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The next day after painting the nursery, the four boys started moving in all of their stuff. Liam, Niall, and Louis wouldn't allow Harry to pick up any of the boxes. They told him to just meet them at the house and when they get there, than he can just tell them where everything will be going in the house. Harry makes his way there, but decides to stop and get everyone a coffee. Harry still makes it there before the others and has the door open when they get there. When Liam, Louis and Niall get to the house, Harry is waiting outside with their coffee. He hands them out and tells them that he will be in the house waiting to tell them where the stuff will be going.

After a couple of hours, the boxes that they had brought were in the house and put where they were suppose to be. Liam tells Louis that they will have to go and get more boxes so that they can get moved in quicker, because they start back to school in just a little over a week and everything needs to be moved out of the apartment before then. Harry tells them that he will go and get some food for them while they are going to get more boxes and will have lunch made when they get back. Niall tells Louis and Liam that they should head on over and get more stuff. Harry tells Louis that he can take his car because they can put the seats down in the back and have a little bit more room to put stuff in and he will take his car and go to the store. Louis and Harry swap keys and as they are about to leave, Harry pulls on Louis wrist and gives him a kiss and tells him that he loves him.

Harry is at the store getting some groceries to put in their new house and someone comes up behind him and places their hand on his butt. He turns around and tells the person to please leave him alone and the guy tells him that he will not because he is a very good looking and wants to get to know him. Harry tells him that he is engaged and to just leave him alone. Sean tells him that he will not because he doesn't see the guy anywhere and Harry tells him that he is not with him because he is busy doing something else. Harry then tells him to please just leave him alone and Harry tries to walk away. Sean grabs his wrist and tells him that he will not and tries to drag him away. Harry then starts yelling and someone comes running up to them and asks what is the matter. Sean tells the grocery store worker that he is just having a disagreement with his boyfriend. Stan notices that it is Harry and Harry gives him a look and Stan knew that what Sean was saying wasn't right.

Stan tells the man to let go of Harry and to leave the store and to never return, and Sean tells him that he will not be leaving without this boy. During this time, Harry has gotten his phone out and called Louis, and when he answered Louis heard what was going on. He could hear the voices and he knew that Harry was in trouble. Louis yells at Liam for his keys because they are still packing up Harry's car and couldn't take that. Liam asks why does he need his car and Louis tells him that someone is trying to take Harry out of the store and Liam quickly hands over his keys. Harry and Louis still has on their phones and Harry is telling Louis what store he is at. Louis is quickly at the store and is running in trying to find where Harry is. Another customer who heard everything has already called the police and they are on their way to the store.

Louis comes running up to Harry and tries to get him out of the grasp of the man holding onto Harry's wrist. Sean turns around and asks what is he trying to do and Louis tells him that he is taking his fiancé away from the likes of him. Stan is trying to help get Harry away to and soon the cops arrive. They come up and ask what seems to be the problem, Stan tells them that this man, pointing at Sean, is trying to kidnap the other, pointing at Harry. Sean tells the cops that Harry is his boyfriend and that they had a disagreement and he is trying to get him to come home so they can work it out. Harry is now in tears and the cops realize that Sean is not telling the truth. The cops get Harry away from everyone and asks him what happened, and Harry tries to stop crying long enough to tell them. When he does calm down, Harry tells them that he was in here getting some groceries to fix him, his fiancé, and their friends something for lunch, when that guy came up to him trying to take him away. He goes on to tell them that he started yelling and Stan came running over trying to help him get away. Harry then tells them that he got his phone out of his pocket and called Louis so he will be there for him. He also tells the cops that he is almost six months pregnant and he just wants to go home with his fiancé. The cops arrest Sean and they allow Harry to leave the store with Louis, but before Louis and Harry leave, Harry runs up to Stan and gives him a hug and tells him thank you.

Louis and Harry climb into Liam's car and they head back to their house without the groceries. When they pull up Harry runs in and straight to the bathroom and gets sick. Louis runs after him and tries to comfort him. When Harry is done getting sick, Louis takes him to their room and lays him down on a mattress in the floor. Louis tells him to just lay here and relax and he will be back in just a few, because he needs to return to the apartment and give Liam back his car. Harry asks if he can please go with him because he doesn't want to be alone right now. Louis agrees and they head over to the apartment and while driving there, Harry tells him that they still need to get his car from the store. He tells Harry that as soon as they get back one of them will drive Niall over to the store and get his car.

They make their way back to the apartment, Liam and Niall are waiting outside for them. Louis tells them what happened and Harry doesn't want to be left alone, but his car is still at the store. Liam tells them that they can go ahead and head back to the house and he will take Niall and get the car. Harry climbs into his car with Louis at the wheel and they head back to the house. Louis then asks Harry to call Niall and have him pick something up for lunch. When Harry is on the phone with Niall, he tells him to please get something for them to eat. Niall tells him that he will stop by and pick up some take out and will be there soon. Everyone is now back at the house and the boxes are already in and they are now sitting down having their lunch.

After they are done eating, Harry tells them that he is going to go lay down for a little bit and then he will get up and start putting stuff away. Louis tells him that him and the boys are going to go back to the apartment and get more boxes and they will be back later. The three boys each take a car so that they can get done quicker and be back sooner. Harry makes his way to the bedroom and lays down and falls into a deep sleep. He starts to have a nightmare about what happened and it scares him and he jumps up out of bed and he starts to cry. After a couple of hours the others are back and Louis runs into the house and all he hears his Harry crying, he quickly makes his way to their bedroom and opens the door. Harry is curled up in a ball and doesn't notice Louis in the room with him, so when Louis goes to wrap his arms around Harry, he starts having a panic attack.

Liam and Niall run into the room and notices how Harry is acting and they come over and try to get him to calm down as well. They eventually get him to calm down and Louis just lays there with Harry and holds him. Liam and Niall tells them that they will start bringing in the rest of the boxes and then they will call it a night. Louis and Harry just stay wrapped up in each others arms until the next morning.

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