Chapter 157

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--Guilia Parris--

I was sitting at the dinner table, doing a research paper, when Thalia walked into the kitchen and began washing the dishes.

I stared at her for a bit, observing her. She had a tired look written across her face. She visibly sighed as she filled one section of the sink with water and sorted the wares on the counter.

"Thalia?" I called, causing her to turn the pipe off as she turned toward me.

"Yes?" She replied.

"I'm sorry about everything that I said to you." I apologized. "I'm bisexual too." I admitted. She only stared blankly at me, causing me to.further explain myself. "I've been sleeping with a girl as well." I admitted.

"As well?" She questioned

"Yep." I confirmed with a nod. "I've been sleeping with four guys and her." I confessed further.

"You have five sexual partners?" She puzzled with her brows raised and her eyes wide. "Guilia, please tell me that you're using protection?" She pleaded.

"I do..." I trailed. "With three of them." 

"Lia..." She whined as she came over and sat beside me. "I know we've had our misunderstandings and whatever Lia, but you're better than that." She fussed. She placed her hand under my chin, lifing my head so that my eyes will meet hers. "Lia, you're a beautiful, intellegent and very loved young woman. Why are you doing that?" She asked.

"I don't know, Auntie Thalia." I shrugged. "Why do you sleep with Mom and Dad?" I asked.

"To be honest, your Mom and I sort of shared a moment and things happened and for a while, we were seeing each other.

We both needed someone. She had left your Dad and I had left Elliott and we found comfort in each other. We found companionship in each other.

I fell in love and at first, she said that she didn't feel the same way and I thought I should've known better, like I was just her rebound from your Dad.

Then your Dad started seeing that woman, Adrianne and she asked me to sleep with him, because she didn't want him to sleep with her. I was in love with her, so I did it for her." She shrugged. "All along she acted as if she didn't know about me and your Dad's affair, until he admitted it to her. That's when she told him about me and suggested that we could all be together. I thought it was crazy and your Dad did too, so he disagreed.

However, she still had us dating each other and the more we learnt about the other, the more we noticed the similarities we shared. I guess your Dad and I formed a bond with each other, but we never established a relationship. Nor are we intimate.

Being in a three way relationship doesn't seem so crazy anymore. I have people who love me despite what I've been through." She expressed.

"What have you been through?" I asked.

"Lia, I had to strip to pay tuition and that's where I met Brianna's Dad, at the strip club. I had to strip because I didn't have anyone to financially support me. My stepdad murdered my mother and I was living with my Grandma. I wasn't able to get a scholarship, so I had to do the next best thing.

While working at the strip club, I was raped in the back alley one night after I left work. Everything was so hard for me.

At first, Elliott was everything. He was the love of my life." Tears began rolling down her cheeks. "He married me and we had a child and everything was perfect. Then he changed. He became abusive and I found out about his second life. His second family." She shook her head. "Your Mom and Dad were there for me." She sighed heavily. "They cared enough to pick me over him, even though he was their friend and I was just an outsider." She shrugged. "I never had people to be there for me like that. Not since my grandmother died." She confided. "So I'm sorry if my relationship with your Mom offended you or made you uncomfortable, Lia. That's why I chose to respect your wishes and leave.

As a young woman, I know that it seems like I probably had ulterior motives, because it's not exactly normal for someone to want to be the third party in a relationship. But your parents made me feel something." She explained.

"I guess it's my turn huh?" I asked as I wiped the tears that had fallen while I listened to Auntie Thalia's explanation. She chuckled lightly.

"You don't have to explain if you don't want to, Lia." She assured me.

"Well, Brianna and I made a pact with each other and ourselves that we'd remain virgins until we're married, but I got raped by the guy I used to date." I sighed. "Brianna had my brother and I know that Krys will never do that to her, but here I am.

I was being a good person just like her and I still had it snatched from me, by the person I chose to trust." I sobbed. "I was so bitter. I just said fuck it, because what was it all worth? I tried so hard and it still wasn't hard enough.

I started sleeping around and I became envious of Brianna and the fact that she still had her virginity to share with my brother whenever they chose to get married. I'd just be some used bitch on my wedding night." I shook my head.

"Brianna told me that I didn't have to sell myself short, because one person couldn't respect my boundaries and that I still had to respect myself. We sort of got into it because she called me out on my promiscuity and I told her that you were a cheap concubine.

Everything was just eating at me and I found myself lashing out." I wiped frantically at my tears. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or hurt my Dad, because I know that he's hurt about you being hurt and I'm sure that Mom will be so upset as well when she finds out about me.

I'm so sorry about making you move out and getting hurt, Auntie. I swear, I didn't mean to. You've been so good to us since Mom has been in the hospital and I love you. I promise, I didn't mean to." I cried hysterically.

Her arms wrapped around me tightly as she embraced me and whispered comforting words to me, rocking us from side to side.

"It's ok, Lia. I love you too. I forgive you." She mumbled into my ear. "Everything will be fine, just promise me that you're going to do better."



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