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The next morning when Liam and Niall came home from the party, Liam asked Niall if he thinks that they did the dirty last night and he told him that they probably did. Niall asks Liam if he thinks that they are still asleep or do you think they are snuggled up on the couch making out. Liam looks at his watch and sees that it is only 7 am, and he tells him that they are more than likely still asleep. They open the door and they hear noises coming from the kitchen and they go in. Harry and Louis are in the kitchen and they are looking around the kitchen for something to make for breakfast.

Liam clears his throat and they turn around and tell them hi. Niall asks what are they doing and Louis tells them that they are looking for something to eat and Niall suggests that they head out to the local diner and have something. Harry looks at Louis and tells him if he wants to then they can, Louis asks Harry if he feels like it and he tells him that it would be nice to go out after last night. They all head to their rooms to change so they can head out. When Louis and Harry get to their room, they see the outfit that Harry wore when he came to bed last night and Harry blushes. Louis looks at Harry and tells him that it was the best night of his life and he wouldn't change it for anything. They are almost done and Liam knocks on the door. Louis opens it for him and Liam comes in and sees the outfit, Harry sees where he is looking and quickly pushes it under the bed.

Liam asks them if they are ready to go and they say that they need to go and get their shoes on and they will be. The four of them head out the door and Louis locks it, then they head to Harry's car and climbs in. They get to the diner and find a seat, Liam and Niall on one side and Harry and Louis on the other side. Louis puts his hand on Harry's thigh and leans over and tells him that he loves him and kisses his lips. They order their food and drinks, they then talk about what they are going to be doing the next week before graduation. Louis tells them that he is going to be working just about everyday after school, so he can take the following week off. Harry tells them that he is going to be working and getting ready for graduation. Liam and Niall says that they will be working a lot this week too.

When they get their food, they start eating and Harry asks Louis why did he take off the following week from work and Louis tells him that he has a surprise for him. Louis goes on to tell Harry that he has talked to his boss too and he will be having the following week off as well. Liam and Niall knows what is going on and they don't say anything to Harry because it is going to be a big surprise for Harry. Niall and Liam tells the other two that they are going to be working next week after graduation and then they are going to be getting things that they will be needing for college. Harry tells them that they will have all summer to get ready for college and not to fret over it.


It is now the morning of graduation and the boys are getting ready. Louis and Harry are in their room and Harry asks Louis his opinion on his outfit  and when Louis turns around and sees what Harry is wearing, his jaw drops. Louis is a loss for words and when he finally does talk, he tells Harry that he looks absolutely beautiful. They walk out of their bedroom to the living room where Liam and Niall are waiting for them and when they see Harry their jaw drops and Louis gets upset and tells them to keep their eyes to themselves. Liam asks Louis if he is really going to let Harry out looking like that and Louis tells him that Harry is his own person and he can wear whatever he wants. Harry goes up to Louis and plants a big kiss on his lips and tells him thank you and that he loves him. They all head out to the two cars, Louis and Harry in his and Liam and Niall in Louis' car. (HARRY'S DRESS BELOW)

When they get to the school, they head into the gym to get their caps and gowns

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When they get to the school, they head into the gym to get their caps and gowns. Louis helps Harry with his and tells him that he can't until later. Harry asks him why and Louis tells him that their moms and families are all going out to dinner afterwards. Liam and Niall's families are also coming with them. It will be like a big graduation party for the four of them. The four of them end up sitting together because they don't have to sit in order. It goes Louis, Harry, Liam, and Niall. The ceremony goes by quickly and they are now on their way to dinner with their families.

When they get to the restaurant, they all go in and get taken to their table. After they order their food, the parents ask what are their plans for he next couple of months until they go to college, Louis tells them that he has a surprise planned for Harry and they will be gone for a week. He then tells them when they get back they are going to start getting everything that they need for college. Liam and Niall tells everyone that they will be working and getting ready for college. After they are served their food and they have eaten, the parents tells the boys that they have a present for them.

Harry's mom goes first and hands him an envelope, Harry opens it up and there is a check for $5,000. He tells his mom that she didn't have to do that because she just got him a car for his birthday and she tells him that this is just a little bit of what she has set back for him for college. She tells him that he can use it for whatever Louis has planned for them. She then gives him a bank book and tells him this is the rest of what she has set back for him, and she tells him that some of it is from his dad and some money his grandmother left him when she passed away. He opens it up and he sees that there is more than $500,000 in the account for him.

Louis' mom gives him an envelope and in it is a check for $10,000 and the reservation for him and Harry at the hotel they will staying at for their vacation. He tells his mom thank you and that he loves her. She tells him to save some of the money for when he starts college in a few months.

Liam's family gives him a little box and when he opens it, it is keys to a car. His mom tells him that it is parked back at their apartment and he can get it when they get back there. They also give him money for college and tells him that the money is just for his first year and they will give him more every year until he graduates college.

Niall's family gives him money for college and for whatever he wants. They tell him to use it wisely and that he will also get more every year for college. He thanks his family and hugs them.

They all decide to head home and get some rest after the long day that they had and they all head to their own homes. When Louis and Harry gets in his car, Harry tells Louis that he didn't know that his family had saved that much money for him for college. Louis asks what does he mean and Harry shows him the bank book and Louis' jaw drops. Harry tells him that he is going to be saving most of it for when they start a family. He tells Louis that he is going to continue working and use that for college. Louis tells him to do whatever he wants to do because it is his money, but Harry tells him no that it is their money because they will be getting married in the future and whatever is his is also Louis. Louis tells him that it goes both ways, so whatever Louis has Harry has also.

They get home and go inside their apartment. Louis and Harry head to their bedroom, Louis tells Harry that he needs to pack for a week away. Harry asks where are they going and Louis tells him that he can't tell him and to just pack a little bit of everything. They pack and take their bags down and sets them by the door. Liam and Niall are in the living room, Liam asks if they are ready to go on their little vacation and Harry says that they just have to take the bags to the car. Niall asks which car are they taking and Harry tells him that they will be taking his. Louis tells Niall that he can use his until he gets back in a week, since Liam now has his own. (LIAMS CAR)

Harry gives Liam and Niall a hug and tells them bye, just in case they are still asleep or gone when they leave in the morning

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Harry gives Liam and Niall a hug and tells them bye, just in case they are still asleep or gone when they leave in the morning. They all then head to bed.

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