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The wedding will be starting soon and Harry is waiting in the hallway to the chapel, and Louis is already standing in front of the official that is going to be marrying them. Harry's mom comes out to ask him how he is doing and he tells her that he is getting very nervous, but he is ready to marry Louis. There is only about 15 minutes until the ceremony is to start and Harry hears Will start to cry and he asks his mom to bring Will to him. She goes in and gets him from Liam, then brings him back to Harry. When Harry gets him, he can tell that Will is hungry and he has been refusing the bottle so he has been breastfeeding him. Harry asks his mom for a blanket to cover up him and Will and she goes and gets one for him. She helps him undo the top of his dress so he feed him and hopefully he will be good for the rest of the ceremony.

Harry asks his mom to go and let Louis know what is going on and that he may be just a couple of minutes late for the ceremony. She runs back in and tells Louis that Harry is feeding Will and as soon as he is done, the ceremony can continue. Louis tells her okay and he leaned in and told he official that Harry will be just a couple of minutes late because he was feeding their baby at this moment. He tells Harry that it is fine, because this is his only wedding today so he will be able to be here as long as they need him. Louis invites him to have dinner with them after the wedding and he agrees to it.

After about 20 minutes, Harry is done feeding Will and his mom takes him back to Liam, where Will falls asleep in his arms. Harry gets his dress put back together and then he walks down the aisle to the front where Louis is waiting for him. He hands his bouquet to Niall to hold for him during the ceremony and grabs Louis hands. Louis and Harry are facing each other and looking at each other like they are the only two in the room. It doesn't take long for them to say their vows, which they wrote themselves. Louis is the first to say his and then Harry will say his.

Louis: Harry Edward Styles, you are the love of my life. I didn't think just a couple of years ago that I would be doing this today. But when I met you on your first day of school, I knew that you were going to be that special someone in my life. You brought out a side of me that I never knew that was there. You have already given me a beautiful little boy and I can't wait until we have more little ones running around, but of course we are going to be waiting until both of us are out of school and have jobs before we start discussing more. If you were to ask anyone if they thought that I would ever get married they would tell you that I would never get here. I wanted to let you and everyone who is present for this that I LOVE YOU and that I will stand by you through everything that comes our way. If you weren't here with me I would have probably never made it to college because you pushed me to excel at my studies and if I ever needed help you were always there for me. The past two years have been great because you were in my life and I know the rest of my life will be just as great because you are by my side.

Harry: Louis William Tomlinson, the love of my life, the father of my children, the one that is already here and any future children we have. When I first moved here, I didn't think that I would find someone who would love me for me. You accepted me for what was on the inside and outside. Many people wouldn't accept me because I choose to dress in women's clothes but you never let it bother you that I was like that. When we took that camping trip with Liam and Niall, and we went on that walk and you told me that you liked me, I was beyond happy. By the time we made it home a week later, we were boyfriends. I was happy you never pressured me to have sex with you and you waited until I was ready. I didn't think that we would have a little boy already because we said we would wait until we were married and out of school, but I wouldn't change anything that has happened. Everything happens for a reason and I glad that it happened this way. I want to let you know that I LOVE YOU, and you are my now and my forever. The past two years with you have been the best and as long as you are by my side, the rest of my life will be just as good.

By the time that Louis and Harry said their vows to each other, everyone was in tears. The official asks for the rings and Liam brings a sleeping Will up with the pillow with their rings on it. He tells Louis to repeat after him and he does.

I, Louis William Tomlinson, take you, Harry Edward Styles, as my lawfully wedded husband. For richer, for poorer, to honor and to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. You may place the ring on his finger.

Now it is Harry's turn.

I, Harry Edward Styles, take you, Louis William Tomlinson, as my lawfully wedded husband. For richer, for poorer, to honor and to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. You may place the ring on his finger.

Do you, Louis take Harry as your husband, I DO.

Do you, Harry take Louis as your husband, I DO.

I now pronounce you as husband and husband, you may kiss. They share a passionate kiss forgetting that they are in a room full of their family and friends. When they are done, the official says, I PRESENT TO YOU MR. AND MR. LOUIS TOMLINSON.

Louis and Harry walk out of the room where the ceremony was held and Louis takes him to his room for a few minutes. When they get to Louis' room, Harry tells him that he was just across the hall from him. Louis brings Harry into his arms and tells him I LOVE YOU MR. TOMLINSON, and Harry tells him I LOVE YOU TOO MR. TOMLINSON. They start kissing and they are interrupted by Niall when he knocks on the door. Louis answers the door and asks if he can help him and Niall tells him that they have about 10 minutes before they are expected to be back for the reception. He tells Niall that they will be down momentarily and not to come back. Harry tells him that it was rude to tell Niall not to come back, Louis tells him that he would like to have a few uninterrupted minutes with his husband. Louis asks him what does he want to do with the few short minutes that they have alone, Harry drops to his knees. He pulls up his dress so that he does not kneel on it and he proceeds to pull Louis over to him. Before Harry can get Louis over to him, Louis locks the door so no one can interrupt them.

Louis comes back over to Harry and Harry unbuttons Louis pants and gives him a blow job. It doesn't take long for Louis to reach his climax. He tells Harry that he will return the favor and Harry looks up at him, since he is still on his knees, that this is just he beginning of the things that he going to do to him. Harry proceeds to tell him that he was naughty this morning and he deserves his punishment and this causes Louis to get hard again. Louis lifts up the back of Harry's dress and pulls him over to the bed. He leans Harry over his lap and starts to spank him for his naughty behavior this morning when he had breakfast. This turns Harry on and before you know it Harry's panties are on the floor and Louis' pants and boxers are around his ankles. Louis is pounding into Harry when they hear someone calling for them through the door and Harry tells him to continue and to ignore whoever is at the door.

The person at the door leaves and after about half an hour, Louis and Harry come back down. Liam and Niall look at them because they know what they were doing up in the room. When they get down to the reception, everyone is served dinner. Everyone enjoys a steak or chicken breast with roasted potatoes and vegetables. Once everyone is done with dinner, the couple has their first dance, and the song is THINKING OUT LOUD by Ed Sheeran. Liam and Niall both give a speech about how they knew that Harry and Louis would end up together and have some beautiful babies. A couple of hours after everyone has eaten, they cut the cake.

Once everyone has had a piece of cake, Louis and Harry make their way back upstairs to change so they can leave on their honeymoon

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Once everyone has had a piece of cake, Louis and Harry make their way back upstairs to change so they can leave on their honeymoon. They come back down and give their families a kiss and ask them to take care of their little boy and they will see them in a week. With that being said they hope into the limo and head to the airport.

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