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Harry has been in the hospital for almost a week now and his blood pressure has still been a little off. Some days it runs low and on others it runs high. With his pressure being so unstable, Dr. Green has kept him in the hospital. Louis has been spending most of his time with Harry, the only times he really leaves is to go to school. Liam and Niall have been coming by and seeing him on occasion and so has their moms.

On one afternoon, Harry asked Louis to please go home and rest for a little bit. Louis tells him that he doesn't want to leave him alone and Harry tells him that he can tell that he is completely exhausted. Harry tells him to just go home and rest for a few hours and when he comes back, he can bring him his laptop so he can do his school work. Louis wants him to promise him that he will be okay and if anything happens to please let him know immediately. Harry tells him that he will be the first to know if anything goes wrong and besides Niall is suppose to be coming by in a little bit. Louis finally tells him that he will be going home for a few hours and he will be coming back to stay with him again.

Louis leaves the hospital and goes home to hopefully get a little sleep before he heads back to the hospital to stay with his pregnant fiancé. As soon as he gets home, he gets Harry's laptop and charger to take back with him. Louis goes and crawls in bed after he takes a long shower. Not long after he falls asleep, Liam comes home and sees Louis' car in the drive way and he wonders why he is home and not with Harry. So Liam runs in and searches for Louis and he finds him in his bed asleep, and Liam decides to wait until Louis wakes up to ask him why he is home.

After a couple of hours, Louis wakes up and gets dressed and then heads downstairs to see Liam sitting in the living room watching TV. Liam sees him and asks him what is he doing home and Louis tells him that Harry insisted that he comes home and gets some decent sleep. Louis goes on to tell him that Harry also wanted him to get him his laptop so he can do some of his school work that he is behind on. Liam tells him that he will be going to get Niall soon and Louis tells him that he will be going back to the hospital soon to be with Harry. Louis tells him that he will probably make it to the hospital before him because he is stopping by and getting him and Harry some Chinese food because Harry has been craving it. He tells Liam to please not tell Harry about him going and getting him so food and Liam tells him that he will not say anything to Harry about it.

They both make their way out of the house and on the way to the hospital. When Liam gets there, he makes his way to Harry's room and Harry is asleep and Niall is laying down beside him asleep. Niall has his hand rubbing Harry's belly and Liam takes a quick picture and sends it Louis with the caption "THIS IS JUST TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!!!!!!!" Liam asks Niall why is he in bed with Harry and rubbing his belly, Niall tells him about 10 minutes ago Harry was having a small pain and he asked him to rub his belly. He goes on and tells Liam that this is the only way he could do it and be in a comfortable position. Liam asks Niall when did Harry go to sleep and Niall tells him that it must have been within the past couple of minutes, because about 4 minutes ago he was talking to him.

Louis is at the Chinese place when he gets Liam's message. He quickly sends him a message back about how cute it was and asks why was Niall there. Liam messages him back that Harry was having a small pain in his belly and he asked Niall to rub it for him. Louis sends him back the question on why didn't he get in contact with him and he tells Louis that Harry told Niall that he didn't want to disturb your sleep because he knows that you haven't been getting the best the past week. Louis tells Liam that he is getting everyone some food and will be there shortly. Liam tells him that he will see him soon than.

After about 30 minutes, Louis walks into Harry's room with food and sets it on the table by Harry's bed. Niall makes his way out of the bed and Louis gently makes his way in bed with Harry. Niall and Liam get their food out of the bag that Louis brought in and sits down and begins eating. A couple of minutes later, Harry wakes up because he smells the wonderful smell of Chinese food. He sees Niall and Liam sitting in a seat by the bed and wonders who is in bed with him at this moment. Louis whispers in his ear, HELLO BEAUTIFUL. Harry leans back and gives Louis a kiss and asks him why is he here and not at home getting more rest and Louis tells him that he missed the love of his life to much to be away for too long. Louis then tells Harry that he brought him some Chinese to eat and Harry gets excited because he was getting hungry. Liam gets up and hands Harry and Louis their food from the bag and while they are all eating, Dr. Green comes in and asks how Harry is doing. Harry tells her that he has sleeping pretty good when someone was in bed with him rubbing his belly.

She asks the him who was rubbing his belly and Harry tells her that his friend Niall was because he sent Louis home to get some rest and to grab his laptop for him. Dr. Green then asks how has he been sleeping in general and he tells her that he hasn't really been sleeping to good because he sleeps better when Louis is in bed with him rubbing his belly or even back while he sleeps. She tells him that since he has a private room, she can see about getting a little bit bigger bed so that Louis can sleep with him to rub his belly or back. Dr. Green then asks him if he has been in any pain and he tells her that he had a sharp pain a little bit ago. She checks his vitals and sees that it is running a little bit low and she then checks on the baby with an ultrasound. She tells him that their little boy is just being really active and he was stretching.

Harry gets his new bed soon after the doctor leaves and Louis climbs in bed with him and they cuddle. Louis rubs Harry's back and his belly, this causes Harry to fall asleep. Liam and Niall leave the hospital and head home not long after Harry falls asleep. Liam tells Louis that him and Niall we be back sometime tomorrow and Louis tells them that they will see them tomorrow. (This is what Harry's belly looks like now.)


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