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It is now the beginning of June and the wedding is now only a couple of weeks away, and Harry is getting more nervous. He is going for the final fitting of his dress and Louis is wanting to go with him but Harry is refusing him. Louis tries to guilt him in letting him go and Harry tells him that he loves him with all of his heart but he can't go with him this time. Harry tells him that he can stay home, watch and bond with Will while he is gone. Louis asks him who is he taking with him and Harry tells him that he was thinking about taking Niall with him. He finally agrees to let Harry go and take Niall with him, as long as he didn't go by himself, Harry tells him that he wouldn't go by himself anyway.

Right before Harry and Niall walks out of the door, Louis calls Niall over and asks him to tell him what the dress looks like when they get back. Niall tells him that he will, but he has no intention of telling him at all. Louis goes over to Harry and gives him a kiss and tells him that he loves him and will see him soon. The thing was Louis couldn't have followed them anyway, because he had no clue where the dress shop was. A few minutes after Harry left, Will woke up and was needing to be changed and fed. Louis picks him up and changes his diaper, then takes him to the kitchen and makes him a bottle. When Will is done with his bottle, Louis lays him in his lap and he sits there and plays with Will for a little bit. Will starts to get sleepy, so Louis makes him another bottle and gives it to him and it doesn't take long for Will to go to sleep.

Not long after Louis puts Will to bed, Harry and Niall walk into the house with food for them all. Harry gives Louis a kiss and tells him that he will be back in just a second, that he needs to go to the bathroom. After Harry leaves, Louis asks Niall what does his dress look like and all Niall tells him is that it is absolutely gorgeous. Harry comes back out and the sit down and eat their food and just as they are about to finish, Harry gets a phone call. He answers it and the person on the side of the call is making Harry slightly pissed, and he tells them that they will be there shortly. Harry hangs up and Louis goes to ask him what is the matter, but before he can Harry tells him that there is a problem at the florists with the flowers. Harry asks Niall if he will watch Will for them until the get back, and Niall tells him that he would love to watch him.

Louis and Harry get their shoes on and they leave out of the house. It takes them about 15 minutes to get to the florist so they can find out what the problem is exactly. They walk in hand in hand, and the lady who was there tells them that she is extremely sorry but some of  the flowers that they ordered are not going to be there in time for the wedding and that she doesn't know when they would be there. Harry tried to be nice about it but he was just to pissed off to keep his cool. He tells the woman that they have ordered the exact some flowers twice because of their screw ups and he is getting  married in just a couple of weeks. Harry tells her how in the hell is he going to have the wedding without the flowers. Louis tries to calm him down, but this is not working to good.

The lady tells them that they can pick any flowers out of the shop for the wedding and they will not have to pay any extra. Harry tells her that this will be the last time that he ever comes here and he is going to be telling everyone about the service he has received here. She tells him that she is extremely sorry about the mix up, and Harry tells her that it doesn't matter how sorry she is about this. He tells her that they had everything planned out for the wedding, and the flowers that they ordered was the basis of the colors for the wedding. Harry tells her that she has ruined his wedding and then he breaks down in tears. Louis tries to comfort him and nothing he tries works and this causes Louis to break down. Louis pulls out his phone and calls their moms to let them know the entire situation. They tell him that they will be there in just a few minutes.

Their moms get there after a few minutes and Harry is still crying. His mom comes over and wraps her arms around him and tries to comfort him and nothing she does works, Louis' mom tries the same thing. But nothing they do helps him and he passes out. Louis jumps into action and picks him up and takes him out to their car and then takes him to the hospital. His mom tells him that they will stay back at the florist and see what they can do to get this solved. When they get to the hospital, Louis goes in and tells them that his fiancé passed out about 10 minutes ago and he will not wake up and a nurse grabs a gurney and runs out to get Harry. He is brought in and taken straight back to a room to get checked out. They don't let Louis back there until they can run a couple of tests on Harry. Louis calls Niall and tells him what is going on and that Harry is in the hospital and as soon as he finds anything out he will let him know.

Someone finally comes out and gets Louis after about an hour and tells him that he can come back to see Harry. When he gets there, the doctor asks him what happened so they can better diagnose him. Louis tells him that they are getting married in just a couple of weeks and the florist called them and wanted to see them. They go and she tells them that the flowers for the wedding are not going to be there for the wedding and this was the second time that this happened to the flowers. Louis tells them that the first time, they accidently cancelled their order for their flowers and this time they didn't order them in time. He tells him that Harry freaked out and next thing he knew Harry had passed out.

The doctor tells him that Harry is under a lot of stress and he caused his blood pressure to get too high and it caused him to pass out. Louis tells him that Harry had problems with his blood pressure through the last half of his pregnancy and was put on almost complete bed rest the whole time. The doctor asks how old is their baby and Louis tells him that he is 5 1/2 months old. He asks Louis if there is anyway possible that he is pregnant again and Louis tells him that he was put on birth control about a month and a half ago. He goes on to tell him that before that they have been using condoms so he doesn't get pregnant so soon. The doctor asks if he can give him a test and Louis tells him that he can.

Blood is taken and tests run on it and the doctor comes back in and tells Louis that Harry is not pregnant and it was mostly caused by stress. The doctor asks him what he does everyday and Louis tells him. Harry takes care of the baby, takes online classes, makes dinner for them and their friends who lives with them. He asks Louis how long have they all lived together and Louis tells him that they have been living together for almost two years. The doctor asks if there is any way that Harry wants them to move out and Louis tells him that he knows that Harry doesn't want their friends to leave, because they are like their brothers. He tells the doctor that they help him and Harry out as much as they can, so he can get rest and do some of his work for his classes.

The doctor tells Louis that Harry needs to reduce his stress level and Harry is going to have be on rest for at least a week or until the wedding is. Louis tells him that he will make sure that Harry's stress level is reduce, because he just took the last of his tests for the end of this term. The doctor tells Louis that as soon as he wakes up, Harry is free to go home.

Louis calls his mom and asks about the flower situation and she tells him that it is now handled and that they are getting the flowers half price. She tells him that she will send him a picture of the flowers that they got and he tells her thank you. Before he hangs up, Louis tells her what was wrong with Harry and they will be going home soon. He asks her if she will tell Harry's mom for him and she says she will. They hang up shortly after. Not long after that Harry wakes up and Louis tells him what happened and he can go home now.

Mom: Here is what we got for you guys

Louis: Thank you and I will show Harry

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Louis: Thank you and I will show Harry

Mom: Ok, love you and Harry

Louis: Love you too

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