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It is the middle of December and Harry is officially 9 months pregnant and it has been difficult for him the past few days. All of the boys have taken their finals and are just waiting on their results to see how they did. Liam and Niall have planned on going on a trip with some fellow classmates in a few days and they are hoping that Harry will have the baby before they leave, because they want to be there. Louis has been working a little bit more to make up for the days that he missed when Harry was in the hospital and he will be missing once the baby is born. Even though he knows that he doesn't have to make them up, Louis still is do it.

Currently, Liam and Niall are at the house with Harry and his back and feet are bothering him terribly. Harry is sitting on the couch with Niall at his feet and his head in Liam's lap. Louis knows that they do this on a regular basis because he has come home several times seeing this. When Louis isn't home, Niall is the one who will usually rub his feet and Liam is the one to  rub his back or belly trying to help Harry get comfortable. Liam is currently running his hands through Harry's hair and Niall is rubbing his feet and legs. After them doing this for about 10 minutes, Harry is asleep and neither boy disturbs him from his sleep, because they both know that he hasn't really been sleeping.

Louis comes home a couple of hours later to see this and he asks how long has Harry been asleep and Liam tells him that he has been like this for almost 2 hours. Niall tells Louis that they haven't been wanting to move because they know that Harry needs his sleep. Louis tells them that if they would like to move and he will take over and they tell him that they are afraid that he will wake up. He tells Liam that he would love to hold the love of his life and Liam tells him that he will move so he can take care of him. Niall tells Louis that he will move to and then he will go check the mail because their results for the semester should be in the mail today. Niall gently lifts Harry's legs and moves, Liam gently lifts his head and moves and before he sets it back down, Louis moves into that spot.

Harry begins to move around a little when this is going on and Louis starts to gently rub Harry's scalp and he settles back down. Niall comes back in from outside with the mail and he hands out the mail to who it belongs to. They all get their results from their first semester of college. Louis opens his and his grades are pretty good, he got an A+ in English, A in History, B in Math, and an A in Drama, because he is studying to be a Drama Teacher. Niall's grades are similar to Louis but instead of Drama, Niall is taking a Music class to be a Music Teacher. Liam's grades are an A in English, B in History, B in Math, and a B in Mass Media, he is studying to work in the music industry. The three of them are wanting to open Harry's results but they are going to wait until he wakes up because they know he will be upset of they see his results before he does.

About an hour later, Harry finally wakes up and the first person he sees is his fiancé and he leans up for a kiss. Louis leans down and meets him halfway so Harry isn't straining himself. Harry asks  if anything important came in the mail and Louis tells him that their results came in today and everyone has opened theirs, but they have waited until he woke up to open his. Louis tells him that he got three A's and a B in his classes, Niall has the same grades as him and Liam got an A and three B's. Harry asks Louis to hand him his envelope so they can see his results. Louis gently lifts up Harry's head and reaches over to the coffee table and grabs his. Harry opens it and he is shocked by his grades. He shows them to Louis and even Louis is shocked by his grades. Harry got an A+ in all of his classes, English, History, Math, and Interior Design.

Liam and Niall come in a short time later and ask Harry about his grades and Harry tells them that he got all A's in his classes. Harry tells them that he figured that he wasn't going to do that well because of all of the classes he has missed, even though he has been doing all of his work online. Louis tells Harry that he is a very smart person and not to doubt himself. Harry tells him that he wasn't doubting himself, but he figured his grades were lower because he hasn't been in classes to take notes or take the tests. Liam tells Harry that that shouldn't matter because he is a very bright person and he can do anything he sets his mind to. Harry tells them that he wasn't even doing his best to get those grades.

Liam asks them what would they like to have for dinner and Harry tells him that he doesn't want anything because he is not hungry. Louis tells him that he needs to eat to keep the baby healthy and Harry tells him that every time he tries to eat he gets sick. Harry goes on to tell Louis that he already called the doctor and she told him to make sure that he at least stays hydrated and so he has been drinking a lot of water and protein shakes, because that is what she told him to try. He tells Louis that he has been able to keep those down for now so that is all he has been having. Louis asks him to please and try to eat a little something for him and Harry tells him that if they get Chinese, then he will try to eat a little something. Niall orders for everyone because they always order the same thing every time.

They get their food 45 minutes later and they are in the living room watching a movie and eating their dinner. The first movie that they decide to watch is Titanic and by the end of it Harry is in tears and he is cuddled up beside Louis. When the movie is over, Liam gets up to go and change the disc. Liam, Louis, and Niall decide that it is time to watch a horror movie and Harry doesn't want to, so Louis tells him to just get in his lap and he will protect him. Harry climbs on and Louis grabs a blanket because he notices that Harry is shivering because he is cold. They are going to watch SINSTER 2. Harry is curled up under a blanket in Louis' lap when the movie begins and it isn't long before Harry is asleep. Louis asks Niall if Harry is asleep and Niall tells him that he is and Louis tells him that he is going to move him to bed right now because he is afraid to wake him and so that he can get as much sleep as he can.

Liam, Niall, and Louis end up watching another couple of movies before they call it a night. Louis asks them when are they suppose to be leaving for their trip and Liam tells him that they will be leaving in just a couple more days. Niall tells Louis that they hope that Harry has the baby before they leave so they can be present at the birth. Louis tells them that as soon as he goes in labor he will let them know. Liam asks him when is he going to be staying at home with Harry and Louis tells them he has planned to stay with Harry the whole time that they are on their trip and up until they go back to school. Louis asks the two of them if they can help him get Harry to bed and they both agree to help, and they ask what does he need for them to do and Louis tells them to make sure that he doesn't drop or run him into anything. Liam tells him that he will walk in front of him and Niall can walk behind him. They get him up to bed without any problems and they tell each other that they will see them in the morning. Liam and Niall tell Louis that if they need anything to please let them know immediately.

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