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It is now Valentines Day and Harry has been out of the hospital for a week, while the quads are still there being taken care of because they were born so early. The oldest two are getting to go home in about a week and the third one will be coming home in about a couple of weeks. The youngest one, they are not sure when she will be able to come home because she is having trouble breathing. Louis and Harry are going to be going to the hospital as soon as Louis gets out of school. Will is going to finally be able to meet his little sisters for the first time and Harry doesn't know how he will take this and he is a little bit scared about it. Everyone tells Harry that Will be fine around the babies and not to worry about it.

Louis gets home from school and then him and Harry leave to go see their babies at the hospital. When they get there they have to wash their hands so they can go into the NICU to see their little girls. Louis and Harry are able to hold the oldest 3 and Harry takes off his shirt and tries to breastfeed them, since he was going to try to anyway. He has been pumping so that they will have his breast milk instead of formula. Harry starts out with Erin, then goes to Joline, and then he feds Elizabeth. Louis asks when will they be able to hold Judith and he is told they should be able to hold her in about a week. Judith is still on a feeding tube because she has been having problems sucking on anything. The others are doing a lot better than her and they have been off their feeding tubes for about a week.

They get to spend about 3 hours with their little girls and when they get ready to leave they tell their babies that they will be back tomorrow to see them. Louis took pictures of all of them so that their family and friends are able to see what they look like. Erin and Judith both have Louis' eyes and facial features but Harry's hair color and his curls. While Elizabeth and Joline both have Harry's eyes and facial features, but Louis' hair. They tell the nurses that they will see them in the morning and to please take care of their little angels.

They get home and their friends and family are all there so they can see pictures of the babies. Louis passes his phone around so that they can look. Since they are now in the bigger house, everyone is able to be there at once. Because while Harry was in the hospital, everyone pitched in and got everything moved to the new house. Liam and Niall are now having to share a bathroom between them, but they have their own rooms. Will has his own room and the babies will be sharing a room for now. And when the babies get older they will all have their own rooms but will share two bathrooms between the four of them. Will has his own bathroom attached to his room. Of course, Louis and Harry has their own bathroom and a massive closet.

The house has six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Their is a bathroom downstairs for guests to use when they visit. The extra bedroom for now is going to be used for a guest room. There is a huge kitchen for Harry to cook in and a study that he will be using for his office for now. There is also a pool in the backyard for them to use and also to teach all of their babies how to swim when it is time.

Harry will be getting his degree in less than a year and he will be working from home so he can take care of the babies. He is still has all A's and he is in the top of his classes.

For Harry's birthday, Louis went and got them a van, so that when all the babies are home, they can still get around without having to use 2 vehicles. He sold his car and got it for him and Louis will be using Harry's car for now.

That night, after everyone has left and they are in bed, Louis and Harry talk about how are Harry is going to handle all four babies when Louis is at school. Harry tells him that he will manage one way or another. He goes on to tell him that usually Liam or Niall is here during the day to help him. Louis tells him that once he gets home from work and school, he will watch the babies so Harry can get some rest. Harry tells him that they will make everything work out in the end. Louis tells him that he has no doubt that Harry can do this, because he is amazing and a wonderful person.


It has been a week and Harry is at the hospital with Will. He is getting to bring home Joline and Elizabeth today. Louis told Harry that he will meet him there when he gets out of school to help him get the babies to the car. All Harry is waiting for is for Louis to get there and then they all will be able to go home with at least two of their babies. The doctor comes in and Harry is talking to him about the babies. Harry asks when will he be able to bring home Erin and Judith, and the doctor tells Harry that they other two should be able to go home next week. Dr. Tyler, the babies doctor, tells him that Judith is doing better and has gained almost two pounds since she was born. He tells Harry that Erin and Judith still need to gain just a little bit more weight before they can be released. Harry tells him that he can't wait to have all of his babies at home with him.

Louis gets there a couple of minutes after the doctor leaves and Harry tells him the good news about them. He is over joyed to be getting to have all of his babies at home in just another week. They take Joline and Elizabeth home that afternoon and again their families are there to greet the babies. Harry tells them that the other two will be getting to come in a week. He asks his mom if she will be able to watch Will, Joline, and Elizabeth when he gets the others and she tells him that she will watch them for him. Harry tells his mom that Louis is taking the day off so he can help him bring the babies home and get them settled. He thanks his and Louis' mom for everything that they have done for the two of them and that he loves them.

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