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Liam and Niall are due back from their little trip with their classmates. They were gone for about 8 days and they are wondering how Harry is doing and so they try to hurry and get home.  They drop off the people who rode with them and are now heading back to their house they share with Louis and Harry. Unknown to them, Louis and Harry are currently in the middle of having sex and they are being quite loud. Liam and Niall are walking into the house and they hear the two of them, and they are wondering if they should just leave or stay. All of a sudden they hear Harry yell out give it to me DADDY. Niall looks at Liam and they start to laugh and just decide to turn around and leave for a little bit longer.

Louis and Harry continue for a little bit longer and then when they finally finish, Harry asks if Louis can draw him a bath so he can relax. He gets up and goes to the bathroom and starts the water in the tub and then he adds some soothing bubble bath to help relax him more. Harry and him have been having sex every day at least twice, since Liam and Niall have been gone. Louis tells Harry that when he gets in the bath he is going to go down stairs and order them some food because Liam and Niall are due to arrive any time now. Harry asks him if he thinks that they came home early and they heard what they were doing. Louis tells him it doesn't matter because they are in love and already have a baby. Harry tells him it is just embarrassing for him when others hear him.

Louis helps Harry up out of bed and then helps him into the bath and then tells him that he will be downstairs ordering them some food and then he will be back up in a little bit to help him out and then help him dress and then help him downstairs. Harry pulls him down and gives him  a kiss and tells him that he loves him. Louis goes back into their room and grabs a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, then he makes his way downstairs. When he goes into the living room, he sees Liam and Niall sitting on the couch and asks them when did they get home. Niall tells him about the time when they heard Harry yelling GIVE IT TO ME DADDY. Louis looks at them and asks them if they stayed there and Liam tells him that they left after they heard that and they got back about 5 minutes ago. Niall tells him that they were gone for about an hour or more. Louis tells them that Harry has been extremely horny the past couple of weeks and has been wanting it a few times a day.

Louis tells them to please not say anything to Harry about what they heard because he has been really sensitive lately. He tells them that the doctor told them that sex could help Harry go into labor and with Harry already so overdue it has gotten worse. Liam tells Louis that him and Niall won't say anything to Harry about what they heard. Louis tells them thank you and then asks them what they would like for dinner and Niall tells him whatever as long as Harry is getting what he wants. He tells them that Harry has been eating both Chinese and pizza for dinner, so Liam suggests that him or Niall goes to a chicken place and get them some food. Louis tells him that sounds good, and then he tells them that he is going to go talk to Harry and see what kind of sides would he like and he will be back in just a couple of minutes.

He goes upstairs and into their room and asks Harry what kind of sides he would like to have with chicken that Liam and NIall are going to and get for them. Harry asks him when did they get home and Louis tells him that they got home about 5 minutes before he went down. Louis asks him if he would like to go ahead and get out and go down with him or does he want to stay in for a little bit longer, Harry tells him that he will go ahead and get out and head down with him. Louis helps Harry out of the bath and then dries him off and helps him get dressed. The two of them head down to the living room with the others. Liam and Niall see that Harry is coming down with Louis and they asks him if chicken is okay and Harry says it is fine.

Harry tells them that he would like some mashed potatoes, beans, and macaroni and cheese to eat with his chicken. Liam gets up and starts to head to the door and Harry asks him to wait just a second and then he asks Louis to go and get him his wallet. Niall tells him that they are going to be buying the food and Harry tells him that he wants them to go and get some ice cream from the local ice cream place because he is craving some strawberry cheesecake ice cream and they have the best. So with that Louis runs up the stairs and grabs Harry's wallet and then brings it to him. While Louis is upstairs he tells Liam and Niall that he wants to talk to them alone and he wants them to suggest that he goes and gets them dinner because they are tired of driving. Once Louis is back downstairs, Harry's plan takes action and Louis is now walking out of the door.

Once Louis is gone, Harry starts to tell Liam and Niall that since Louis birthday is in just a couple more days, he would like to throw him a party. Liam asks him what would he like to do for him and Harry tells him he would like to have their families over and have dinner and cake. Niall asks him what kind of food would he like to have and Harry tells him that he would like to serve something that Louis would love to have. Liam tells him that Louis absolutely loves his chicken dish that he made that one day after they got engaged. Harry tells them that he is going to have a lot of help because he is on bed rest. Niall and Liam tells him that they will help him with everything, and Harry tells them that the other day he ordered a cake for his birthday, but one of them is going to have to go and pick it up. Niall asks him what are they going to do with Louis during all of this, and he tells them that he has already talked to his mom and she is going to come and pick him up and take him out for a couple of hours.

Louis comes home about 30 minutes later with their food for dinner. They all sit in the living room and watched movies while they ate. The four of them all laid around over they were done eating and talked about how if Harry doesn't have the baby by Christmas that they are going to be inducing him because he is already almost 2 weeks overdue. Harry is getting tired so he lays down and puts his head in Louis' lap. Louis cards his fingers through Harry's hair and massages his scalp, and this puts Harry quickly to sleep.

Harry wakes up in the middle of the night and gets up to go to the bathroom and he gets a pain in his belly. He wants it be labor pains but he doesn't at the same time, because of Louis' birthday. So Harry decides not to say anything to anyone about it. Harry goes back to bed and cuddles back up with Louis and falls back to sleep.

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