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The whole week that Harry and Louis were at the resort was wonderful for both of them. It made their relationship only stronger than it was before. They spent time in the pool and hot tub, they also spent a lot of time just cuddling on the couch or bed watching movies together. No one had to know that they spent almost every night having sex and enjoying being that close to someone who is a big part of your future.

It was the night before they were leaving and going back to their lives where they had to work and get ready for college. Harry and Louis were cuddling up together on the couch and were watching a movie. Louis looked down at Harry and asked him if he was ready to get back home and resume the boring lives that they were leading. Harry was about to answer him and all of a sudden he felt sick. He jumped up off of Louis' lap and ran to the bathroom and started vomiting. Louis came in behind him and started to rub  his back and pull back his hair so he didn't get it all gross. When he was done, Harry flushed the toilet and got up and brushed his teeth.

Louis asked him if he would like to take a bath and try and relax, Harry said he would love to. So Louis ran Harry a bubble bath and helped him in. Harry looked at him and said that he was sorry for getting sick and it must have been something he ate. They didn't think much of it because Harry has been eating things that he usually doesn't. When Harry was done with his bath, he got out and Louis helped him get dressed and they went to bed. Louis pulled Harry into his arms and just held on to him and ran his fingers through his hair. This relaxed Harry and he quickly fell asleep, Louis was up for a little while longer because he knew something else had to be up because they had shared their food for the past few days. After a couple of hours, Louis finally fell asleep with his mind worrying about what could be wrong with his baby.

They got up the following morning and Harry seemed to be feeling better than he did the night before, so Louis pushed the worry out of his mind. They finish packing their bags and then head up to the desk to return their key. The lady at the desk asked about their stay and both Harry and Louis said that they really enjoyed their stay. Harry and Louis head back out to the car and Harry gets into the drivers seat while Louis is putting their bags in the back and then he climbs into the passenger seat. They pull out of the resort and Harry tells Louis that they are going to have to return again in the future. Louis tells him maybe that they can return on their one year anniversary in just a few months time.


Louis and Harry have been home for a couple of weeks now and everything has been going really good for the two of them. When they got home, Liam told them that he has met someone and she is really sweet. He tells them that he works with her and she has been wanting to met the other two in their group. Louis tells Liam that maybe they can plan a dinner so they can all meet. Harry tells Liam that they should plan it for couple of weeks from now.

It is now the night of the dinner that was planned for all of them to met Liam's girlfriend. Harry is in the kitchen making dinner and Louis is coming in to help his baby in any way he can.

As Louis is walking into the kitchen, Harry starts to get dizzy and leans on the counter. Louis comes up behind him and wraps his arms around his tummy so he doesn't fall. Harry tells Louis that he is not feeling well and he needs to sit down for a few. Louis helps Harry to the table and sets him down in a chair, and Harry asks if he can get him a glass of water and Louis jumps up to get it. As Louis is getting back, Harry jumps up and runs to the bathroom and gets sick. Louis runs after him and rubs his back and tries to comfort him as much as he can. When Harry is done, he gets up and washes out his mouth and returns to the kitchen to finish cooking. Harry has not told Louis about all the times that he has had similar episodes at work, but he has confided in Liam and Niall about them. Louis walks in behind him and puts his chin on Harry's shoulder and asks if he is okay and Harry tells him that he is feeling better now.

Louis and Harry finish cooking, all the while Louis is keeping on eye on Harry to make sure he is really doing better. A few minutes after the food is done, Liam and his girlfriend comes in the door; then a couple of minutes later Niall comes in from work. When everyone is finally there, Liam introduces his girlfriend to the others. Liam tells everyone that his girlfriends name is Vanessa and then he introduces Louis, Harry, and Niall as he points to them as he says their names. Soon, they all sit down at the table and have dinner and Vanessa is complimenting on how good the food is. Harry tells her thank you and she asks if he cooked all this and Harry tells him that he did most of it and that Louis helped a little.

When they are done eating, Louis and Niall go and clean the dishes, while the others went to the living room and sat down. When Louis and Niall are done, they come in and sit down so they can all watch a movie together. Louis picks Harry up and puts him in his lap and lets Harry cuddle up to his chest. After a little bit, Louis realizes that Harry has fallen asleep and tells the others that he will be back in a few, he is going to put Harry to bed. When he comes back they all ask about Harry, and Louis told them that while he was cooking dinner, he got dizzy and then had to run to the bathroom to get sick. With this information, Liam and Niall give a look to each other because of what Harry has told them. Vanessa asked if he knew what was going on and they all said that they didn't know anything. They finished the movie and Liam took Vanessa home and then came back. Louis and Niall were still in the living room when Liam got back. Liam asked Louis what was wrong and he tells Liam and Niall that it was not the first time it has happened. Niall asks what does he mean, and Louis tells them when they were on vacation, Harry had a similar episode.

Liam asks Louis what he was going to do and he told them that he thinks it may have been because he overworked himself and also hadn't eaten, so he wants to keep a good eye on him for the next few days and sees if it happens again. Liam and Niall said that they will also help keep on eye on him for the time being. Louis tells them thank you and he then tells them that he is going to bed. They say good night to each other and they all end up heading to bed. Before Liam and Niall go to bed though, Liam asks if they should tell Louis about the other times that Harry has gotten sick at work and Niall tells him that he will talk to Harry in the morning about telling Louis. Niall goes on to say that if Harry doesn't tell him that he will tell Louis about the other times.

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