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The next morning, Louis is the first one to wake up and he lays there and watches as Harry sleeps. Not long after, Harry wakes up and has to run to the bathroom and he gets sick, Louis comes in and rubs his back and tries his hardest to comfort him. When he is done, Louis helps Harry up and they brush their teeth together. They go ahead and get ready for the day and head out to the kitchen to get something to eat, Liam and Niall are in the kitchen looking for something to eat themselves. When Harry and Louis get to the kitchen, Liam tells them that they have been looking for something to eat and they haven't found anything yet. Niall suggests that they go to the local diner and get something, and Harry tells them to come on because he is starving. They all head out to their cars and head to the diner.

When they get there, they are taken to a table and sat down with Harry and Louis on one side and Liam and Niall on the other side. The hostess hands them each a menu and tells them that the waiter will be with them in a few minutes. They are looking over their menus when the waiter comes up to get their order. When Harry looks and sees who it is he gets upset and Louis notices how Harry is starting to act and puts his arm around him. Louis looks at Harry, leans closer and asks him what is wrong and Harry tells him that he needs to leave. Liam and Niall then looks at Harry and notices how he is acting and Harry starts to cry and tries to get up but Louis is on the outside of the booth and so he can't get out. Harry buries his head in Louis' neck and Louis puts his arm around Harry to try and comfort him, but it is not working.

Louis tries to get Harry to talk to him but it is not working and Harry is getting more and more upset. The waiter gets mad and tells the others to let the cry baby cry and he will get their orders and forget about the cry baby. Louis gets mad at this and gets up and goes to find the manager, and when he finds him, he tells him what happened. The manager comes over and pulls the waiter away from them, Louis pulls Harry into his lap and asks him what is wrong. Harry tells him remember when I was beaten so bad that I was taken to the hospital and Louis says yes, Harry tells him that that he was the one to do it. Finding this out, Louis is really mad and he tells Harry that that guy will never be able to be around him ever again. A new waiter comes over and takes their order and tells them it will be out shortly. They get their food and after they eat, the manager comes up to them and tells them that their food is on the house and the other guy no longer has his job.

After they got done with breakfast, Louis and Harry left and headed to Louis' job. Louis got out and then went around and helped Harry out of the car and into the restaurant. Louis' boss came up to them and introduced himself to Harry and told him that there was a table already set up in the back of the restaurant for them while Louis worked. Harry followed him to the table and was introduced to Mr. Allen's husband. (A/N: I think that this is Louis' boss' name) Mr. Allen tells Harry to just sit down and if he needs anything to please let someone know and they will get it for him. John, Mr. Allen's husband, tells Harry that he will answer any questions he has as honestly as he can.

The first question Harry has is when did he know that he was able to have children and John tells him that he found out when he was about 13, because he started getting really bad stomach aches and he had to be taken to the doctor to see why he was having so many stomach issues. John then asks Harry how did he find out and Harry tells him that his mom told him when he was young. Harry goes on to tell him that he told Louis when they first started dating that he was able to have babies. John asks him if they were planning on having kids and Harry tells him that they were going to wait until they were almost done with college before they had any. Harry tells John that the first time that they had sex was on prom night about 7 weeks ago and apparently the condom broke. John tells Harry when he met Steve, and they starting getting serious, that he can get pregnant. Harry tells him that when he found out he was worried because they just finished high school and they are going to be starting college in just a couple of months. John tells him to go ahead and go to school and try his hardest to complete it, because when he got pregnant the first time, he was still in college and he dropped out to have the baby. Harry asks him if he regrets quitting and John tells him sometimes because he feels like a failure.

They sit and talk about everything for a few hours, until Louis comes up and sits beside him and gives him a kiss on his cheek. Louis asks Harry if he is okay and he tells Louis that he is getting a little hungry and he is thirsty. He asks what would he like to have to eat and Harry tells him that he is wanting some chicken nuggets and fries. Louis asks John if he would like anything to eat and John tells him that he will just have a salad and a coke. Harry leans over to Louis and gives him a kiss and tells him that he loves him. Louis tells him that he loves him back and tells them that he will have their food to them in just a few minutes. John looks at Harry after Louis leaves and tells him that he can tell that Louis loves him to bits. This causes Harry to blush and he tells him that Louis was his first and he will be his last in everything. John tells Harry that Steve wasn't his first but he will surely be his last.

Louis brings them out their food and drink and tells them that if they need anything else to please let him know. John and Harry eat and talk for a little bit more. After a couple more hours, John can tell Harry is getting tired and he gets up and goes and finds Louis. When Louis sees him, John goes and tells him that Harry is getting really tired and he should get him home and let him lay down. Louis tells him that he still has a couple of hours more before he is done for the day and John tells him to just please take Harry home and let him rest. John tells him that he will let Steve know what is going on and not to let it worry him at all, and that he will be sure that he will get paid for the whole day.

Louis goes over to Harry and tells him that they should head home now, but Harry tells him that he didn't think he got off for a couple more hours. He tells Harry that John said to take you home and let you rest and not to worry about finishing his shift. As they are leaving, John and Steve comes up to them and tells them good bye, and to let them know if they need anything else. Harry and Louis tells them that they will let them know if there is anything that they need and then they leave. As soon as they walk through the door, Harry goes straight to their bedroom and curls up and goes to sleep. Louis calls Niall and Liam and asks when will they be home and they tell him that it will be a couple of hours, and they asks why and Louis tells them that Harry is going to be sleeping. He then asks them to stop by the store on the way home and get some groceries. Liam tells him that they sure will and that they will see them later.

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