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When the four friends meet up outside of school the next morning, they decided to meet at Louis' car after school so they can go see the apartment. Liam says that he will call the agent at their lunch period, so they can set up a time to go and look at it. They look at each others schedules so they can see what classes they have together. Louis and Harry have just about every class together, Liam and Niall have just about all their classes together. The four of them only have a couple of classes together and they said they would sit together during those classes and of course at lunch. The first bell rings and they all head to their class.

The day has been going good so far and they are now at lunch and Liam is on the phone with the agent to set up the time to go and look at the apartment. When he hangs up with her, Liam tells them that they are to meet there at 4 p.m. and they can then decide if they want it. When their lunch is over they head to their class. Louis and Harry are going to their English class, Liam and Niall are heading to their Math class. The rest of their day goes good and they are now making their way to Louis' car to go and see the apartment.

They make it there about 15 minutes before 4 and they talk for a few before they get out of the car. Louis asks what do  they do if they don't like the place and Harry says they he thinks they will all love it, because it has the correct amount of rooms and bathrooms for the four of them. Niall says that two of them are going to have to share a bedroom and bathroom. Liam asks who will be sharing the room and Louis says that maybe him and Harry can share the bedroom. Liam and Niall send each other a look like they know why but don't say anything. At about 5 minutes until 4, they get out of the car and head to the apartment. When they get there the agent is already there and is waiting on them. She shows them in and tells them to go ahead and look around. Louis and Harry head straight for the bedrooms to look at them. Liam and Niall decide to follow the Louis and Harry to look at the bedrooms.

Liam and Niall are looking at the bedrooms that they like and they go and check on Harry and Louis, they are being quite so not to interrupt what ever they are doing. When they get to the other bedroom, they see that Louis and Harry are making out. Liam looks at Niall and motions for him to follow him so that the other two don't know that they were there. A few minutes later, Louis and Harry come out to the living room and join Liam and Niall. Harry suggests that they head to the kitchen and look at it. When they walk in there, Harry is completely in awe with it and Louis sees that and he then knows that this will be their place for college.

The agent comes in and asks how they like it and they say that they like it and Liam asks about the price of it and she tells them that it will be $600 a month and they say that they will take it. She pulls out the paperwork so they can fill it out. When they are done, she hands them the keys and they head to their houses to tell their parents. Louis dropped of Niall first and then he dropped off Liam at their houses. When it came time to drop Harry off, he went in with him so they can tell his mom together. When they came in, Harry's mom asked them how did it go with the apartment and Harry tells her that they got it and they will be able to move in this weekend, of course if it is okay with you that I still move out this quick. She tells him that she is happy for them and she will help him pack after school this week, so when it comes time to go he will be packed. Harry gets up and hugs his mom and tells her that he loves her and he thanks her. Louis tells Harry that he will be there in the morning to pick him up for school and goes and gives him a quick peck on the lips.

When Louis gets home, his mom asks him how did it go with the apartment and he tells her that they are going to be able to move in this weekend. It is going to be him, Harry, Liam and Niall all sharing the responsibility of everything in the house. Louis tells her that it will more than likely be Harry doing all the cooking, because none of the others can really cook. She asks him if he is going to be needing any help packing and he tells her that she can help him but only after school. He tells her that they are going to be needing a moving truck to be able to move everyone's things this weekend though. She tells him that she will set it up so they can get a moving truck and then they can make their way around to everyone's homes and get their stuff. Louis tells his mom thank you and that he loves her.

When Liam got home, he told his parents about the place that they got and he told them that they get to move in this weekend. His parents asked him if they are going to be needing any help with anything and he tells them let him talk to the others and he will let them know.

When Niall got home, he told his parents that they got the place and they will be able to move into it this weekend and his mom asked if he was going to be needing any help with packing or anything. He tells her that he will need help getting everything packed and have it ready for this weekend. His dad asked if they needed anything else for the house and he tells him that he will talk to the others and let him know what they have and what they don't. His dad says the sooner he knows the better and he tells him that he will go and call them now.

Niall calls Liam and they start talking about what they will be needing. Liam then adds Louis to the call, because he thinks that him and Harry are still together at one of their houses. When Louis answers the call, they start talking about what they are going to be needing and Niall asks Louis to ask Harry what he will be bringing to the house, and Louis tells him let me add him. Louis then adds Harry to the call. They all sit in their respected houses for the time being and they talk about what they will still be needing. Louis tells them that his mom is calling a moving truck company so they can get a truck for this weekend. He tells them that they can start at his house and make the rounds to the others houses. Niall tells them that his dad asked about what kind of furniture that they still will be needing for the place.

Harry tells them that all he has is his bed and the stuff from his bedroom. They all pretty much agree to that. Louis says, so we are going to be needing living room furniture and dining room furniture. Harry says that they will be needing everything for the kitchen; pots, pans, plates, utensils for eating and cooking, and they will be needing food to eat until they can get to the store to go shopping. Liam says that he can probably get some of the stuff they need for the kitchen, Niall says he will talk to his dad and let them know what kind of things that he can get for them and Harry tells them that he will talk to his mom and see what he can bring into the apartment. They say that they will talk to each other in the morning and they hang up.

Before bed, Harry and Louis text each other about how much they love each other and they will see each other in the morning.

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