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It is getting closer to Louis birthday and so far everything has been going good for the boys at school and at home. Ever since Harry was picked on at the beginning of the year, the boys have been keeping a closer eye on him. They know what he went through at his other school and they don't want anything like that to happen to him anymore. Louis has gotten a part-time job after school, so that he can have the extra money to take Harry on a special date for his birthday.  The other three boys have also gotten part-time jobs so that they can have the money to support themselves since they no longer live with their parents. Their parents still give them money to help pay the bills and extra things, but they want to be able to provide some of their own money.

It is one of the days that Louis, Liam, and Niall all have to work, and this leaves Harry to walk home alone and this will be the first time he has to do this.  He starts walking home and someone is following him. He turns the corner from the school and the person that is following him, comes up to him and starts to push him to the ground. The guy tells Harry that he is getting this because he doesn't deserve Louis and that Harry is nothing but a slut and should go and die. The guy then starts to punch and kick Harry repeatedly. After about 10 minutes, they hear someone coming and the guy runs off leaving Harry bleeding and bruised. The person comes around the corner and sees someone laying down on the ground and they run up to it. When he gets there, he sees that it is Harry and calls an ambulance for him. When the ambulance gets there, they quick access the scene and get him on the stretcher and rush him to the hospital.

When the ambulance leaves, the guy who found Harry calls Louis and lets him know about Harry. When he calls Louis,  Louis answers his phone and asks who this is and the guy tells him that this is Stan and something has happened to Harry and he is being rushed to the hospital. Stan has no problem with Louis and Harry being together, because he thinks that they make a very cute couple and he keeps an eye  out for Harry. Louis is talking to Stan and asks if he knows what happened and he tells Louis that all he knows is that his was walking and he turned the corner from the school and found Harry passed out on the ground. Stan tells him that it looks like someone beat the crap out of Harry and so he called the ambulance for him. He goes on to tell Louis that he kind of keeps an eye out for Harry when him, Liam and Niall are not around, because he what happened to Harry back when school first started. Louis tells him that he wanted to thank him for doing that and he is glad that there is someone to help them keep Harry safe. Stan tells him that there is a bunch of people that believe that him and Harry don't belong together, but he is glad that the two of them are happy and that they make a very cute couple.

Louis tells Stan thank you for letting him know and he hopes that the him and the other four of them can become friends. Louis then goes and tells his boss that he has to go because his boyfriend was just rushed to the hospital after getting beaten up. His boss tells him to go and to please let him know how everything turns out. Louis tells him that he will let him know everything as soon as he knows. As he is leaving work to head to the hospital, he texts Liam and Niall and lets them know what has happened and as soon as he knows anything he will let them know. While he is driving to the hospital, he hears his phone go off, but he is to worried about getting to the hospital to Harry to answer it. When he gets there he looks at his phone and sees that Liam and Niall has texted him back and they tell him to let them know the second he knows something.

Louis runs into the emergency department and asks to see Harry Styles. The lady at the desk looks it up and then asks what relation is he to Harry and Louis tells him that he is Harry's boyfriend. She tells him that a doctor will be out in a few minutes to talk to him. Louis goes and sits down, he then calls both his and Harry's moms and lets them know what is going on. They tell him that they will be there as soon as they can. As he is hanging up his phone from talking with his mom, the doctor comes out and asks for the person here for Harry Styles. Louis gets up and the doctor tells him to follow him. He brings Louis back to Harry and before they go in, he tells Louis that Harry was beaten up and that he is bruised and still a little bloody. Louis asks him if Harry is awake and the doctor tells him that he is and to please be careful with him.

Louis walks into the room and sees Harry laying on the bed and goes up and sits on the edge of the bed. Harry opens his eyes and sees that it is Louis and he starts to cry. Louis asks him what is the matter and Harry tells him everything that happened until he passed out from being beaten. Harry even tells him who did it and Louis asks if he told the doctors and Harry tells him that he hasn't. Louis tells him that he needs to let him know and they will contact the police, so the person is arrested for assault on him. Harry tells him to please get the doctor so he can tell him what happened and that way it doesn't happen again. The doctor comes in and Harry tells him everything and the doctor tells him that the police will be there shortly. Louis texts everyone and lets them know that Harry is okay and that he will be getting to go home in a couple of hours. Liam and Niall texts him back and lets him know that they will see them when they get home later.

After the police come and get Harry's statement, he is able to leave and go home. Louis takes him home and helps him to bed. He asks Harry if there is anything he needs and Harry tells him something to eat and drink, Louis asks him what would he like and he tells him some pizza and a some soda. Louis tells him that he will get it ordered and as soon as it gets there he will bring it to him. Just as Louis is leaving out of the room, Harry tells Louis that the loves him and he is glad to have such a loving boyfriend who is there for him for everything. Louis turns around and tells Harry that he loves him too and that he will always be there for him. He then leaves out and goes and orders the pizza for Harry.  Before the pizza gets there, Liam and Niall come home from work. They come in and they see Louis sitting on the couch and they asks how Harry is doing and he tells him that Harry is doing okay and that he will be out of school for a few days while he is healing. There is a knock on the door and Louis answers it and pays for  the pizza and takes it to the kitchen and grabs a couple of slices for Harry and then grabs him a soda out of the fridge. Louis tells the other two that there is pizza and they are welcome to some, but to make sure they save some for him. He takes the food to Harry and when he gets into the room he sees that Harry is asleep. Louis goes and gently wakes him up and tells him that his pizza is here and gives him his plate.

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