Chapter 66

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--Geovanni Parris--

"You're picking the kids up or do I have to do it?" I asked Julliet who seemed to be in a very suckish mood. Since she got back from Jan's house, she's been hot headed.

"You go." She almost barked.

"What happened at your folks' place?" I inquired about her suspicious reaction toward her parents.

"Nothing." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"Come on, Jules, I know it has to be something." I pressed.

She huffed and rolled her eyes.

"He came at me wrong. That's all." She shrugged again.

"About what?"

"About us." Her nostrils flared, letting me know she was still upset about the situation.

"Wanna talk to me about it?" I asked as I sat beside her.

"I'm tired of people telling me what's wrong with our relationship, Geo. We have problems and I get that. I get that sometimes we're not the best representations of what's best for each other, but you make me better. Could you imagine what my life would've been like if I married Alexis?" She vented as I listened attentively.

"Could you imagine what it would've been like if I married Skylar?" I countered, making her chuckle.

"You would've been cheating." She shrugged.

"Yeah, with you." I smirked.

"When did you know you were going to marry me?" She asked.

"When I caught you sneaking in from seeing Alexis that one time and I got jealous. We hadn't even had sex yet and I was envious that you were possibly fucking the guy I knew you were with." I admitted. "I was mad and I knew I wanted you. I knew I was in love with you. I wanted to make you mine and only mine forever."

"You were screwing Skylar." She reminded me.

"Because Jules, you were too special to me at that time and I wasn't sure about settling down and your friend just threw herself at me, so I took it. I really wanted to be balls deep in you, but she made herself a perfect substitute. I didn't want to dishonor you in any way, so I waited until I knew for sure that I was willing to give it all up for you." I shrugged.

"I'm sorry if I'm not all you expected." She pouted.

"You're more than anything I've ever expected, Julliet. You accepted my son like your own. You built a friendship with his mom. You're everything I needed and more."

"Even though I cheated, had an abortion, kept secrets and was difficult a whole lot?" She questioned.

"I needed that too. I needed that to teach me patience and understanding." I nodded.

"Promise me that we'll always find a way."  She requested.

"We'll always find a way, babe." I agreed. "I promise."

--Julliet Parris--

I sat in the car while my husband went into the house to get our kids. I was determined to stay out of my Dad's way after the bullshit he spat the other day. My tolerance level for how people felt about me and my life was really low these days.

"The kids are out with your Mom, so because I know you won't wanna stick around, I guess we're just going to pick them up tomorrow." Geo announced as he got into the car.

"What took you so long then?" I questioned as he started the car.

"Hey, you got beef with your pops, not me. Me and your old man we're cutting it up a bit." He shrugged as he began the drive home.

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