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Harry is now officially 8 months pregnant and he has been having some major back and foot pains, and Louis has been massaging them every night. Liam and Niall are trying to help take care of Harry too, but nothing seems to be helping. Thankfully today is his doctors appointment and he will be able to talk to her about all the pain he has been in. Louis has taken the day off from school and of course work so that he can take him to it.

It is now about 8 am and Louis is going up the stairs to Harry up so that he can get ready and have a little bit of food before they leave. Liam and Niall have already left and went to school, so it up to Louis to make Harry something to eat. Before Louis wakes up Harry he gets him out some clothes and socks to put on. He goes to the bed and climbs on top of the covers and gently shakes Harry to get him up. It takes about 10 minutes to get Harry to wake up so that he can get up and get ready for his appointment.

Harry turns over and asks Louis why is he getting him up so early in the morning and Louis tells him it is already 8 am and he needs to get up and get ready for his appointment. He asks Louis if he can help him sit up and Louis more then gladly helps him up from the bed. Louis tells Harry that he already has his clothes out and all he needs to do is get them on. Harry asks him what did he get him to wear and Louis tells him that he got him a pair of leggings, one of his jumpers and a pair of warm socks. Louis tells him that he doesn't want him to get sick this close to the birth of their child.

Harry asks Louis to help him get his clothes on because his back is killing him and it hurts for him to bend over. Louis tells Harry that he will be more than happy to help him get dressed because it is partially his fault that Harry is like this and he will do anything for him. Harry leans over and tells Louis that he loves him and he wouldn't trade him in for anything. Louis tells Harry that he fell in love him the first time that he seen him on his first day of school. He helps Harry get his clothes on and when he goes to stand up, Harry gets a little dizzy and nearly falls to the floor.

Louis catches him and asks if he is okay and Harry tells him that he is just feeling a little bit dizzy. Louis tells him that he will just take him out for something to eat instead of making him something so they can get to the doctors quicker. He helps Harry down the stairs and to the front door, where he bends down and puts on Harry's UGG boots. Harry asks him where are they are going to be going for breakfast and Louis tells him where he wants to go. He tells Louis that he is wanting some blueberry pancakes and some bacon. Louis helps him out to the car and takes him to the local diner and orders him exactly what he wanted.

Once they are done, Louis helps Harry back out to the car and they head to the doctor's office. When they get there, he helps Harry out of the car and takes him to a seat and then goes to the reception desk and gets him checked in for his appointment. The lady at the desk tells him that it will be just a couple of minutes because someone cancelled their appointment so they will be able to get Harry in quicker. Louis goes over and tells Harry that they will be getting seen sooner because someone cancelled this morning.

After about 5 minutes, Harry is called back. The nurse checks his vitals and she gets a worried look on her face and rechecks his vitals, she gets the same results. She quickly gets them into a room and tells them that the doctor will be with them in just a second. The nurse closes the door and runs to the doctor who was in a room with another patient. The doctor asks her what is the matter and the nurse whispers that something is wrong with Harry. Dr. Green quickly runs out of the room and finds one of her fellow doctors coming out of another room. She quickly tells the doctor what is going on and the doctor goes to the patient and finishes up the rest of their appointment.

Dr. Green comes into the room where Harry is and looks at what his vitals are that caused the nurse to become alarmed. She looks and sees that his blood pressure is extremely low and asks the nurse to kindly bring in a blood pressure cuff. The nurse brings it in and Dr. Green rechecks his blood pressure again and she comes out with the same results. Dr. Green then asks Harry to lift his shirt so she can check on the baby. Louis asks her what is the matter and she goes on about checking on the baby. After checking on the baby and making sure that he is doing okay, she tells them that Harry's blood pressure is extremely low. Dr. Green tells them that she wanted to check on the baby before she started talking to them.

Harry starts to get tears in his eyes and she tries to tell Harry and Louis that the baby is fine, but Harry's blood pressure is running to low. Harry looks at her and asks her if it will harm the baby and she tells them that if it remains low it can. She then asks if Harry is doing okay and Louis tells her what happened this morning. Dr. Green tells them that she is going to check his blood pressure and if it is still low than he is going to have to be admitted into the hospital. When she checks it, it is still low. She tells them that she is going to go and call the hospital and have a room ready for Harry when he gets there and she will be back in just a couple of minutes. Harry breaks down and really starts crying, he tells Louis that he is sorry for putting their little boy in danger. Louis tells him that it is not his fault and not to put himself down like that.

Dr. Green comes back into the room and tells them that there is a room ready for Harry at the hospital and to head straight there. She tells them that it depends on his vitals for the next couple of hours, whether or not he will be going home tonight or not. Louis helps Harry off of the table and they make their way out of the office and to their car. Once they are in the car, Louis asks him if he thinks they should call their moms or not and Harry tells him that they will call them in a little bit when they know more of what is going on with him. They get to the hospital and they go in and go to the desk. Louis tells the guy at the desk that the doctor called a little bit ago and got a room for his fiancé. He asks Louis what is the name of the patient and he says Harry Styles.

A nurse comes up to them and asks Harry to please get in the wheelchair and then he is taken to his room. Harry is asked to change into a gown and to please lay down on the bed. Once he is done he is hooked up to all kinds of monitors to check on him and the baby. Louis tells Harry that he is going to text Liam and Niall and let them know what is going on. He tells him that he is only doing this because if him and Harry are not home when they get home, they will start to panic. Harry tells him that it is fine and maybe they should go ahead and let their moms know what is going on also. So this is what Louis does, and they all text him back and tells him that as soon as they are done with work and school, they will be by the hospital to check on him.

Several hours later, their has been no change in Harry's blood pressure. Dr. Green has come in and checked on him when she got done at her office. She tells them that Harry will be staying in the hospital until they can get his pressure up or until the baby is born. Not long after the doctor leaves, Liam, Niall, and their moms show up. Louis tells them what is happening and everyone says that they will take turns staying at the hospital with Harry. The moms tells Louis that if he wants to go home and get a shower and get some clothes, they will stay with him until he gets back. Louis takes them up on their offer and goes and tells Harry that he will be back in a little bit. Harry tells him that he loves him and gives him a kiss.

When Louis left the hospital, he stopped by his work to talk to Steve, his boss. Steve sees Louis and asks him how him and Harry is doing. Louis tells him everything about Harry's blood pressure has been doing the past couple of months. Steve asks why didn't he tell him when it all first started and Louis tells him that he needed to continue working so he can support his family. He tells Louis that he can take as much time as he needs off with pay, but Louis tells him how is it possible. Steve tells him that his husband actually owns the restaurant and he already told him that he can do it. Louis tells Steve that he would like to talk to his husband first before he can agree to it. Steve calls his husband over and tells him what is going on and John (again, I can't remember all the names I used for everyone) tells Louis that just make sure that he takes care of Harry and the baby. John tells him that his job is safe and he will be still getting paid while he takes care of his family. Louis thanks them both and leaves to go home and get everything that him and Harry needs.

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