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It is now the middle of April and Will is almost 4 months old and he is one of the sweetest babies in the world. Will has been sleeping more and more during the night and he now hardly ever cries. Louis has been working during the evenings and school in the mornings. Harry has been doing his school work and taking care of Will all by himself during the day and as soon as Louis would get home, he would take over the care of Will for Harry. When Louis takes care of Will, Harry will be making dinner for the household.

On certain days of the week, either Liam or Niall would take care of Will for Harry and Louis while they went on a date. On those nights, Harry would order them some pizzas. Liam and Niall would always tell him that he didn't have to, but he would always tell him that this is a way to pay them back for watching him since they wouldn't let him pay them for babysitting. Liam was going to be watching him tonight and Harry ordered him some Chinese food for the night, because the past couple of times he got him some pizza.

This is a special dinner for them because it has been a year since they found out Harry was pregnant with their little sunshine. The two boys had gone to the doctor earlier in the day, so that Harry can get on birth control. They continued to talk about it, after they talked to Dr. Green about their options. Harry and Louis decided that Harry would get the shot because they figured if he would have gotten the pill, he would have forgotten. Harry is very smart and doesn't forget about much but with taking care of Will and doing his online classes, it would be very likely for him to forget to take it and they are not ready for anymore kids right now.

Their moms were going to be coming to this dinner because they are going to be talking about the wedding and what is left to be done for it. The four of them meet up at the restaurant that Louis works at and Steve had reserved them a private room so they can talk to their hearts content without being interrupted a lot. Harry and Louis get to the restaurant first and they are quickly taken to the room, and when their moms get there they are going to taken back to the room to meet up with them. When they get to the room, Louis pulls Harry into his lap and gives him a kiss. It quickly gets heated and when their moms get there, they cough to get their attention. Louis apologizes for their actions and they tell him that it is okay because they are young and in love.

The waitress comes in and gets their order for their food and drinks. Louis and Harry order a coke for their drink, while their moms order a glass of wine to have with their dinner. Their moms both order some chicken alfredo and Louis and Harry just order a plate of spaghetti to share. As soon as their food and drink orders are delivered to them, they begin to talk about what is left to do for the wedding. Harry tells them that they still need to get the flowers ordered for the bouquets and his mom says that she thought that they were already ordered and Harry tells her that they were but due to a mix up, their order got cancelled.

Louis' mom said that they can all go out on Saturday and get them ordered again and Harry tells her that it would be fine to do that. Steve comes in and asks Louis how everything is going and he tells him that it is going good, just doing the finishing touches on the wedding. Harry tells him that he sent out all of the invitations today so theirs will be in the mail in just a couple more days. Steve tells him that his family is looking forward to the wedding. Louis tells him that he is glad to have a boss like him and he is proud to call him a friend and invite them to the wedding. Steve leaves out and lets them finish their dinner.

Just as they are all about to leave, Harry's phone rings and it is the dress shop about his dress that he ordered. The lady tells him that he will need to come in for a fitting as soon as he can because there is only about 2 months until the wedding. Harry tells her that he can come in on Saturday and she tells him that she will see him then. Louis looks at him and asks what does he have planned for Saturday and Harry tells him that he is going in for a dress fitting. Their moms tell Harry that after they reorder the flowers then they will go to his fitting. He tells them that they will meet them at the florist at 9 am and then they will go the dress shop. Louis asks what is he going to be doing while he is at his fitting and Harry tells him that he will be taking care of little Will.

They all go to their homes and promise to meet up on Saturday morning. Louis asks Harry if he knows exactly the flowers that he wants and Harry tells him that he already has the arrangement and everything done for how he wants it. Louis asks if he can see what it looks like and Harry tells him once they get into the house he will show him everything but a picture of the dress. Louis asks why can't he see the dress and Harry tell him that he wants it to be a surprise for the wedding day and that this is the only tradition he wants to keep.

When they get in the house, Liam is in the living room watching TV and Harry asks about Will. Liam tells him that he went to sleep about 15 minutes ago and he put him into his own bed. Harry tells him thank you for doing that and Liam tells him thank you for including him on the care for Will and for always making sure he has food to eat when he watches Will. Louis asks him if he would like to go with them on Saturday to reorder the flowers and he says he would love to. Liam then asks what happened to the others and Harry tells them that there was a mix up at the florist and so they are going to have get them reordered.

They all head to bed and quickly go to sleep. And their week goes on as usual for all of them.

Our first baby L.S. MPREGWhere stories live. Discover now