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It is now the middle of January and Harry has been having small pains in his belly, and he hasn't said anything to Louis about it. He has an appointment in the afternoon and Louis is taking him as soon as he gets back from school. Louis has been making sure to keep the dean of the school informed about what is happening to Harry since he hasn't really been coming on campus and has been doing it on online. The dean tells him that Harry is one of the top students, so as long as he keeps doing his work he has no problem with Harry doing all of his classes online.

Liam doesn't have any classes on this day so he has stayed at home with Harry so someone is there with him. He comes in to check on Harry and Harry is in the bathroom getting sick. Liam asks him if he is doing okay and Harry tells him that he is doing fine, just take care of Will until Louis gets home. Harry tells Liam that he may need his help getting dressed in a little bit, and Liam tells him that he will help him as much as he can. Liam asks him if he is naked and Harry tells him that he is but he can't really get comfortable at night when he has on clothes, so he just sleeps naked. He asks him if Louis will get jealous if he sees him naked and he tells Liam that he knows that he would see him naked today and he is not worried about it.

Louis comes home to take Harry to his appointment and he is downstairs waiting for him. He asked him who got him dressed and helped him down the stairs. Harry tells him that Liam helped him with all of it and he took care of Will this morning while he stayed in bed. Louis goes and finds Liam and tells him thank you for taking care of Will and Harry while he was in school. Liam tells him that he loves taking care of them and he would do it any day of the week. Harry gets up and waddles over to Liam and gives him a hug and tells him that he loves him.

Louis and Harry leave for the doctors and Will stays at home with Liam. When they get to the office, Louis helps Harry to a chair and then goes up and gets him checked in. She tells him that they will be with them in just a few minutes. Louis comes back and sits down beside him and gently rubs his back. After waiting for about 5 minutes, Harry is called back to see the doctor. His vitals are taken and then he is taken to a room where he is told that they doctor will be with them in just a couple of minutes. After about a 5 minute wait, Dr. Green comes and tells Harry that all of his vitals look really good at this time.

She asks them if they have thought about what they wanted to do after the babies are born and Harry tells her that he would like to have it all taken out. He tells her that they have decided that 5 kids are plenty for them and they had a very serious talk about this topic and they did reach the mutual decision to do this. Dr. Green tells them that is fine and she will note that in the chart that she will be sending over to the hospital in a couple of days. She asks them if they have any other concerns and Harry tells her that he has been having small pains in his lower belly the past couple of days and was wondering if he should be worried. Dr. Green tells him that as long as he is not leaking fluid, then he will be okay.

Louis and Harry leave out of the office and Louis asks why didn't he say anything about any pains the past couple of days. Harry tells him that he didn't want to worry him or bother him if they are nothing to worry about. Louis tells him that it could be something to worry about, like he could have been in labor or something could have been wrong with the babies. Harry tells him that he will start telling him if he has any more pains instead of keeping it to himself. Louis tells him that he will tell Liam and Niall to keep an eye on him too. Harry tells him that he doesn't have to get them involved in it too and Louis tells him that if there are three people watching out for him, then there will be more people to make sure he is okay.

The two of them get home and walk into the house and they hear Will crying. Harry waddles to him and picks him up and cuddles him to his chest. Liam comes running in with a bottle to feed Will and when he sees Harry he just hands the bottle to him to feed him. Louis tells Liam thank you for watching Will for them and that they need to keep an eye on Harry because he has been having small pains in his belly. Liam asks what did the doctor say and he tells him that she wants them to keep an eye on him. Louis tells him that she told him that Harry can go into labor any day now and that we need to keep a really close on him until he gives birth to the babies. Liam asks him if he is ready for them to be born and Louis tells him that he is very nervous to have the babies to be honest.

Harry has feed and burped Will and he is now telling Louis that he would like to go to bed and get some rest. Louis asks him if he would like to have Will in there with him and he tells Louis that if someone will take the monitor with them for when he wakes up and Louis tells him that he will take it with him. Liam takes Will and puts him in his crib, while Louis helps Harry into bed so he can get some much needed rest. After they are both in their beds, Liam and Louis head downstairs and Liam tells Louis that he needs to talk to him. Louis tells him to go ahead and talk, and Liam tells him that there is a baby shower planned for Harry this weekend and Louis needs to make sure that Harry gets there.

Louis tells him that he will take Harry out like they are going to go and get something for their new babies and then take him to the party. Liam tells him that he will keep Will with him and bring him to the party. Louis asks when did they begin planning this and Liam tells him after they left the reveal party. Liam goes on to tell him that he wants to have it before the babies get here. They continue to talk about the party and after a couple of hours, Will begins to cry. Louis gets up and goes and gets him. When he walks into his and Harry's bedroom, he sees how Harry is sleeping and can't help but take a pic of him.

When he gets back down stairs with Will, Louis tells Liam about the way that Harry is sleeping and shows him a picture of it. Liam says that is the cutest way he has ever seen Harry sleep. Harry's small hands are placed around his stomach and his legs are brought up to the fetal position so it looks like his belly is sitting in his lap. Louis tells Liam that he will make sure to get Harry out of the house and to the party at the right time, and then Liam tells him that they need to plan Harry's birthday party too. He tells Liam that Harry doesn't want a birthday party, because he wants to focus on getting the babies here first. Liam tells him that there will be a party planned for him no matter what. (What Harry looks like at 7 months pregnant)

 (What Harry looks like at 7 months pregnant)

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