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The next morning, Harry wakes up and notices that Louis is not in bed with him and he suddenly feels like he has to puke. He gets up and runs to the bathroom and gets sick. When Harry was done, he brushes his teeth and heads into the living room to see who else is up right now. Harry walks into the living room and sees that Louis, Liam and Niall are all asleep. He heads to the kitchen to begin making everyone breakfast. Harry decides to make some pancakes because that is what he is wanting right now and gets everything that he will need.

When Harry is done making enough pancakes for everyone, he goes and wakes ups the other three and tells them that breakfast is ready. Niall is the first to jump up and run to the table so he can start eating. It takes a few minutes for Liam and Louis to make their way to the table and before Louis sits down beside Harry he asks if he would like something to drink. Harry looks at him with love and tells him that he would like some milk and Louis goes in and make him some tea and gets Harry a glass of milk. Louis comes back in with just something for the two of them and Niall asks why didn't he get something for everyone and Louis tells him that he is old enough to get it himself. And then he tells him that the main reason he got something for Harry is because he is usually the one to cook for everyone and he deserves for someone to help him every once in a while.

They all end up sitting down and eating together and the three praise Harry on the breakfast. Harry tells them that it is not a problem and Louis asks Harry how he is feeling and he tells Louis that he got up this morning and was alone and had to run to the bathroom and got sick. Louis tells him that he is sorry for not being there this morning to help, and goes on to tell him that he could tell Harry was not having a good sleep so he came out and sat on the couch about 5 am. Harry tells him that all night he felt really bad about everything that is happening and he caused him to have bad dreams. Louis asks him what does he mean and Harry tells him about him getting pregnant and he didn't really want to get pregnant until they were almost out of college. Louis tells him that it is okay because he isn't the only one to blame for it.

Liam and Niall realize that the other two really need to be alone for a little bit, so they head to their rooms. Louis and Harry continue to talk about the baby that is growing inside of Harry at the moment. Harry tells him that he doctor said he will need to be coming back in a month and he already has his appointment and he would like Louis to come to the next one with him. Louis tells him that he would love to come to all of his appointments with him because it is his baby too. Harry leans over to Louis and tells him he loves him and gives him a kiss. Louis and Harry discuss everything that the doctor told him and Louis tells him at his next appointment he has a couple of questions for the doctor and he hopes he has the answers for him. Harry tells Louis that he will have to request the day off so that he will be there for the appointment. Louis tells him that the next time he goes to work he will request it off, because he will want to spend the whole day with him.


Louis goes to work a couple of days later and asks his boss for the day off, and his boss asks why does he need that specific day off and Louis tells him that he will need to accompany his boyfriend to the doctor's. His boss asks if he can know what is wrong with his boyfriend that he will be needing him to accompany him and Louis tells him. Louis had talked to Harry about telling his boss to make sure that he can get the day off and Harry tells him that he can tell him. Mr. Lane, Louis' boss, tells him to just let him know when Harry's appointments are and he will make sure that he gets them off. He tells Louis that he has been married to his husband for a few years and he remembers when his husband had their kids. This surprises Louis because he didn't know that Mr. Lane was gay and had a family. Mr. Lane tells Louis to make sure as soon as they know when his appointments are to let him know and if there is anything else he can do to help to please let him know. Louis tells him that maybe he can bring his boyfriend to work one day and he can bring his husband and then the two of them can talk.

That evening when Louis gets home, he talks to Harry about coming with him to work tomorrow because he would like to introduce him to his boss and his husband. Harry tells him that he would love to come with him. Louis also tells Harry that his boss's husband had their kids. This makes Harry happy because he can get some insight about what to expect during this pregnancy. Liam and Niall comes in shortly after and they all sit down to eat dinner, Harry had made tacos. When they were done eating , Liam and Niall volunteered to clean up so that Louis and Harry could cuddle.

When they were done , they came into the living room and seen that Harry was curled up on Louis' lap and they were watching the preview for a movie. Louis asked Liam and Niall if they wanted to join them in watching a movie. Liam asked what movie were they all going to be watching and Harry told them that Louis wanted to watch KRUMPUS, because he just bought it and wanted to watch it. Liam and Niall said that they would watch it with them. Harry was not a big fan of horror movies, but as long as he had Louis he would watch them. The four of them are about half way through the movie when a really scary scene comes on and it scares poor Harry really bad. He tucks himself into Louis even more and Louis just hugs onto him even tighter. When the movie is over, they turn it off and decide to talk.

Liam asks Louis about his job and Louis tells him that it is going really well right now and he is taking Harry there tomorrow to meet his boss and his boss' husband. Niall asks Harry how does he feel about meeting them and Harry tells him that he is excited to be able to meet them. Louis tells them that his boss is going to give him any days off he needs so he will be able to care for Harry throughout his pregnancy. Liam asks if his boss knows about Harry and the pregnancy and Louis tells him that he knows about the pregnancy and that his own husband gave birth to their children as well. That is one of the reasons that he is going to be taking Harry to work with him, so that he can get to know another man who has given birth. Harry tells Liam and Niall that it will be nice to know another male who gave birth and maybe he won't feel like such a freak of nature. Louis asks Harry please not to put himself down like that because him being able to give birth is a miracle and not anything to be put down for. Louis goes on to tell Harry that it only makes him more special because they will know that the babies they have will be a little bit of both of them. Niall and Liam both agree with Louis about that and tell Harry that they love him whether or not he was able to give birth. They go on to tell Harry that they love the fact that he will be able to have his own children and not some stranger. After talking for a few hours, they all decide to head to bed and call it a night.

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