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The doctor came back into the room and sat down next to Harry and told him that he had news, and he didn't know if it was good or bad news. It all depends on how you see it for yourself. Harry and Niall are holding hands because Harry is really scared and he is also worried about what they found out about him. The doctor asked Harry if he is currently seeing someone and Harry tells him that him and his boyfriend have been together for almost a year and we are in love with each other. The doctor tells him that that is good because of what he found out from the test results.

The doctor scoots closer to Harry and tells him congratulations you are pregnant. Harry is totally shocked with this. Harry tells the doctor that every time him and his boyfriend has had sex that they have used a condom. The doctor tells him that one time it must have broke and now he is expecting a little one. He then tells Harry that he want to do an sonogram to see how far along he is and they will have to go to another room for that. Harry looks at Niall and starts to cry and Niall just pulls him into a hug. The doctor asks them to please follow him so they can go and check out the baby. The three of them get up and head to the room so that they can see the baby.

When they get to the room, the doctor asks Harry to please get on the table and lift up his shirt. Harry does as he is asked by the doctor. The doctor gets the machine ready and turns to Harry and tells him that the gel he is about to use is going to be cold, and puts it on his belly. Harry lets out a yelp as the gel is put upon his belly. Dr. Allen, starts to move the wand around Harry's stomach and when he finds what he is looking for, he shows it to Harry and Niall. He tells them that the little gray dot in the middle of the black is the baby. Harry starts to tear up and Niall just holds hand.

 Harry starts to tear up and Niall just holds hand

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Dr. Allen tells Harry that he is about 6 or 7 weeks along and he will need to be seen every month for the next 6 months and then it will moved to every 2 weeks after that. He gives Harry a prescription for prenatal vitamins and tells him that he will be back in a few with a couple of pictures of the ultrasound that he can keep. When the doctor leaves, Harry asks Niall how is he suppose to tell Louis that they are going to having a baby. Then he asks how is he going to tell his mom and Cindy about the baby. Niall tells him he needs to calm down a little and relax, because he doesn't need to be upset at the current moment. Harry asks how are they gonna take care of the baby, they just finished high school and suppose to be starting college in just a couple of months. The doctor then comes in and gives Harry the ultrasound pictures, and he sees how upset Harry is. Dr. Allen asks what is wrong and Niall tells him everything that Harry tells him, and he tells Harry that being upset is not good for the baby. He then gives Harry pamphlets about the various options he has at this time and Harry tells him that he can keep them, because no matter what he is going to be keeping the baby. Whether or not the other father is in the picture or not.

Harry and Niall leave the doctor's and go to get his vitamins filled. When they are in the car going home, Harry tells Niall that him and Louis wanted kids but not this soon, and that they wanted to wait until they were in college before they started their family. Niall tells him that no matter what, him and Liam will be there for him and they will help care for the baby. Niall asks Harry if he should tell Liam before he tells Louis so that he will be there for support and Harry tells him no that he needs to tell Louis before anyone else knows. Harry asks Niall how should he tell Louis about the baby and Niall tells him he should cook him a nice meal and during dinner he should tell him then. Niall tells him that he will get him and Liam out of the house for a little bit while he does this and if he needs them then they will be just a phone call away. Harry tell him that he needs to go by the store and get the food he will be needing to make the meal.

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