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The kids come back a couple of days later and Harry is excited to show the girls their rooms. Louis brings the girls upstairs to see their present and when they get up there, he has them close their eyes so they can be surprised when they see them. Harry takes one girl, Louis takes one, Liam takes one, and Niall takes the other to their room. They open the door and help them into the middle of the room and then tells them to open their eyes. Joline screams because she loves the way that her room is set up; Elizabeth begins to cry when she sees her room; Erin starts to giggle when she sees hers; and Judith hugs her mommy when she sees it.

As the girls recover from seeing their rooms, they go and see what the others look like. That night the girls are now excited that they are getting their own rooms and will not have to share with one of their sisters. Judith tells Harry that she loves her room, but she is scared being by herself for the first time. Harry assures her that she will be fine in her own room and if she gets scared he is sure that she will be able to go to one of the others room. All of the girls end up doing good in their own rooms and they all sleep throughout the night.



Will is now in his last year of school and the girls are in their second to last year of school. All of them are in advanced classes like their mommy was and both Louis and Harry are proud of them for doing so well in school. The only thing that the kids don't like is that the dad is a teacher at their school. Louis makes sure that they do as they are suppose to and not be going against the rules.

Will is the captain of the soccer team and he has a beautiful girlfriend that he has been with for the past 2 years. Joline, Elizabeth, and Erin are all on the cheerleading squad and Judith is not really into extracurricular activities. Judith is into studying all of the time and just focuses on doing that and she is not picked on because she is that way. Will is very protective of his sisters, and so no one dares picks on them.

Harry is doing really well in his business and he now doesn't really do much. He just goes and looks at the places to be designs and makes out the sketches and then sends people out to do all the work. Harry has about 15 people working for him now and he is looking at getting a couple of more soon.

Louis still loves his teaching career and he is now the one of the head teachers. He has been offered to take over for the current principal that will be retiring soon. He still as to talk to Harry about it before he takes the offer.

Liam and Stacey now have a couple of beautiful kids and they are doing well. Liam is now one of the heads of his departments at the office and Stacey is the personal assistant of the president of the company. Their kids are doing well in school and still have a few years before they get out.

Niall is now the head of the music department at the school and he can not believe that just a few short years ago he was just beginning his career. Becky is currently pregnant with their second child and she is now finishing up her law degree. Their first child is current in her fourth year of school and is doing good.

Louis, Harry, Niall, and Liam all still close to each other and they still go on big family vacations together. Judith usually will babysit all of the younger kids so that the parents can go out and have date nights.


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