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It has been a few days and it is now Saturday, and Harry is going to find his dress for the wedding. Liam and Niall are taking Louis to go and find his suit for the wedding and neither Harry or Louis will know what their clothes will look like. All of the moms are taking Harry to go and find his dress and they will be there any minute to pick him and Will up for the day. Liam and Niall are going to be leaving with Louis as soon as Harry leaves out the door. The moms are also going to be helping get an outfit for Will for the wedding and that is the only thing that Louis will be seeing before the wedding.

Harry and his entourage make it to the bridal store and they head in to start looking at the dresses that they have on display. One of the workers comes up and asks if they are looking for any particular dress and Harry tells her not really, but he will know it when he sees it. She asks when is the wedding and Harry tells her that it will be June 14th and they are having it a castle not far from here. Candy, the store worker, brings him over to look at some of the designs that she has and he is looking at them and one stands out to him. Harry asks her if there is one that he will be able to try on and she tells him that she has one in the back that he will be able to put on. He hands Will over to his mom, so he can go to the dressing room to put the dress on and see how it looks on him. It is brought to him and he is helped into it and then he looks into the mirror. When he sees what it looks like on him, he know this is the dress for him. Harry slowly walks out of the dressing room to show the moms what it looks like on him and it brings tears to all of the moms eyes. His mom asks him if this is his dress and he tells her that it definitely is the one he wants. (His dress)

Meanwhile, Louis is with Liam and Niall looking at suits for all three of them

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Meanwhile, Louis is with Liam and Niall looking at suits for all three of them. Liam and Niall have already found theirs but Louis is still looking for his. They are at their third store and they are looking around at the various suits in the store, when Louis sees the perfect one for him. He calls over Liam and Niall and show them the suit and they tell him that it is perfect for him. They tell him that he should get it exactly like that, because it is the color of his wedding and a pair of black pants to go with it. A worker comes over and asks him if he would like to try it on with everything and Louis tells him that he would love that. Matt, the worker goes and gets everything that he will need for Louis to try on his suit. He then leads Louis to the dressing room and tells him to put it on and when he gets done to come out and they can see if anything needs adjustments on it. When he comes out of the dressing room, Liam and Niall are blown away by how Louis looks in his suit and they tell him that it is definitely the right one. ( the first one is what Liam and Niall will be wearing and then the second one is Louis' suit jacket.)


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After Louis changes back into his own clothes, he calls Harry and asks if they would like to meet up and have lunch together

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After Louis changes back into his own clothes, he calls Harry and asks if they would like to meet up and have lunch together. Harry asks the moms and they tell him to say that they will be there, just to let them know the place. Louis tells him that they can meet up at the diner that the two of them would always go to and Harry tells him that they will meet up there in about 20 minutes. They hang up with each other and they tell the others where they are heading for lunch and they all head that way. Once they reach there, Louis sees that Harry and the moms are already there. Liam, Louis and Niall all head inside to go and find the rest of the group. Louis quickly sees them and goes over to them and puts his arms around Harry's shoulders and kisses his cheek. The three boys pull up a seat and they all sit down and decide what they are going to be having. Everyone orders and they are just waiting for their food, when Will starts to cry because he is hungry.

Louis hands him to Harry and then grabs a blanket from the diaper bag and lays it over the front of Harry so he can feed Will. Not long after he starts to feed Will, their food arrives. Louis feeds Harry and himself, while Harry has both hands on Will as he eats. While this goes on, everyone at their table watches the two as they interact with each other. They see how good that the two of them care about each other and how they make the perfect little family. Harry and Louis are not really paying any attention to the others, just to each other and how they are helping each other through this time. When Will is done eating, Louis takes him and burps him for Harry so he can finish up his meal.

Louis and Harry are in their own little world, discussing what they still need to do to prepare for their wedding. Louis says that they still need to go see the venue that the moms picked out for them and they need to get the rings. Harry tells him that he still needs to get his shoes, get Will an outfit for the wedding, and that is all he thinks that he is lacking for the wedding. Louis' mom finally breaks the two of them out of their own little world and tells that they need to finish so they can finish shopping. Louis asks the moms if there is anyway that they all can meet back up in an hour and go see the venue and then go and get an outfit for Will. They say that they should have Harry's shoes by then and they will all meet back up at their house to go to the venue. Louis and Harry give each other a kiss and as Harry turns to leave, Louis asks him if he can take Will with him to go and look at rings. Harry tells Louis that he doesn't have to ask to take his son with him, so Louis takes Will and they part ways for an hour.

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