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It has been a couple of days since Harry has given birth and he will be release to go home tomorrow. Louis has been by his side the whole time and he helps him as much as he can. Their friends and family decided to hold off on Christmas until Harry and the baby were home from the hospital and could participate in the festivities. Niall and Liam had already eaten the food that Harry had cooked for Louis on his birthday so that it didn't go bad. They both promised that they will buy everyone dinner when they get to come home and do their Christmas.

Louis has been planning on a special Christmas gift for Harry and he is hoping that Harry will accept it. William is current asleep in his little bed and Harry is resting in his bed, while Louis is watching over his family. Louis is patiently waiting for Harry to wake up so they can talk about what they are going to be doing once they get home as far as college. He knows that he is not going to want to leave Will with a baby sitter or in a daycare, but he wants Harry to continue with his education and get his degree. Louis knows with Harry's grades that he will be able to work for any of the interior designers in their area.

After about an hour, Harry wakes up and looks at Louis and sees that he is in deep thought and wonders what he is thinking about. He gently shakes Louis' arm to get his attention and Louis final looks at him and smiles at him. Harry asks him what is he thinking about and Louis tells him that he is just thinking about what are they going to do with Will when school starts back up and Harry tells Louis that he is still going to be doing online schooling until Will is a little bit older and then he will be going to daycare. Louis tells him that he was wondering because he doesn't want him to quit, because with his grades he will be able to do anything he wants to when he gets his degree. Harry tells him that he only has about a year left to get his degree and he wants to be able to help provide for his family that he has created with him.

As they are talking Will decides to wake up to be changed and fed. Louis changes his diaper and then hands him to Harry so that he can feed Will. As Harry is feeding him he looks down at him and thinks that he is starting to look more and more like his daddy Louis. When he is done feeding Will he hands him to Louis so that he can burp him and hopes this helps the two of them bond. As Louis is burping him, he notices that Will has his eyes and nose, and has Harry's basic facial structure and his hair color. Louis thinks that he is one of the most beautiful babies in the world.  Harry is looking at the two of them with love and realizes that he make the right decision to start dating Louis and become his future husband. While Harry is in his little world, Louis falls asleep with Will in his arms. So he decides to get up and put Will in his bed so he doesn't fall off of Louis.

After about an hour, Louis wakes up and notices that will is not in his arms and wonders were he is. He looks around and sees that he is in his bed and he asks Harry if he got up and put Will in there and Harry tells him that he did because he didn't want him to fall off of him. Louis tells him that he had a good grip on him and Harry tells him he knows he did but he wanted to be on the safe side.  He agrees with him and doesn't say anything else about it.

Louis then asks Harry what he wants Will to call him and Harry tells him that it really doesn't matter what he calls him because no matter what he will love any name that he will call him. Harry tells him that he would like for Will to call him mommy and you daddy, but it really doesn't matter. Louis tells him that its sounds like a good idea to him too, because he would love to be called daddy by his son. Harry looks at him with mischief in his eyes and asks Louis if he likes it when he calls him DADDY, and Louis looks at him and smirks. Louis tells him that he only time he will ever be calling him DADDY is in bed and it will be purely sexual. Harry starts to blush and puts his hands over his face.

They continue to talk for a little bit longer until a knock is heard on the door and Liam and Niall comes walking in. Liam asks how is the little one doing and Harry tells him that Will is doing good and he is currently sleeping. Niall asks when is he going to be coming home and Louis tells him that Harry will be able to come home tomorrow and they are planning on having a dinner for everyone. Liam and Niall tells him that they will get the food and get ahold of everyone to be there around 5 pm do have dinner and do their Christmas. The four friends talk for a couple of more hours until Liam and Niall says that they are going to be heading out so they can get everything set up for tomorrow.


The next day after Harry and Will are released to go home, Louis tells Harry that as soon as they get home, he is to take Will upstairs and go and get some rest. Harry tells him that he would like to stay downstairs and help get everything ready for their families to get there. Louis tells Harry that he isn't suppose to be lifting anything heavier than Will so he will be unable to do much of anything. Harry tells him that him and Will stay in the living room and watch everything get done.

Louis, Liam, and Niall were busy getting everything ready for the party, while Harry is watching and telling them what needs to be done. A couple of hours later, everyone is there and they are exchanging gifts and cooing over Will. Louis even gets to open his birthday presents that he didn't get to open on his birthday.  When Harry opens his present from Louis, he starts to cry because he got him a trip to The Bahamas. Louis tells him that is where they are going for their honeymoon, so it kind of is a wedding present too. When Louis opens his presents from Harry, he got some new clothes for the honeymoon and a new laptop for school.

Everyone loved all of their presents and they all had a great evening with their families. 

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