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It has been about two weeks since they found out that Harry was pregnant again and they still haven't told anyone yet. Liam and Niall are beginning to get suspicious that something is going on with Harry but they haven't confronted him yet. They hear him just about every morning in the bathroom getting sick. Liam and Niall were downstairs before the others and they decide that they are going to confront them this morning. Shortly after they start making breakfast, Louis and Harry come downstairs with Will.

Harry takes Will and sits him in his high chair while Louis is getting their breakfast and some jar food for Will. Once he is done, Louis brings it to the table and hands Harry the baby food and a spoon so he can feed Will. Liam asks Harry if he can ask him a question and Harry tells him that he can always asks questions. He looks down for a second and then looks Harry straight in the eye and ask him what is wrong with him, Niall pipes in that they have been hearing him every morning getting sick. Harry looks over at Louis, which he just nods his head.Harry looks at the both of them and tells them that he found out that he is pregnant again. He goes on to tell them that his birth control stopped working to early and he got pregnant on their honeymoon. Liam asks who all knows and Louis tells them that his boss knows so that he can schedule him off for Harry's appointments and you two.

Harry tells them that they wanted to wait to tell anyone else because they wanted to wait until he was further along before they said anything. Niall asks so you haven't even told your families and Harry tells him nope. Liam asks Louis when were they going to tell them and Louis tells them when they knew for sure that he wasn't going to be having the blood pressure problems like last pregnancy. Liam and Niall tells them that when they are not at work or school they will keep an eye on him. Louis tells them that as long as he doesn't pass out like last time he should be okay. Harry tells them that Dr. Green is going to be teaching Louis how to take his blood pressure so they can keep a better check on it. Liam and Niall tells Louis that they would like to go to the appointment with them , so they can learn how to also. Harry tells them he doesn't have a problem with as long as Louis doesn't. Louis tells them that it should be fine so that they will be able to check on it if he is at work or school and they are home with him. He tells them that he has already went out and bought a cuff to keep at home and he is going to be taking it with them so they can learn on it instead of one from the doctors office.

 He tells them that he has already went out and bought a cuff to keep at home and he is going to be taking it with them so they can learn on it instead of one from the doctors office

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They all go and get dressed so they all can head to the appointment. Liam and Niall tells them that they will all ride in one car so that they don't have to use up more parking spaces. So they all decide to take Harry's car because it was just a little bit bigger than any of the rest of them. Liam puts Will in between him and Niall in the back seat. Louis is going to be driving and Harry is in the passenger seat. They get to the doctors quickly because there was no traffic and when they get there, Liam grabs Will and Louis helps Harry into the office and then goes and registers him. The others go and sit down with Harry leaving a seat beside him for Louis. It doesn't take long for Harry to be called back to see the doctor and Louis tells the other two that he will have a nurse come and get them when it is time for them to learn.

Dr. Green comes in and asks them how they are doing and if they brought the cuff and Louis tells her that they are doing good and they did bring it. She asks to see it and he tells her that their friends came with them so they can learn how to use it and so they can learn when it is too high. Dr. Green tells them to go and get them and she will teach all of them how to use it. Louis runs out and gets Liam and Niall. They come back in and she quickly shows them and then she asks if they would like to see the baby and they all say yes. She brings the machine over to Harry and asks him to lift his shirt. She is running it over his belly when she comes across something and she tells them to just sit patiently for a minute. She goes and gets another doctor and brings him in to see this, even he is shocked by what he is seeing. Harry is worried that something is wrong with his baby and so he asks them about it and Dr. Green tells him that nothing is wrong but this is the first time that she has seen this in someone who hasn't been taking hormone treatments to get pregnant.

Louis asks her what is it and she turns the screen to the four of them and show them that Harry is pregnant with two sets of identical twins. Dr. Green tells them that Harry is going to be put on bedrest a lot sooner than he was the first time. She tells them that someone will more than likely have to be around Harry a lot more. Louis asks her about his schooling and she tells him that as long as he doesn't get stressed and stays at home. She tells them that with this development he will have to come in every week. Louis tells her that either one of them will make sure he comes to his appointments. She tells them that they are free to go and to make sure that they make the next few months of appointments. Harry gets up and Louis helps him off the bed and they make their way out to the reception desk, where Louis makes the appointments for Harry.

Harry asks them to please take him somewhere to get him something to eat and they head out to the diner that they usually go to as a group. They get there and they go to their usual booth and sit down. Louis feeds Will while Harry is finding out what he wants to eat. The four of them place their orders and then they just sit there and talk about how they are going to do this. Harry tells Louis that they need to stop by their moms and let them know about the babies now instead of waiting any longer. Louis tells him that he will call his mom and then set up a dinner with them, and hopefully they can get it done today. Liam and NIall tells them that they will go and talk to their bosses and let them know that they will have to change around their schedules to make sure that Harry is never left alone. Harry tells them that they don't have to do that and they tell him that he is like their brother and that they want to help him as much as they can.

Louis calls his mom and they plan everything out and her and Harry's mom will be there tonight and they will bring them some dinner. The moms get there a little bit after 6 pm and the are ushered to the dining room and they all sit down and have dinner. Once it is over, the four of them make their way to the living room, so they can all have a talk about what is going on. Harry is sitting in Louis lap in the chair by the couch and their moms are on the couch. Louis tells them that they need to tell them something that is very important and he hopes that they take the news good. His mom tells Louis that he should just spit it out and quit stalling. Harry looks at their moms with tears in his eyes and they ask why is he crying and Harry tells them that his birth control stopped working before it was suppose to and now he is pregnant again.

Their moms asks how far along is he and Harry tells them that he is right at 8 weeks and it seems like he got pregnant on their honeymoon. They tell him that is not the end of the world and they will be there for them just like they were for them when Will was born. Louis tells them that there is more and they ask him what else could it be. Harry looks at them and tells them that he is pregnant with two sets of identical twins. His mom looks at him and asks what do you mean and he tells her that he is going to be having four babies at once. She gets up and pulls him into a hug and tells him that it is going to be okay and that they will be there for him and Louis no matter what. They tell them that they love them and thank you.

After they leave, Harry tells Louis that after these babies are born he is going to have everything removed so that they don't have anymore babies. He tells him that five is more than he thought they were going to have and that it will be plenty for them. Louis tells him that he needs to talk to his boss, but he doesn't have his personal number. Harry tells him that he has his husbands number because they have been keeping in touch since he first meet him when he was pregnant with Will. Louis asks for his number and he calls him. When he answers, Louis asks to speak to Steve and he is given the phone. Steve asks what is wrong because he never calls him when he is at home. Louis tells him that he took Harry to his appointment today and that they found out that he was pregnant with twins. Steve tells him that it is great and Louis tells him that he wasn't done yet. He asks him what else could it be and Louis tells him that it is two sets of identical twins and that Harry is going to have to go to the doctor once a week. Steve tells him that he understands and that he will work with him on his work schedule. Louis and Harry tells him thank you, and they hang up with each other.

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