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The next morning, Liam and Niall get up, get dressed, and then head to the store for the groceries that they are going to be needing for the dinner that they are making for tonight. Louis is up with them and they ask if him or Harry need anything and Louis tells them that Harry would like if they can pick up some chips and dip for him. Liam asks what kind of chips and Louis tells him that Harry wants some Fritos and bean dip. Niall tells him that they will pick it up and then Louis tries to give the some money and they both refuse it. Louis tells them that Harry is requesting that they take the money because they are picking up something extra that is not on the list and Liam tells Louis to put it back in Harry's wallet when he gets the chance to. Louis tells them that Harry will be upset that they didn't take the money and Liam tells him not to tell him about it.

Liam and Niall get to the store and grab a cart to get everything that they are going to need. Liam and Niall separate and say that they will meet back up in about 10 minutes with part of the things on the list. It takes them a total of about 30 minutes to get everything that is  on the list and the couple of extra things that they were asked to get this morning for Harry. They get up to the register and check out and they were told the total was $65.22. Liam pulls out his wallet and pays for the groceries, Niall tells him that he will buy lunch for everyone before they head home.

Meanwhile, Louis and Harry are at home by themselves and they are making out because Harry's hormones are all over the place and he is extremely horny right now. Harry is straddling Louis and kissing his neck and slowly going down and sucking Louis' collarbone. As they are grinding on each other, Niall calls them to ask what would they like to have for lunch. When Louis answers his phone, Niall hears them panting and moaning. Niall tells Louis that he was calling to see what they wanted to have for lunch and Louis tells him to get whatever they want to get and PLEASE take your time getting it. He tells Louis that they will be home in about an hour and if they are not done with what ever they are doing then they will save them some food, and Louis tells him thank you. They hang up and Niall tells Liam that they will need to take their time getting lunch because Louis and Harry are busy doing the do.

Harry is still straddling Louis and kissing him with love and passion, Louis is running his hands up and down Harry's back and squeezing his bum. Louis slowly starts taking off Harry's shirt and then pulling his own off. Harry is a moaning mess while Louis is doing this because they are rubbing their hard ons against each other. Louis gently flips them over on the bed, where he is hovering over Harry. He starts to undress Harry and himself from their pants, until Harry is left in nothing but a pair of baby blue lace panties. Upon seeing this, Louis is more ready then ever to make love to his fiancé, but be gentle at the same time. Harry pulls off Louis' boxers that he is wearing and then tries to pull off his own panties, but Louis stops him because this is turning him on even more. The panties finally are being pulled off and thrown across the room. Louis starts to kiss down Harry's neck and makes his way to his belly where he leaves a bunch of little kisses. He then makes his way on down to Harry's member where he takes into his mouth and begins to suck on it. Harry is receiving all this pleasure from his fiancé and wants to return the favor and quickly tells Louis that he  is close and Louis stops, then Harry takes Louis into his mouth and begins to suck on Louis member and deep throats him causing Louis to moan very loudly. Louis then pulls Harry off him and preps Harry very quickly, then Louis lines himself up to Harry's entrance and pushes his way in.

Liam and Niall get back about an hour after Niall talked to Louis, and as soon as they walk into the house, they hear that Louis and Harry are still going at it. Niall tells Liam he doesn't see how they can still be going at it because they have been going at it for almost an hour, if not longer because they didn't know when they started. After about another 30 minutes, Louis and Harry come down the stairs into the kitchen. Liam asks if they had fun and Harry tells him that it was one of the best times of his life and he wants to go for round two as soon as possible. Louis tells him that they need to eat and not to worry because round two will happen very soon. Niall tells them that they are just horny boys and they need to think of the other people living with them. Harry tells him that he just needs to be quiet and him and Louis can have sex when ever they want, and it's not like they are having sex on the couch. Louis whispers to Harry that it sounds like fun though and Harry agrees with him.

They eat their lunch and then they talk about who will be doing what when it gets time to make dinner for their families. Harry tells them that he will be doing most of the cooking and they can cut up what needs to be. They get started on making dinner at about 4 pm because dinner is going to served at 6 pm with all of their families. Harry is making pork chops, macaroni and cheese and some veggies. Louis, Liam and Niall are cutting up the veggies and various other things while Harry is seasoning the pork chops. When Louis is done with the veggies, he helps Harry with the noodles. Everything is done about 10 minutes before the families are to arrive.

Everyone arrives about the same time and they all sit down at the table. Liam and Niall bring in all of the food and sets it on the table because they want Harry to take a break and just sit down, and the only way that is going to happen is if Louis keeps him in is lap. Everyone makes them a plate but Harry, because him and Louis are sharing a plate. Louis feeds Harry because Harry is starting to feel bad.

After dinner, everyone heads to the living room to sit down and talk. Harry and Louis are sharing a chair and staring into each others eyes. Harry and Louis' moms asks what is so important that they have this meal and Louis tells them that they have something that they wanted to talk to the families about. Harry tells them that him and Louis have set a time for the wedding and the moms look at them. Louis tells them that they would like to have the wedding next summer after they finish the first year of school. Harry goes on and tells them that by then he will have had the baby and will have lost all of the baby weight. Their moms asks if they are going to needing help planning the wedding and Louis tells them that they will be needing a lot of help. Louis tells them that with going to school, working, and Harry getting ready to have the baby, they are not going to have a lot of spare time. All four moms tell them that they will love to help plan it.

Harry and Louis tell the moms that as soon as they pick their colors and other little things like that then they will let them know so they can get to setting everything up. Louis tells them that when it comes time to pick out the cake, him and Harry will go and do that. The moms tells them that the soon they pick an exact date the better, so they can reserve the venue and get everything set up for it. Harry tells them that as soon as they pick the date they will let them know, but if they can go ahead and start looking at places for the wedding. The moms tells them that they will start looking into on Monday morning. They continue to talk about the wedding and other things for a couple more hours until Harry is so tired he falls asleep on Louis' lap. Everyone says their good byes and head home.

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