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Harry has been the hospital for almost 2 weeks now and he is getting tired of being there and wonders when he will be able to go back home. Louis is currently at school and his mind is on Harry and their little boy. Liam, Niall, Louis, and Harry are all getting ready to start their finals for the semester and this has been causing Harry some stress, thus causing his blood pressure to rise a little bit. Harry has caught up on all of his school work and his is even a little ahead of what is expected of him. All he really has to do to finish his classes is take his finals and he can't take them for a couple of weeks, so he has been getting some of the things he needs to get ready for the wedding in a little over 6 months.

Louis comes in a few hours later and Harry is asleep with his laptop in his lap and Louis goes to grab it to set it on the table by his bed. He sees that Harry has been looking at things for the wedding and this brings a smile to his face. Louis begins to think that when Harry wakes up then they will go over a few things for the wedding together. Harry wakes up about an hour after Louis gets there and Harry sees that Louis has fallen asleep in a chair by the bed. He cards his fingers through Louis' hair gently, as not to wake him up. Harry knows that he has been keeping Louis up at night with his cramping and by having him rub his back or belly for him all the time, so he decides to just let him sleep for a little bit.

An hour later, Louis wakes up and sees that Harry is awake, so he asks him how long has he been awake and Harry tells him for about an hour. Louis tells him that he should have woken him up and Harry tells him that he didn't want to because he needs his sleep, because he knows that he has been keeping him up at night. He tells Harry that he doesn't mind doing any of those things for him, as long as he is comfortable. Harry tells Louis that he hates that he has been so dependent on him and that he just wants him to get a good nights sleep. Louis tells him that he would always be there and do anything that Harry needs him to do, because the baby is part of him too.

Dr. Green comes in his room while they are talking about Louis losing sleep the past week. Dr. Green tells Harry that his blood pressure has been doing a lot better and if it can stay like that for a couple more days than Louis will be able to take him home. Harry is over joyed with this and tells her that he has been wanting to go home for a couple of days now. She tells him that when he does go home, that he will have to stay in bed and not up running around. He tells her that he will stay in bed or on the couch unless he has to go to the bathroom. Louis tells her that he will make sure he does just that. Dr. Green tells them that as long as Harry doesn't stand for more than 5 minutes and stays resting, she doesn't see why he wouldn't be able to be home until he goes into labor.

Both Harry and Louis are excited about the news and Harry knows that Louis will make sure that he follows all the rules. Harry tells Louis that he can't wait to get home so he can sleep in his own bed instead of this hospital bed. Louis tells Harry that he can't wait for Harry to sleep in nothing but his panties again. He tells Harry that he loves for him to sleep like that because it is very sexy and a real big turn on for him. Harry tells Louis that he can't wait to get in his own bed and have his way with his sexy fiancé. Louis tells him that he is not sure about that because he could cause his blood pressure to rise to much and Harry tells him that he will discuss it with Dr. Green before he is released. Harry tells Louis that he has been wanting to have sex with him for the past week, but since he has been in the hospital they are unable to do anything sexual. Louis tells him that he would love nothing more than to be intimate with him, but he is thinking about his and the baby's health right now.


A couple of days later, Dr. Green comes in and checks up on Harry, and tells him that his blood pressure has been doing good. She tells him that he will be able to go home today and stay there until he goes into labor. Harry tells her that he has a couple of questions for her before she leaves and he is released. She tells him to go ahead and ask her anything. He tells her that he would like to be intimate with Louis and he wants to make sure it is still okay for him. Dr. Green tells him that as long as they don't over due it he should be fine. He tells her that Louis was worried because he didn't want to do something that would harm him or the baby. She tells him that she understands and that he will just have to be very careful the next couple of weeks, because he could go into labor at anytime now. Harry tells her that as soon as he starts having any kind of major pains in his belly, he will call and let her know immediately. She tells him to tell Louis to take it easy on you and to be good.

As soon as Louis gets there, Harry tells him that he is ready to go home. Louis asks him if they really released him to go home and Harry tells him that he was just waiting until he got there. Harry is wheeled out to the front of the hospital while Louis goes and gets his car so they can finally go home. On their way home, Harry tells him that Dr. Green said it was okay for them to have sex, but to be very careful. Louis tells him that he will be very careful to him when they get home.

No one is home when they get there, so they head straight to the bedroom and they have their way with each other. While Harry and Louis are up in their room, Liam and Niall come home and they hear two people going at it. They wonder who it could be because they think Harry is still in the hospital. So they stay down in the living room until who ever is here comes down and they can question what is going on. A couple of hours later, Louis comes down in just a pair of sweatpants with love bites all over his neck and chest. Liam looks at him and asks for him to explain why does he have them all over him. Louis asks him how do you think they got there, and Niall asks him who gave them to him because they heard all the noises down here. Liam says that it can't be Harry because he is in the hospital and Louis asks him if he is sure Harry is still there. A couple of minutes later, Liam and Niall hear someone calling out for Louis who sounds just like Harry. Louis yells and tells him that he will be there in just a minute, he tells Liam and Niall that Harry was released a few hours ago and they wanted to have some quality time with each other before the baby gets here. With that Louis runs up the stairs and helps Harry down to the living room.

When they get back down stairs, Harry tells them that the doctor released him but he can't do anything but stay in bed or sit on the couch. Liam and Niall both tells him that hey are happy he is home finally and that they will help with anything he might need until the baby is born. Harry tells them that he is hungry and thirsty. Niall gets up and goes to the kitchen and makes him something to drink, and Liam tells him that he will order some pizza for dinner. While they all eat pizza they watch movies until they all begin to get sleepy and then they head to bed.

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