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It has been a week since Harry was in the hospital and he is getting antsy because he has been in bed and can't get out. Louis has been keeping a good eye on what Harry has been doing when he is at home with him. Liam and Niall have been keeping an eye on him when Louis is at work. Harry has a doctors appointment that afternoon and Louis is going to be home soon to take him there. Harry was told by Louis that he is wait until he gets home to get ready, but Harry wants to do it himself. When Louis gets home, he comes in and sees Harry trying to get clothes on and Louis asks him why and Harry tells him that he was wanting to do something by himself. Louis tells him that he needs to make sure someone is home when he does, because what would happen if he was to fall and no one was there to help him up.

Louis and Harry make it to the doctor with about 10 minutes to spare and Louis goes and signs him in. Harry makes his way to a chair and sit down until the he is called back. After waiting for about 15 minutes, Harry is called back to see his doctor and his vitals are checked. He is then taken to a room to wait for the doctor and be told how his blood pressure is doing. Dr. Green comes in and tells them that Harry's blood pressure is doing better. She tells them that he is going to be able to go on short trips out of the house. Harry asks her if it would be okay for him to go out to eat about once a week and she tells him that as long as he doesn't over due it, than it will be fine. Dr. Green tells them that she will see them in just a couple of weeks. Harry gets off of the table and him and Louis make their way out to head to go and get something to eat.

Louis asks Harry what would he like to eat and Harry tells him that he would like to go and have some spaghetti and meatballs. So Louis takes him to a romantic Italian place that he was told about by someone in one of his classes. They make it to the restaurant and Louis helps Harry out of the car and into the place. They are taken to a private table and asked what would they like to drink. Harry tells the waiter that he would like to have a sprite and Louis tells him that he would like the same thing. He tells them that he will be back in just a few and take their food order. When the waiter gets back, Louis orders them both a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. Harry eat all of his and part of Louis' food too and then they head back home so Harry can rest for the rest of the day.


It has been a week since Harry seen the doctor last and he has been feeling really good lately and when Louis gets home, Harry plans on asking him to take him out for dinner. So he decides to text Louis and tell him to hurry home when he gets out of classes.

Harry: Babe, can you head straight home when classes are over.

Louis: Sure, is something wrong

Harry: No, I'm doing good. I just wanted to talk to you.

Louis: Okay, I will see you in a couple of hours.

Harry: K, LOVE YOU


Harry decides to take a nap and wait until Louis to get home before he get up out of bed. Louis gets home and calls out for Harry, he walks around the house calling and never gets an answer. This causes Louis to start to panic, so he runs up the stairs to their room and sees Harry sleeping on the bed. He pulls out his phone to take a picture of him because Harry is sleeping on Louis side of the bed with his head buried in the pillow and his hands around his belly. Louis takes off his shoes and climbs in bed with Harry and gently tries to wake him up. He gently shakes his shoulder, trying his hardest not to startle him. After about 15 minutes, Harry finally wakes up and sees Louis laying down beside him.

Louis asks him what is it that he wanted to ask him, Harry tells him that he wanted to ask to see if they go out for dinner tonight. Louis asks him what would he like to have for dinner and Harry tells him that he would like to go and have some pizza out with his friends. Harry tells Louis that it would be just you, Liam, Niall and me; Louis tells him that they should text Liam and Niall to see if they are up for it. Harry sends out a group text to the other two boys and they both agree to it and that they will be home by no later than 4 pm. Louis asks Harry to text them and tell them that they all will meet up at the house and then they will go out and eat some dinner.

Liam and Niall make it home around 4 pm and Louis meets them in the living room and they asks how Harry is doing and he tells them he is doing okay and he is the one to suggest this little dinner out. Liam asks Louis if Harry should be going out this late at night and Louis tells him that Harry has been stuck in the house for the past week and he wants to get out. Louis tells Niall and Liam that he is going to go up and help him get dressed and they will be back down in a little bit. After about 20 minutes, Louis and Harry come down from their room. Harry is wearing one of Louis' shirts and a pair of leggings, because that is all he can wear at this point in time. It is in the middle of November and Harry is 8 months pregnant.

Liam and Niall tell Harry that he is looking really good. Harry looks at them and tells them that he thinks that he looks like a whale, but Louis tells him that he is beautiful and so he tries to listen to his fiancé and not get down about his looks. Liam and Niall tells him that he is beautiful and no matter what and it is just his hormones talking. They all head out and go to the pizza parlor, where they order 3 large pizzas. They make their way back home with about half of a pizza that Harry will be having for lunch the next day. When they get home, they all go to the living room and watch movies.

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