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The following morning, Louis and Harry got up and got ready for the day. Will, Joline, Elizabeth, Erin, and Judith were still sleeping and Louis decided to let them sleep a little bit longer, so that Harry could get started on breakfast for them. When the food was just about ready, Harry had Louis go and get the kids up so that they could all eat breakfast and so that they can take Zeus out to go potty. Will takes him out while the girls are still getting ready for the day before coming down for breakfast. Harry made everyone a plate that consisted of a couple of pancakes, bacon, and some eggs. Louis helped him get everyone's plates to the table and set out the syrup for the pancakes.

Niall and Becky showed up a little bit after they finished their breakfast and Harry tells them that there is more food in the kitchen if they are hungry. Niall tells him that he will never turn down his cooking and runs to the kitchen to make him a plate. Becky tells Louis and Harry to have fun and that they can go ahead and leave while the girls are all occupied. They thank her for watching them while they ran out to get stuff for the Zeus and Tigger. She asks who is Tigger and Harry tells her that it is the kitten that Louis got for him. Louis comes and tells Harry that they need to be going and Harry tells Becky bye.

When Louis and Harry get to the pet store, they both grab a buggy to get everything that they are going to be needing for both animals. Louis grabs a big bag of dog food for Zeus and a few cans of dog food for him. While Harry grabs two dog beds, food and water bowls for Zeus, he then grabs a few thing for Tigger. Louis also grabs food for Tigger since he was already in that area of the store. They meet back up and they head to where they have collars and leashes for Zeus, they also grab a small collar to put on Tigger. Before they leave the store, Harry makes tags for both of the animals that will be attached to their collars.

After they leave the pet store, Louis takes Harry out for lunch. They head to the restaurant that Louis use to work at and they are greeted by Steve. He is glad to see them and tells them that he has been thinking about them. Louis and Harry both gives him a hug and tells him that they have been thinking about him and his family too. Steve asks about the kids and Harry tells him that they are all doing really good and that Will was accepted into the gifted program at his school. Steve tells them that he got his smarts from his mommy and Louis tells him that all of their kids got their brains from their mommy. He tells Louis and Harry that they should get the two families together for a dinner some time soon, and Harry tells him to give them a call to let them know a day and they will get it worked out to go.

When they were done with lunch, Louis takes Harry to the mall and tells him that he is going to get him a couple of dresses for special date nights that he has planned. Harry asks when will this nights be and Louis tells him that one is going to be for his birthday and the other is going to be a surprise and he will not say anymore details for them. So they head to the dress shop where Harry usually gets all of his dresses. Once they get there, the manager greets Harry and asks what is he looking for and Harry tells her that it is up to his husband. Louis tells her that he is going to be taking him on a couple of special date nights and he needs to get a couple of really nice dresses for them. She asks Louis to follow her and he can help pick them out and he follows her to the back and he picks out what kinds he wants Harry to have and they come back out front and hands them to Harry to try on. Louis decides on two that he really loves on Harry and then takes them to the register to pay for them.

 Louis decides on two that he really loves on Harry and then takes them to the register to pay for them

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