing like his old school. The people at school do not care about one sexuality and he can come out and be who he truly is. Louis goes on to tell him that he is gay as well and he has never been bullied because of it.

As the boys night progresses, Harry becomes more at ease with them and he finally starts to enjoy himself. They talk most of the night and Niall, Liam, and Louis haven't heard anything out of Harry for over an hour. Louis looks over and sees that he has fallen asleep and he thinks to himself that he looks like an angel. At that moment he knew that he wanted to make Harry his boyfriend. Liam and Niall look at Louis and they know what he is thinking. Liam asks Louis if he likes Harry and Louis tells him that he has liked him from the first time that they seen him. Liam tells him maybe he should talk to him about how he is feeling and Louis tells him that he is afraid that Harry doesn't like him that way. Niall tells him he will never know if he doesn't talk to him about it.

They all finally fall asleep. Louis is close to Harry and Louis dreams what it would be like to have Harry as his boyfriend. He dreams about the future that the two of them could have and he wants it to be true. Harry is dreaming about having a relationship with Louis and he wishes that Louis felt the same way as he did. He dreams about having a family with him in the future.

Niall and Liam are the first to wake up the next morning and they notice how close Louis and Harry are sleeping together. They decide not to bother them and go downstairs and have some breakfast. When they get down there, they start talking about how can they get the two of them together. Liam tells Niall that they need to plan some kind of camping trip and force the two of them to share a tent and see how that goes. Not long after they make the plan, Louis and Harry walks down stairs and joins them for breakfast. While they are eating breakfast, Liam tells them that they should all go on a camping trip for a week this summer. Louis asks where would they go camping at and Liam asks if he remembers where they would go as kids and Louis tells him yeah. Liam tells him that they could go there, but they would all have to have permission from their parents before they could finalize the plans. When they leave, they say they will go talk to their parents about it and they will text each other and let them know what they were told.

As soon as Harry gets back to his home, he runs into the house and asks his mom about the camping trip. She asks him who would all be going and he tells her that it would be him, Louis, Liam and Niall. Harry begs please to allow him to go because this is the first friends he has had since he came out and she then asks if they know and he tells her that he told them last night. She then asks who would be driving them and he tells her that Louis has his license and he would be driving if everyone is allowed to go. She tells him that as long as he is careful and either calls or texts her he will be allowed to go.

Louis runs home and asks his mom if he could go on a camping trip with Liam, Niall, and Harry for a week. She asks him what would they be doing on this camping trip and he tells her that they will just be hanging out and having fun. Louis tells her that they just want to have a fun lads week with no parents. She tells him as long as he is careful and not get into any trouble.

Niall goes to his home and asks his mom. She tells him that as long as he is careful and doesn't get into any trouble he will be allowed to go. After the boys leave, Liam goes and asks his parents if he would be allowed to go on a camping and they tell him that he can go.

Liam starts a group chat with the others.

Liam- Guys my parents say that I can go.

Harry- My mom says I can go too

Niall- I can go

Louis- I can go

Harry- When are we going to do this

Louis- How about we start it this weekend

Liam- sounds good to me

Niall- lets go for it

Harry- What time should we meet up

Liam- How about we meet at Louis' at around 9 am on Saturday

Louis- Sounds good

Niall- All righty

Harry- See you guys Saturday morning

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