Chapter 3

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--Julliet Morrison--

It was after one in the morning and I was in my room attempting to do homework, when I heard a muffled thud come from somewhere in the house.

I contemplated on texting Geovanni so that he could check it out, but then I decided that he was probably asleep and might catch an attitude if I woke him up, which led me to settle on leaving him alone.

I tip toed out of my room and tried my best to stay as quiet as possible, while I investigated the sound. The closer I listened, another thud like the first came from what sounded like downstairs.

I made my way down the stairs as quietly as possible, squinting to make my way through the darkness as the sounds of someone clapping seemed to be getting louder. At this point, I knew it was coming from the kitchen.

I was beyond worried of what I'd find at this point; a ghost? Or even worst, a thief? The unknown was agonizingly frightening. I got down on my hands and knees and crawled toward the entrance of the kitchen. The entire house was dark, except for the dim, tiny beams of moonlight streaming in through the windows.

There was a soft grunting that proceeded the clapping noises, which had me a bit more worried. Oh my God, it is a thief or two! I thought to myself as I quietly crawled closer toward the kitchen's entrance.

I squinted my eyes and looked through the darkness. I was able to make out a shadowy figure moving in the dark and it didn't take long for me to realize what was going on.

It was Geo, mercilessly screwing some random broad from the back on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

She was bent over the island, butt ass naked and he was hammering into her from the back. Their colliding skin was what was causing the clapping noises I heard earlier.

I tried squinting a bit more, in hopes of seeing more. From what I could see, he had his hand cupped over her mouth, in what I'm guessing was an attempt to shut her up by muffling her moans, which were the grunts I also previously heard.

I looked beyond her twisted up face and toward Geovanni and flinched a little once I realized it seemed as though he was looking directly at me while pumping into this girl.

Can he see me? I wondered. If he can, doesn't he care that I'm watching this? If he can, why isn't he stopping?

I allowed my gaze to fall back toward the girl for a brief moment, before fixing it on Geo once more, the fact that his eyes seemed to still be focused on me made me think that he really was able to see me.

I guiltily crawled away as quickly as I possibly could and when I was far enough, where I was certain I couldn't be seen, I stood back to my feet and made my way back up the stairs into my room.

About half an hour later, while I was finishing up my homework, I heard talking coming from downstairs. I knew it had to be Geovanni and his mystery woman in conversation.

Curiosity made me listen in on their exchange of words, which caused me to realize that they were actually now arguing.

"So you're just gonna throw me out after fucking me?" The girl yelled.

"You knew what it was about before you agreed to come here, Adrianne. Dammit, just get yo' ass on already." Geo growled at her.

"Fuck you. You square headed ass motherfucker." Adrianne, I guess, shot at Geovanni, which made me snicker to myself a little.

"You just did and it wasn't even all that." He retorted causing my mouth to slightly hang open.

A few seconds later, the front door was snatched opened and slammed shut. I used that time to scurry over to my light switch. I flick it off and hurried back over to my bed, where I darted under the covers and pretended to be asleep.

Moments later, footsteps were heard coming up the stairs. They got to the landing and were now making their way down the hall toward my room.

I knew it was Geo heading to his room, which was a little beyond mine, but the footsteps came to a halt in front of my door, I squinted through the darkness at Geo's silhouette in my doorway.

"You ain't slick Jules, g'night." He remarked before continuing toward his room. Shit, he had caught me. Was all I could think at that moment.

A light flicked on in Geo's room, its beam spilled into the hallway, illuminating it a bit. Something about the way Geo treated that girl made me question what kind of lover he was. He seemed so... harsh.

It also made me think about the way we always treated each other with hostility. Maybe it wasn't just me he had hatred for. Maybe, it was all women I pondered, while staring up at the ceiling I could barely even see.

--Geovanni Parris--

I knew that Julliet saw me fucking Adrianne earlier. She sat there on her hands and knees watching me lay pipe on another chick. It made me question things about her.

I knew she probably didn't expect to find what she did in the kitchen, so at first she was prolly a bit shocked, but it's what made her watch for that one extra minute that made me question it.

Julliet was always the curious type. A few times, when we were younger, I caught her watching me sleep.

It was creepy as hell, but I decided that she was just being curious, especially since that was the only time she ever got to observe me without us ever getting at each other.

If I didn't know better, I would think that she's secretly attracted to me. I chuckled lightly at the thought.

That lah' girl is just too damn weird if you asked me. She's always been like that; weird and spoilt rotten. She could be weird all she wanted to be, but her attitude wasn't gonna cut it with me no fucking way.

I sighed and began searching for a good porn video on my phone, to finish the job Adrianne couldn't.

I don't even know why I called up her to begin with. Her sex was always trash. My meat was still begging for a beating due to her poor service. All the bitch ever did was lay there like she hasn't been having dicks up her cunt since she was twelve.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of her and tried to focus on the porn playing on my phone, while I stroked myself after getting into it a bit.

It's gonna be a long ass night.




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