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It has been a couple of days since Harry's last appointment, him and Louis are heading back to the doctor to have his blood pressure checked. Harry has been complaining about headaches a lot and Louis is worried about him and he will be talking to his doctor when they get there. They get there in no time and Louis goes to check him in at the desk. It doesn't take long for Harry to be called back by the nurse, and his vitals are being checked. They are taken to a room to wait for the doctor to come in and talk to Harry about his blood pressure. Dr. Green comes in and tells Harry and Louis that his blood pressure is still a little high and he will have to stay completely away from stress and he will have to further lower his sodium intake.

Harry asks her how long will he have to stay away from school and she tells him that he will have to go on almost complete bed rest for the reminder of his pregnancy. Louis asks if he will be able to go out and do some shopping for like groceries and clothes, and Dr. Green tells them that he will still be able to do things like that but he will not be able to go to school for the rest of his pregnancy. Harry tells her that he will need something that states that he will have to stay home until he gives birth and she tells him that she will have a letter wrote up and given to him that he can give to the dean of the school. She tells them that she will be back in just a few minutes and she will be bringing back the letter for him to take.

After about 15 minutes she returns and gives Harry an envelope to give to the dean and she tells him that she wants him to come back in just a couple of weeks. Dr. Green goes on to tell Louis and Harry that she will want to start seeing him every couple of weeks for a check on his blood pressure. She tells them that she doesn't want him to develop pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy). Louis asks about it and she tells him that if Harry's blood pressure stays too high that it can cause problems for him and the baby. Dr. Green tells them that with his blood pressure staying high, Harry can end up with a stroke or even a heart attack. Harry tells her that he will gladly take the time off of school and take care of himself and the baby. Louis tells her that he will make sure that nothing will stress Harry out.

They leave and head straight to the college so they can talk to the dean about what they found out at the doctors. Harry and Louis head straight to the deans office and they are ushered right in to talk to the dean, because the receptionist was informed that when they come in to bring them right to him. Mr. White, the dean of the college, asks them what did they find out and Harry tells him that the doctor wants him to be on almost complete bed rest, so he will not be able to come to school until after he has the baby. Harry tells him that Dr. Green gave him a letter to give to him stating this and he hands it to him. Mr. White reads the letter and tells Harry that he will inform his teachers and he will be able to do all of his classes from the comfort of his home. Harry tells him thank you and he really appreciates everything that he is doing. Mr. White tells him that he would do it for any student who is having problems like him.

Harry and Louis make their way back home. Louis asks Harry if there is anything that he wants to do before they head home. Harry asks if they can go the groceries store before they head home so they can get some food and Louis tells him that they can go anywhere he wants to. Louis and Harry go to the store and get some groceries because Harry is going to needing them during his stay at home.

After they get everything, they head home and once they get there, Harry insists on helping Louis bring in the food. When they get everything put away, Harry heads up to bed to lay down for a little bit. Not long after, Liam and Niall get home and they asks Louis how the appointment went and Louis tells them that Harry will staying home until the baby is born because he is still have problems with his blood pressure. Liam asks if there is anything that they can do to help and Louis is about to tell them something and Harry walks in. Harry tells them that nothing has really changed and not to treat him any different.

The four friends have dinner that Harry insisted on cooking that night. Harry and Louis have been cuddling on the couch since they got done eating and Harry quickly falls asleep. Louis gets up and tells the others that he will be back in just a few minutes because he is taking Harry to bed. About 15 minutes later, Louis comes back down stairs and tells them that he is worried about Harry and to please just keep an eye on him. Liam and Niall tells Louis that they will do their best to keep Harry from getting stressed out over anything.

Liam and Niall tells Louis that they have been thinking about taking a mini vacation in a couple of weeks when they have a four day weekend. Niall tells him that they have talked to their bosses already and are getting those days off. Louis asks them where will they be going and Liam tells him that some of their classmates have got together and are going to be going to the beach for a last little party before it gets to cold. Liam tells Louis that it will give them a few days to do whatever they want and not have to worry about anyone coming home. Niall tells Louis that him and Harry can walk around the house naked if they wanted to and not have to worry about him or Liam walking in and seeing them. After hearing this, it gives Louis an idea he would like to do with Harry while they are gone on their little vacation. Louis tells them okay and he tells them he is going to talk to his boss about taking those days off too so he can care for Harry.

Liam, Niall, and Louis tell each other good night and they head to bed. When Louis gets to the bedroom, Harry is awake and Louis asks him what is wrong and he tells him that he is feeling a little sick to his stomach. Louis tells him to come and cuddle with him for a little bit and maybe he will feel better. Harry crawls over to him and lays his head down on Louis' chest. Louis runs his fingers through Harry's hair and tells him about Liam and Niall going on their mini vacation with some of their classmates. Harry asks him about what they are going to be doing while they are gone to the beach, and Louis tells him that he has something planned for just the two of them. Louis tells him that he wants to have sex all over the house. Harry tells him that he is being naughty and Louis tells him that you love it. Louis tells him that they can have sex on the couch like they talked about at the dinner with all of their families, on the table, and in the kitchen. Harry tells him that he is up for it all and he can't wait until then.

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