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It has been about a week since Harry and Louis talked their moms about the pregnancy and Harry has been getting cravings but doesn't know what he is craving. So when Louis gets off work they are going to be going to the store to get some groceries. Louis walks into the house and Harry is in the living room waiting for him and he tells him that he is running to the room so he can change clothes before they go to the store. When Louis comes back out of the room, he sees that Harry is starting to fall asleep and he asks Harry if he would like to take a nap before they go and Harry tells him no that he can wait until they get back from the store.

While they are walking around getting the food that they need, Harry tells Louis that he is craving something and he asks him what does he want and Harry tells him he is not sure. Louis asks him does he want something sweet, sour, or salty. They are walking by the cheeses and Harry stops and gets a block of pepper jack cheese and puts it in the cart. As they continue to walk around and getting the groceries they need, Harry decides to get some frosting because he decides he would like to just open it up and start eating it. Louis looks at him and asks why is he getting frosting and he tells him that he would like to eat a tube of frosting. They finish getting the food and then go to the front and pay for the items they got. They take it out to the car and Harry gets in while Louis puts the groceries in the trunk of the car, then they head home.

Louis and Harry grabs the food and heads into the house and brings it to the kitchen to be put away. Louis asks Harry if he would like to go and take a nap before they prepare and eat dinner and Harry tells him that he would just like to eat some of the frosting right now. Harry takes the frosting and a spoon, then he decides he would like some cheese as well, so he cuts him some up. Louis is looking at him strange and Harry asks him what and Louis asks him if he is about to eat frosting and cheese, Harry tells him that yes he is. Liam and Niall comes in right before Harry starts eating and they both give him a strange look. They look at Louis and he shrugs his shoulders with a disgusting look on his face. If though Niall likes to eat weird foods, this is a little be strange for him and he tells them that if he was to eat this he would be sick. (A/N: I really enjoy eating frosting and cheese, it is really good. But I have been eating a lot of weird things myself. No I'm not pregnant, I have always eaten strange things, except when I was pregnant with both of my boys.)

Louis, Liam, and Niall leave Harry alone because they don't want him to get upset about what he is eating. They go to the living room so they can discuss what they are going to be having for dinner, Liam asks what do they think that Harry would like to have and Louis tells him that Harry will just about eat anything, so they decide on getting some Chinese. Niall calls the place and places their orders and is told it will be about 30 minutes to be delivered. Harry comes in shortly after that and asks what do they want for dinner and Louis tells him that they have ordered Chinese for dinner and Harry tells him okay.

When they eat their dinner, they watch "Titanic" because Harry wanted to. When they are done eating, Liam gets up to throw away the containers that the food was in. Harry is starting to get sleepy, so he climbs into Louis lap to get some comfort and to be warm. Louis wraps his arms around him and Harry lays his head on Louis' shoulder. Shortly after getting into his lap, Harry is asleep and Louis taps Liam with his foot so he can be for sure. Liam tells him that Harry is definitely asleep and Louis tells Niall and Liam that before they went to the store, that Harry was sleepy but he wanted to go and get the shopping done. So, Louis picks Harry up and carries him to bed and lays him down and strips him of his clothes and puts one of his own shirts on Harry, all without waking him up.

Louis comes back into the living room with Liam and Niall, and they ask him how is Harry really doing and Louis tells them that he is doing okay. He tells them that he has not been getting sick in the mornings anymore, so that is a plus. Louis tells them that Harry has been having cravings lately but he doesn't know what he wants, so if they come home and Harry is eating something that they think is gross, to please don't say anything. He tells them that Harry has been having some issues about what others are going to say to him when they start college in a little over a month. And now that he is having all this strange cravings, he has been getting more upset lately. Liam asks why and Louis tells him that it has to do with his hormones and that he gets upset over the smallest things.

Liam and Niall both tell him that they will not make fun of him for anything because it is his body craving these things and it is not really him. Niall tells him that he wants some strange things sometimes too, and that Harry has caught him doing so and has never made fun of him for it. Louis tells them that he doesn't know when such cravings are going to hit him, so he will get him whatever he wants. Liam tells Louis that if Harry is ever craving something that they don't have at the house, to just let him know and he will get it for him. Louis tells him that he doesn't have to do that because it is his job to make sure that Harry has everything he needs. Liam tells him that Harry is like a little brother to him and he just wants to help in whatever way possible. Niall tells Louis the same thing and that he loves him because he is someone special to all of them.

Unknown to the others, Harry is standing in the hallway listening to them. He woke up because he had to go to the bathroom and wanted Louis to come and cuddle with him. After hearing everything that they say about him, he starts to tear up and he realizes how much they all mean to him. Harry stands there and listens to them a little bit longer before his feet start hurting, so he decides to come into the living room with them. As he walks behind he couch, he grabs the blanket that they have sitting on the back of it and wraps it around himself. They see him doing this and asks him if he is okay and Harry tells them that he is fine.

When Harry gets around and sits in Louis' lap, Louis looks at him and notices that he has been crying. He asks him why is he crying and he whispers to him that he heard what they were saying and it made him happy to have such good friends. Harry then whispers to Louis that he is glad to also have such a loving boyfriend who would do anything for him. Louis tells him that all three of them would do anything to help him because they love him, of course all for different reasons but they love him all the same. Harry gets up and gives Liam and Niall a hug and tells them that he loves them too. Since none of them have to go to work the next day, they all sit up and talk half the night.

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