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The day before the wedding was very hectic for Louis and Harry. They had to get the diaper bag together so they can head to the venue and their rehearsal dinner. Will has not been feeling very good that morning and Harry is worried about leaving him tomorrow so that him and Louis can go on their honeymoon. Louis tries to reassure him that he will be fine with their moms watching him. Harry tells him that he knows that Will be fine with their moms, but this will be the first time that he will really be away from his baby. Louis tells him that they will call everyday and check on their little boy and Harry says okay.

Louis and Harry are the first to arrive at the venue and they are getting their things out of the car and taking it into the hotel portion. The man who runs it, comes up and tell them to go ahead and look around and someone will come and take their bags to their rooms. He ask Harry and Louis, which bag belongs to which room and Harry shows which bags go to which room. Will has been asleep the whole time and Louis just sends the diaper bag with their luggage and just grabs an extra diaper just in case they need. The three of them have been walking around for about 15 minutes when Will wakes up and needs a change and is hungry. Harry still is producing milk, so he is going to have to breastfeed him.

Harry finds a bench behind a tree where no one can see him. He changes Will real quick and then lifts his shirt and starts to feed Will. Louis stands beside him to watch out for anyone coming their way. Just as Will is about done feeding, Louis tells Harry that someone is coming their way. You see Harry has still been pumping a couple times a day so just incase Will get sick on the formula, there will be breastmilk for him. Harry detaches Will and pulls down his shirt before anyone sees what he is doing. Louis turns around and tells Harry that it is just Liam and Niall coming looking for them. When Liam and Niall comes up to them, they ask what are they doing all the way out here and alone. Louis tells them that they were just walking around while waiting for more people to get here.

They all head back toward the hotel and Liam tells them that their moms are there and some other people that they invited. Louis asks if anyone else was looking for them and Niall tells him that they were sent out to look for them and no one else. When they get closer to the hotel, Louis stops them and asks if they can help them tonight and Liam asks help them with what. Harry tells them that they want to sleep in the same bed because they have been for pretty much the past two years and they can't sleep with out the other. So they would like for them to help them sneak into one or the others room and wake them before anyone sees them together. Liam tells him that he is not so sure about that, and beside who is going to watch Will tonight and Louis tells them that one of their moms are going to watch him tonight so Harry can get a good nights sleep without any interruptions. Niall says that they could at least try to get them together tonight, but they are not going to make any promises.

They make their way back into the building and go and find the rest of the guests. They find them all in the little living room area talking about the upcoming nuptials. Steve and his family are there and they are wondering where Louis and Harry are at the moment and the rest of the guest agree. No one realizes that they are right behind them and one of their moms say that they are probably in one of the rooms making out and when they heard that they cleared their throats. The guests turn around embarrassed and try to play it off as they didn't say anything. Niall tells them that him and Liam found them out behind one of the trees, but they aren't saying what they were doing out there. Harry tells everyone that since the diaper bag was taken to the room, Will was hungry so he fed him and didn't want anyone to see that so he was sitting on a bench feeding his baby. Louis tells them that he was a look out just incase someone came looking for them.

The manager comes in and tells them that all of their stuff are in their rooms and that Harry and Louis' room are on separate floors and at different parts and that they will not know where the other is sleeping. Harry's mom tells them just to make sure that neither one of them sneaks out of their rooms, they hired security to sit outside their rooms. Harry tells them that is unfair and his mom tells him that it is totally fair because she knows how he is. Louis tells them that neither one of them will be able to sleep because they have been sleeping with each other for almost the past two years and they can't sleep without the other person in bed with them. Louis' mom tells them that if it is going to be that hard for them, than someone else can sleep in bed with them. Louis and Harry both say NO at the same time, because it will not be the same. The reason for this is because for the past month, Harry has been sleeping in the nude and Harry snuggles up to Louis' side and presses his body against him. They are not going to tell anyone that little fact so, they agree to the terms.

Mr. Merrill, the manager, tells them that they are ready to start the rehearsal and they can follow him to the room for the ceremony. Harry hands Will to one of the moms so they can make a couple of runs through the ceremony. Once that is done, they all go and have dinner before they have to separate Louis and Harry. Everyone is now done eating and it is still about 8:30 pm, so they decide to go and play some games before they head to bed. While everyone is distracted with the games, Harry and Louis sneak off to have some alone time before they have to go to their rooms. They walk out the side door and start walking to where they were earlier in the day, and that is where they stop. Louis pulls Harry behind the tree to the bench. He sits down and then pulls Harry to his lap. They begin kissing and before they know it, their hands are in each others pants.

After about 45 minutes of the guests playing games, they notice that Harry and Louis are now gone from the room. Liam and Niall asks they wonder where they could have gone and someone says they probably wanted to have some time to themselves before they are to be separated until the wedding. Liam and Niall says that they will go look for them and they will be back soon. Harry and Louis are coming down from their highs, when they hear Liam and Niall calling for them. Of course, Liam and Niall knew that they were going to sneak off by themselves and where they were going to be. As they approach the tree, Niall tells them that they are coming around the tree, so if there is anything that they don't want them to see they better be dressed. Louis and Harry come from around the tree and tells them thank you for not telling anyone about their plan to sneak off. Liam tells them that they understand why they wanted to be alone for a little bit before they are not going to be able to see each other.

The four of them head back in and Liam tells Harry and Louis that him and Niall don't want to know what they were doing behind the tree. Harry tells them that they wouldn't want to know anyway. When they get into the hotel, Harry is quickly taken away from Louis and taken to his room. His mom follows him so she can get Will's things. Harry takes Will from his mom and gives him kisses and tells him that he loves him and he will see him in the morning, then he grabs Will's bags and gives them to her. He tells her that his outfit is with Louis' suit for tomorrow, so she will have to get it from him tomorrow. His mom tells him that his stuff for the wedding tomorrow is in the closet.

His mom tells him that someone will be here in the morning to do his makeup and his hair and then she will help him into his dress. He tells his mom good night and he will see her in the morning. She takes Will and leaves out of the door and heads to her room and get Will ready for bed. Unknown to Harry or Louis that they are both on the same floor and just a couple of doors down from each other, but with security outside their doors they can't be together. They spend half the night texting each other and telling each other how much they miss and love each other.

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