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It is now the beginning of December and Harry's pregnancy has been going okay so far. He is now about 5 1/2 months and he is getting really big. It is a big day for him and Louis, they are going to find out the genders of their babies today. Louis and Harry say that it doesn't matter what they have, just as long as they are all healthy. Liam is going to watch Will while they go to the appointment. Harry is no longer able to drive because his belly gets in the way of the steering wheel. Louis asks him everyday before he goes to school if he needs him to bring anything home for him. Harry usually tells him to bring him some ice cream and peanut butter. That is what he has been craving since he was about 10 weeks and it keeps getting worse the further along he gets. He usually goes through about 6 jars of peanut butter and 10 containers of ice cream a week. (this about how big Harry is at this appointment)

Louis helps Harry out to the car and gets him in before going around to the other side and getting in himself

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Louis helps Harry out to the car and gets him in before going around to the other side and getting in himself. Harry asks Louis how is he feeling about becoming a daddy again and to please be honest with him. Louis tells him that he is a little scared because they are having four instead of one, but he is also very happy to be having more babies with his husband. Harry tells him that he is happy to be having more babies with his husband, but he scared too. While Louis is driving to the doctor's, they talk about everything. Harry asks him how does he feel about once the babies are born, that he gets his woman parts removed. Louis tells him that it is really up to him because he is the one who has to carry the babies. Harry tells him that yes he is the one carrying them, but you are part of this also, you are my husband and I want your opinion on it as well.

Louis tells him that it would be nice to not have to worry about Harry getting pregnant again but he wants Harry to have the final say because it is his body. Harry tells him the reason he is asking is because Dr. Green was talking to him about the methods of birth control after the quads are born. He tells Louis that he was bringing it up because he wanted to let her know today what they answer is because it can be planned as soon as he gives birth. Harry tells him that he has already talked to Dr. Green about the delivery and she suggested that he has a C-section with this pregnancy because there are four of them. He tells Louis that if he is already cut open then they could go ahead and cut out the other parts, instead of having to recut him open to remove it later.

Louis tells him that ultimate decision is his, but he would not bother him if he got all those parts cut out. He tells Harry that once he gets totally healed from the birth of the quads they could have much sex as they wanted and he wouldn't get pregnant. Harry tells him that they will talk to Dr. Green about it when they get in to see her. A couple of minutes later, they arrive at the office and Louis helps Harry into the lobby. Louis helps Harry to sit down and then goes and registers him. While Louis is at the desk, a woman approaches Harry and starts talking to him about his pregnancy. She asked him how far along he was and he tells her that he is right at 22 weeks and is very tired. Harry tells her that this is his second pregnancy and that his oldest will be a year old on Christmas Eve, just like his husband.

She tells him that this is her first and she is very scared about the whole thing and he tells her not to be scared. Harry tells her that as soon as you see that baby for the first time, you will be in complete awe and bliss that this little human came from you. She then asks him how many is he having this time and Harry tells her that he is going to be having quads and that in itself scares the crap out of him. Louis then comes over and sits down by Harry and puts his arm around Harry's shoulders and the other hand he puts on his belly. Harry introduces Louis to her and her to Louis.

About 10 minutes later, Harry is called back to see the doctor and have all of his vitals taken. He is then taken into a room to wait on the doctor. She comes in a few minutes later and sits down at her seat. Dr. Green looks over his chart and tells him that his blood pressure is going good so far this pregnancy and to keep up with whatever he has been doing. Harry asks her if it would be okay for him to go shopping and get stuff for the babies and she tell him that as long as he doesn't do go for to long. She tells him that he can do these things in short trips. She then asks them if they are ready to see their babies and they say that they are. Dr. Green then asks if they would like to know the genders of the babies and Harry tells her to just put them in an envelope and they are going to be having another gender reveal party in which she is invited to. She asks when is it and he tells her that it is going to be the following weekend. She tells them that she will be there and she gives them the pictures of the babies and the envelope with the genders.

She tells them that she will see them in a week and to have a good week and thank you for inviting me. They leave and head to the bakery that is going to be making there cake for the party. Sara, the baker, tells them that she is going to make one big cake and four cupcakes that will reveal the genders. Harry goes to pay her and Louis beats him to it and already has out his wallet paying for it. They go back out to the car and Harry tells him that he needs to pay for some of the stuff for the party and Louis tells him that he needs to save his money for stuff for the babies. Harry tells him fine, and then he tells Louis that they need to stop by the restaurant to make sure that the private dining room is going to be vacant for the party.

They walk in and are greeted by Steve and his husband, and they ask what can they do for them. Harry asks them if the private dining room is going to be open next Saturday and Steve tells him that it will be. Louis tells him that he would like to reserve it for a gender reveal party for the babies. Steve's husband asks him how many is he having and Harry tell him that they are going to be having four babies this time around. Steve and his husbands jaw drops and they ask if he was on any kind of hormones for him to have that many and Louis tells him that he wasn't on anything, but birth control. He asks who all is coming to the party and Harry said the usual people will be there. Louis tells them that the two of them and their moms are the only ones that knows that they are having quads. Steve sends them home with food for all of them and tells them that they can't wait until next weekend for the party.

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