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The boys have started college and everything seems to be going good for them. Harry and Louis are on their way to Harry's appointment to check on the baby. Louis is driving because Harry has been feeling bad the past couple of days and they are going to talk to the doctor about it while they are there. They pull into the parking lot and parking, and as they are getting out of the car, Harry leans out of the door and gets sick. Louis runs around the car to get to Harry and help him. As soon as Harry is done, they go into the office and Louis checks Harry in at the receptionist. She tells him that Harry will be called in just a few minutes.

After about 15 minutes, Harry is called back and the nurse checks his vitals and weight before he is taken into a room. The doctor comes in shortly after and she asks how Harry is doing, Louis tells her that the past couple of days Harry has been feeling sick. As Dr. Green checks what his vitals are, Harry starts to get sick again. Louis grabs the trash can and brings it to him and holds it for him. She tells Harry that his blood pressure is running a little high and she will have it checked again before they leave. Dr. Green tells Harry that she would like to check on the baby real quick and Harry lays down, lifts his shirt and waits for her to put the gel on his belly. Louis and Harry hear the baby's heartbeat and Dr. Green shows them that the baby is still doing good. Before they leave the nurse comes back in and checks Harry's blood pressure and it is still high.

Dr. Green comes back in and tells Harry and Louis that his blood pressure is still high and he needs to relax. Harry  tells her that he is going to school and trying to take care of himself, she tells him that he should probably take the next couple of days off from school and stay at home and rest. She goes on to tell him that he if doesn't, there is a chance that he will be put on complete bed rest for the rest of his pregnancy. Louis tells Harry that they can go and talk to the dean and tell him what is going on and he is sure that the dean will understand and let him have the next couple of days off. Dr. White tells them that she would like to see Harry again in a couple of days to check on his blood pressure. Louis and Harry head out of the back and head to the front to get his appointment for the next couple of days.

They leave the office and head straight to the college to talk to the dean about what is going on with Harry and that the doctor would like for him to take the next couple of days off and see if his pressure will go down any. The dean tells him that he can take as long as he needs off and Harry tells him that he is going back to the doctor in just a couple of days and he will let him know what the doctor says. Harry and Louis are heading home and Harry tells Louis that he is hungry, so Louis goes by a fast food place and get him something. Louis is in the drive thru and he asks Harry what would he like, and Louis reminds him that he needs to lower his sodium intake like the doctor said, so Harry tells him to just get him a salad and a bottle of water. He gets the order and drives home while Harry is starting to eat on his salad. They pull into the drive way and get out, and when they get into the house, Harry goes straight to the living room and sits down and finishes his salad.

Liam and Niall come home a couple of hours later and they ask how the appointment went and Louis tells them that Harry's blood pressure is running a little high and he is going to have to take the next couple of days off and relax. Liam asks about his school work and Louis tells him that they went to the dean and he will be doing all his work online for the next few days or until he is able to return to school. Niall asks where is Harry and Louis tells him that he is resting right now and he hopes that he is doing okay. Louis tells them that Harry got sick as soon as they to the doctors office, and Liam asks what did the doctor say about that and Louis tells him that is when the doctor said something about his blood pressure being high.

A little later, Harry wakes up and heads down stairs to make dinner for the four of them. When he gets to the living room, Liam and Niall are looking over a take out menu and tells Harry that they are ordering something so he doesn't have to cook tonight. Niall asks Harry what would he like to have to eat and Harry tells him that he would like to have some pizza. Harry then asks where is Louis and Liam tells him that he went to the store to get a couple of things for Harry to have while they are at school. Liam tells him that Louis told them what was going on and they only want him to get better and take care of him and the baby. Harry tells Liam and Niall that he wants to get better so the baby is not under undue stress, because with his blood pressure up, it puts stress on the baby.

Niall orders the pizza and shortly after Louis comes home from the store with some things for Harry to have to eat. Harry asks Louis what kind of food did he get for him and Louis tells him that he got him some healthier foods that will not raise his blood pressure. Louis tells him that starting tomorrow there will be healthier food around the house instead of all the fatter foods. He tells Liam, Harry, and Niall that there will be less chips and candies in the house until after the baby is born. Harry asks him why and Louis tells him that he called and talked to Dr. Green after he went to sleep. She told him that they will have to have less tempting foods around the house until Harry gives birth. Louis tells Harry that he can have some candy every once and a while, but not everyday.

After about 45 minutes the pizza arrives and they all sit down in the living room and eat pizza and watch movies. At around 10:30 pm, Harry is asleep in Louis lap and the others are still watching movies. Louis tells them that he is going to take Harry to bed and then he is going to bed himself so he sleep so he can go to school in the morning.  Liam and Niall tell Louis that they will see them in the morning and have a good night. Shortly after Louis takes Harry to bed, Liam and Niall head to bed themselves.

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