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It has been a couple of weeks since Harry quit working and everything has been going good for the four friends. Early one morning, Harry wakes up and he is not feeling very well and he needs to go to the bathroom, but he doesn't want to wake up Louis. So he slowly moves Louis' arm off of him and gently gets out of bed and runs to the bathroom. Louis wakes up a few minutes later and hears Harry in the bathroom getting sick. He gets up and goes into the bathroom to help Harry through the vomiting that he is currently doing. Harry tries to tell Louis to go back to bed because he still has to go to work in a little bit.

Louis stays by Harry's side while he is in the bathroom, and he tells him that he will not go back because you are not doing this alone. I helped make the baby and I will help you in anyway I can, even if it means I will be getting less sleep. Harry finishes up and gets up to brush his teeth and wash his face. Louis is helping Harry back to the bed and he feels the heat that is radiating off of Harry's body. So he goes back to the bathroom and gets the thermometer so he can check Harry's temperature because he can tell something is wrong. Louis comes back and tells Harry that he is going to check his temp. and Harry just mumbles. When the thermometer goes off, Louis takes it out and sees that the reading is 103.5 and he grabs the phone and calls in to work and then calls the doctor. When he is talking to his boss, he tells him that he is going to have to take Harry to the doctor because he is running a high fever. His boss tells him to make sure to let him know what is going on so that he can keep his shifts covered for him. When he gets a hold of the doctor, he is told to bring him in straight away and he will be seen immediately.

Louis goes and wakes up Liam so that he can help Louis get Harry dressed and to the car. Liam is the one who was staying with Harry today anyway, so that is why Louis is waking him up. When he gets in Liam's bedroom, he wakes him and tells him that he needs his help and Liam asks why. Louis tells him that he needs his help getting Harry dressed because he is taking him to the doctor. He tells Liam that Harry is running a 103.5 fever. Liam asks if Harry will be okay with him seeing him naked and Louis tells him that he really doesn't care because Harry really needs to get to the doctor. Louis and Liam head to Harry and Louis' bedroom and when they get there, they see that Harry is having a problem breathing and instead of getting him dressed Liam calls an ambulance. Louis calls and tells the doctor that Harry is going to the hospital by ambulance. Dr. Green asks why and Louis tells her that he went to get some help getting Harry dressed from a friend of theirs and he was having trouble breathing so an ambulance was called. She tells him that she will be at the hospital as soon as she can to check on him.

The ambulance gets there and they quickly get Harry and puts him on the stretcher and out the door, and they tells them that only one of them can come with them. Louis tells them that Harry is his boyfriend and he will going with them. On the ride there, Louis tells them that Harry is 4 1/2 months pregnant and he is worried about the baby also. They inform the hospital about everything that is going on and they will make sure everything is okay as soon as they get there. When the ambulance gets there, the doctor that comes out tells Louis that he will have to go to the waiting room until they can get some test ran on Harry. Louis tells them that he doesn't want to leave his side, but the doctor tells him that they will be able to run the test faster if he was not in the way.

Back at their house, Liam goes and wakes up Niall so they can head to the hospital to be there for Louis. When Liam gets in Niall's room, he yells at Niall to get up and get dressed. Niall looks at him like he is crazy because it is only about 6:30 am and asks him why is he waking him up so early and Liam tells him that Harry was just taken away in an ambulance. He asks Liam what happened and Liam tells him that Louis had come in and asked for his help in getting Harry dressed because Harry is running a high fever and he was going to take him to the doctor, but when they got back to the room Harry was having trouble breathing so they called the ambulance on him. Niall and Liam hurry up and get dressed and head to the hospital. When they get there, they see Louis sitting in the waiting room and they go up to him. Louis tells them that the doctors wouldn't let him stay with Harry and then he breaks down and starts to cry. Liam and Niall bring him into a hug and tell him that everything will be fine and not to worry. Liam asks if Louis has called their moms and he tells him that he hasn't and Louis asks if Niall can call them please. Louis tells them that he doesn't think he could do it without crying more, and Niall does just that.

After about an hour, the doctor comes out and asks for Harry Styles family, and Louis jumps up really quick and tells him that he is Harry's boyfriend. Louis and Harry's moms are not there yet. The doctor tells him that he can come back now and they can discuss what is wrong with Harry with him. They get to the room where Harry is and they head in. Louis pulls up a chair next to him and the doctor tells them that Harry was having an asthma attack and that from now on Harry is going to have to use an inhaler before he goes to bed and when he wakes up. Harry asks if it is safe for the baby and the doctor tells him that it will be okay. Dr. Green comes in a couple of minutes later and they discuss the use of the inhaler with her and she tells them that it would be better in the long run if he did so that he will stay well for the baby. She then asks if they would like to see the baby while they are here and they say that they would love to, so they can make sure that the baby is okay.

The ultrasound machine is brought in and turned on and the gel is put on Harry's belly. They first hear the heartbeat and then they see the baby's face. Dr. Allen is moving the wand around Harry's belly and she can clearly see the sex of the baby and she asks if they would like to know the sex of the baby. Harry tells her that he would love to know the sex and Louis just starts smiling at Harry. But before she can say anything, Harry looks at Louis and tells him that he has a better idea for the reveal of the sex. Louis asks what and Harry tells the doctor to write it on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope and they will just have a gender reveal party in about a week. She goes out of the room and grabs the results and a few pictures of the ultrasound. Dr. Green brings the things back to them and tells them good luck and Harry can go home.

Back out in the waiting room, their moms have shown up and they are worried about what is wrong with Harry. A few minutes later, Louis and Harry come out of the back and the others run up to them and pull Harry into a hug. Harry's mom asks what is wrong with him and he tells all of them everything about what is wrong. Louis tells them that they did an ultrasound and they found out the sex and they are all trying to get them to tell them. Harry tells them that there is going to be a gender reveal party next week and everyone will find out then. The moms tell them when they are both off and that way everyone can be there. Since Liam and Niall both have off on Friday next week, that is when it is scheduled for.

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