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It was now just a couple of days before Louis' birthday and Harry wanted to give him something special for it. So he went to Liam and Niall and asked for their help, and they told him that they will go to the mall and they will surely find something there for him. That Saturday, while Louis was at work, they went to the mall and started to look around for something. They went to Hot Topic, Spencer's, and several other stores, but Harry couldn't find the perfect gift for him. Harry told the boys that he still hasn't found what he is looking for.

Just as they were about to leave, Harry spotted what he was looking for. He went into the shop and bought the item and then he left. Liam and Niall didn't realize that Harry had walked off from them and when they seen that he had they turned around and went back. Harry was just coming out of the shop when he was seen. Liam ran up to him and asked why didn't he tell them that he was stopping and Harry tells them that it was just a really quick thing. He tells them that he seen it out of the corner of his eye and had to get it for him. Niall tells him that he should have still told them that he was stopping at the shop. Harry tells them that he found the perfect gift for Louis and that he didn't want to lose out on getting it for him.

Liam and Niall asks if they can see what he got him and he opened the bag and showed them and they said that he is going to love it. They start to head home and as they are walking, Harry asks if one of the boys can keep it in their room until his birthday. Liam tells him that he can keep it in his room until then, because Louis never comes in there anyway. The three of them get home a few minutes before Louis is suppose to arrive. Liam quickly takes it into his room and puts it up. As Liam is walking out of his room, Louis comes in the door. Louis is really tired and just wants to go and lay down and cuddle with Harry. He takes off his shoes by the door and asks if Harry would come and lay down with him. Harry being the way he was he readily agreed with him.

Louis and Harry went and laid down together, and Louis asks Harry what did he do today and Harry tells him that they went to the mall and he got him his birthday present. He tried to get Harry to tell him what he got him and Harry refused to tell him anything. Harry then asked Louis to take off his shirt and lay on his tummy and he would give him a massage and try to help him relax. Louis did as he was asked and after about 20 minutes Louis was asleep. Harry then laid down beside him and fell asleep also. They didn't wake up until the next morning.


It is now Louis' birthday and Harry is getting nervous about the gift and wonders what Louis will really think about it. Harry has been up for a couple of hours making Louis a special birthday breakfast, because they were all heading to his mom's for a birthday dinner. Harry gets the food ready and puts it on a tray and brings it into the bedroom and wakes him up. Louis is groggy and asks what Harry is doing and Harry tells him that he made him breakfast and serving it to him in bed. Louis sits up and Harry puts the tray in front of him, and on it there is bacon, eggs, toast, orange juice, and a couple of pancakes. He tells Harry that he didn't have to go through all that trouble for him, but Harry tells him that he wanted to because he really loves him. This catches Louis by surprise, because they have never really said those words to each other.

Louis gets a tear in his eye and Harry wonders why Louis is now crying. Harry comes up and sits down beside him and asks him what is the matter. Louis tells him that he just told him that he loves him and Harry blushes. Harry tells him that he has been wanted to tell him for a while now, but he never really thought about when he was going to tell him and he thought now would be a good time. Louis looks over at Harry and tells him that this is the best birthday he has ever had and that he loves him too. He starts eating the food Harry made him and he ended up feeding some of it to Harry. When they are done, they walk out of their bedroom, Liam and Niall are sitting down on the couch watching TV.

Harry goes and takes the tray and dirty dishes to the kitchen and then comes back into the living room. Just as he is about to sit down by Louis, Louis grabs Harry by the waist and brings him to his lap. Liam and Niall notice this and they see the love that the two of them share. Louis leans up and turns Harry to face him and gives him a kiss. The kiss goes on for a couple of minutes, and the other two wonder what this is all about, because they only ever peck each other on the lips. When they are done kissing, Liam asks them what is going on and Harry just blushes. Louis looks over at the other two and tells them that something special happened this morning and he is really excited that it did. Niall looks at Liam like I know what they did. Louis tells them that they did not have sex, Harry told me he loved me this morning after he served me breakfast in bed.

After a couple of hours, everyone get ready and heads over to Louis' moms house for his birthday dinner. After they all have eaten, they bring out the presents. Liam gives him his first and it is a new Adidas jacket, Niall got him a new pair of VAN shoes, his mom got him some stuff for the apartment. Now it is time for Harry to give him his gift and he is really nervous because he is scared that Louis will not like it. Harry hands him the gift and Louis slowly opens it, and when Louis sees it, he starts to tear up. Louis looks at Harry and tells him that he loves it. His mom asks him what is it and Louis pulls out a photo frame with a picture of the two of them when they first started dating. On the inscription, it says "You will always be the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can't see my life without you in it. I LOVE YOU."

This causes everyone to have tears in their eyes, by have something as simple as this, but mean so much.

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