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It is now Saturday that they will be going on their camping trip and everyone is starting to show up at Louis' house. Harry was the first one to arrive and Louis is waiting outside for them to arrive. Louis helps Harry get his stuff into the back of the car. They start talking about where they were going to sit in the car on the way to the camp ground. Louis tells him that of course he would be driving and then maybe Harry can sit in the front with him and then the other two can sit in the back. Harry tells him that it sounds good to him. Niall and Liam show up not long after and they get their stuff in the back of the car. They leave and head to the camp ground.

While Louis is driving, Liam and Niall are talking about their plan to get Louis and Harry together. Harry and Louis have been talking and not paying any attention to the other two, so they didn't know what they were talking about. Louis, Niall, and Liam brought a tent and sleeping bags, Harry only brought a sleeping bag because he didn't have a tent. As they draw close to the camp ground, Louis brought it to their attention and he asked about sleeping arrangements. Liam and Niall both said that their tents only held one person and that they didn't have any room for anyone else in them. Louis says that his tent is a little bigger and that he could share with Harry, if it was okay with Harry. Harry tells him that it would be fine to share with Louis, because he has never been camping and was a little scared to be out in the woods.

When they pulled into the parking space, they got out and grabbed their stuff. Harry helped Louis, since he brought a little bit more than the others. They got to the site and they started to set up the tents. Once they were done, they put their bags in the tents and Louis said that they needed to start getting fire wood gathered so they can start a fire. Harry and Louis went one way and Liam and Niall went the other. They all came back about 15 minutes later with the wood they would need for the first night. Liam started the fire and Niall asked who would be cooking the first meal, Harry tells them that he would be the cook for the entire trip if they would like. No one had a problem with that since they all knew how much they liked his cooking. Harry went to the ice chest and pulled out some meat and took it to the camping stove and started cooking.

When dinner was done, they sat around the fire and talked about what they were going to be doing for the rest of the time that they are there. Liam suggests that they should all go for a hike tomorrow and then they can plan out what they are going to do the next day the night before. Niall said that they should just stay around the campsite tomorrow and relax, and since they would be resting they could plan out the whole week. Louis says that maybe they could all go swimming in the morning, come back for lunch, and then go swimming again in the afternoon, then over dinner they can plan what they will be doing the rest of the week. Harry says that they could just take it day by day, no planning involved and when they wake up in the morning, depending what the weather is like, they can decide what they are going to be doing that day. The other three stopped and thought for a minute and they decided that Harry's idea would be the best way to go.

After they were done eating, Liam suggested that since Harry will be cooking their meals, that they could all take turns doing the dishes. Louis says that it was a good idea and said he would do them first. He got up and took everyone's plates and went to wash them. Harry came over and asked if he needed any help and Louis tells him that he had them. He then asks if Louis would like for him to dry them so that they don't stay wet. Louis tells him that he can do it once he is done washing them.

While Louis and Harry are talking, Liam and Niall are quietly talking about how Louis and Harry are interacting with each other. Liam says that he can tell that they like each other and they just need to tell each other how they feel. Niall suggests that him and Liam should leave them alone for a little bit and tell them that they are heading to the bathroom, not far from their camp. Liam tells him that is a good idea. They get up and tell the others that they are heading to the bathroom and they will be back shortly. Harry and Louis were deep in conversation and didn't hear them say anything. Liam and Niall head off and when they got far enough away, they started talking in their normal voices. Niall asks Liam if he thinks that the two of them heard what they said, Liam says he doesn't think that they did.

Louis was finished with dishes and him and Harry turned around, they noticed that Liam and Niall were gone. They don't remember them saying anything, so they just went and sat back down by the fire. Since it was just the two of them, Harry asked Louis what he looked for in someone. Louis tells him that he wants someone who has a kind heart, can make him laugh, can cook because he couldn't cook anything, and someone he gets along with. Harry tells Louis that he is looking for a guy who makes him laugh, gets along with really well, can cuddle with at night, and will not judge how he dresses. Louis tells him that he would never put him down if he decides to dress in more feminine clothes and he tells Harry he would love to see him in those clothes some day. They continue to talk until Liam and Niall get back.

By the time they get back, Louis and Harry are tired and tell them that they are going to bed. Liam and Niall tell them good night, and they decide to go to bed also. Before they climb into their own tents, they decide to check on Harry and Louis are doing. They open their tent slowly and see that they are already asleep and they are cuddling with each other.

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