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Liam and Niall are getting ready to leave for their time with their fellow classmates. Louis and Harry are just staying home because they are not sure when Harry will be having their baby. Harry is already a couple of days overdue and it is getting harder on him the longer he is pregnant. Liam and Niall come down with their suitcases and set them down by the door and come back into the living room to tell Harry and Louis that they are going to be leaving in just a few minutes. Harry tells them to have fun and if anything happens him or Louis will let them know. Louis tells Liam and Niall to have fun and they will see them again in about a week, if not sooner.

Liam and Niall leave with a wave and a good bye. Harry is sitting between Louis legs, while Louis is rubbing Harry's back for him. As Louis is rubbing his back, Harry is letting out pornographic moans because it is feeling so good. A short time later, Harry is laying down with his head in Louis' lap and Louis is carding his fingers thru Harry's hair and this puts him to sleep. Louis starts talking to Harry before he realizes that he is asleep and Louis decides to just let him sleep. Harry sleeps for a couple of hours before Louis has to wake him up so he can go to the bathroom. Louis gets Harry to sit up to he can get up and then Harry lays back down with his head on a pillow.

Louis comes back out of the bathroom and sees that Harry is almost back to sleep, and he tells Harry that he is going to have to get up because he has to go to the doctor for his appointment. Harry tells him to just let him sleep and Louis tells him that as soon as they leave the doctor's, he will take him anywhere he wants to go. Louis finally convinces Harry to get up so he can get his shoes on him. Harry asks him if they can go and get him some ice cream when they leave the doctor's and Louis tells him that he will take him out for lunch and then for ice cream, Harry says YEAH!!!!!

They get to the doctor's and Louis helps Harry over to a chair and then goes and checks Harry in for his appointment. After about 10 minutes, Harry is called back by the nurse to take him to a room. She checks his vitals and his weight, she tells Harry that he can go into the room and the doctor will be with him in a couple minutes. Dr. Green comes in a couple of minutes later and asks him how is he doing. Harry tells her that he is ready to have the baby and she tells him that the baby will be here when he is ready, but if he is not here by Christmas they will induce him. Louis asks if it is okay for Harry to continue on being pregnant for about another 10 days and she tells him that he will just have to come in every couple of days to be checked on. Harry asks if he will be able to do anything or will he still have to be immobile, Dr. White tells Harry that he will have to stay immobile as much as possible because of his blood pressure.

Just as they are about to leave out of the room, Harry stops Dr. White and asks her if it is okay for them to still have sex and she tells him that it is okay. She tells them that it can also help Harry go into labor. As Dr. Green leaves out of the room, she hears Harry say that they are going to be having lots and lots of sex. Dr. Green just laughs at them and shakes her head. Harry and Louis leave out of the room and get his next few appointments, at least until Christmas. They leave out of the office and head to their car. Louis takes him out for a spaghetti dinner at the restaurant that he works at.

When they get there, they are quickly taken to a table. Steve comes up to them and asks how is Harry doing and Louis tells him still pregnant. Harry tells him that he is already a couple of days past his due date and he is ready to have their little boy. Steve tells him that his husband was early for both of his pregnancy. Louis tells Steve that Harry has been wanting to get the boy out for the past couple of days because of the pain in his back and in his feet. Steve tells them to just be patient and their little boy will be here before they know it and they will be holding their precious little one. Harry tells him that he just wants him out so he can see who he looks like the most. The three of them sit and talk for a few more minutes and then Steve asks them what would they like to eat and they tell him they both want some spaghetti and they both will have a coke to drink.

They sit there and eat their meal, Harry eating all of his and part of Louis, but of course Louis doesn't say anything about it because he is carrying their little boy and Harry needs all of the nutrients that he can get right now. They are done eating and they leave their money on the table for their food and they tell Steve good bye. Then they head to their car and then to the ice cream parlor.

When they get there, Louis asks Harry what kind of ice cream would he like and Harry tells him that he want some cherry cheesecake and some triple chocolate chip ice cream. Harry tries to give Louis money to pay for their ice cream and Louis refuses it. Louis goes up to the counter and orders his and Harry's ice cream and when it is done, he comes back and sits down by Harry. They eat their ice cream and then they head back to their home, so Harry can get some rest.

When they get home, Harry is all over Louis. Harry tells Louis that he wants him to make love to him. Louis tells him that they will go up to the bedroom and he will do what ever he wants him to. Harry makes his way to the bedroom slowly so that he doesn't fall and injure himself or the baby. As soon as they are in the room, Harry strips out of all of his clothes and climbs on the bed. Louis strips off his clothes and joins him in bed, then he asks Harry what would he like to have done to him.

Harry tells him that he wants him to eat him out and then make slow passionate love to him. Louis quickly agrees with what Harry asks him to do. He has Harry scoot to the side of the bed to where his bum is sitting on the edge of the bed. Louis quickly gets in between Harry's legs and licks a thick stripe over Harry's entrance. It doesn't take long before he is pushing his tongue into Harry, then Louis starts to add his fingers to the mix. Harry is a moaning mess after just a short amount of time. Harry asks Louis to please make love to him and to be quick about it because he isn't going to last much longer. Louis lubes up his member and gently enters Harry. They take it slow so not to cause Harry to much pain.

Once they are done, Louis goes and grabs a wet cloth and cleans Harry up. Then Harry curls up and falls asleep with his head on Louis chest, listening to his heartbeat. When they wake up, it is almost dinner time and Louis asks Harry what would he like to have and Harry tells him he wants some Chinese and some pizza. Louis tells Harry he will order it and then they will head down stairs and watch some TV. It doesn't take either place very long to bring them their orders, and the two of them sit in the living room, watch TV, and eat their dinner.

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